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Everything posted by GRS

  1. beautiful, crap, if only i can do that, what version is that, what program you used (and stupid question, how to use ribbons or "medals" in this forum)
  2. what should i do,big space stations, over 10 kermans there and back (took less delta v than expected, so...yes), big rover, some literal network system or some asteroid moons, which is the most impressive
  3. Well, thanks, i have a habit of not making complex plans, in fact i'm planning for a "suicide mission" (Jool 5 with no docking), maybe i'll try to land on the canyon, maybe making a single launch Dres space station in the future
  4. Normal mission with 1 kerman, maybe increased to two or so, no nukes and ions, no rendezvous and refuel, as i always do, difficulty for me = 2UPER (Super 2, harder than Tylo, but below Eve)
  5. Will Eeloo - Dres and back enough to satisfy these, for now thats all i have (Dres will be finished after Eeloo)
  6. you can still ignore that inclination of Bop's, if you use rendezvous style you will stay in zero inclination (sort of) orbit around Jool, just go to the "two points", Laythe wont be so hard compared to Tylo, better use jets, Laythe has atmosphere for some aerobrakes
  7. just got 1.5, i'll have to land on every bodies before this, my intention never changed, if 1.5 allow me to build larger ones without crashing the game
  8. SHIP, sorry but i need better version, i finished all other planets so this wont be a trouble, i dont like rendezvous because it took time, i'll consider it as one ship carrying more than 1 lander each capable of returning to kerbin or one Mammothic Lander (i mean big, not using Mammoth) capable of landing on all moons and return with its power alone
  9. Finally, it starts, hope i can finish it soon (it's over 5 redesigns on 800< parts vessel with nearly 10k tons)
  10. If you're very far from jool, then it must be solar storm (i mean kerbolar storm) or something else, lets just say that storm for now
  11. No, it's even worse, planets will be like useless decorations that will fly to infinite without gravity, if kerbol makes no gravity, even ion engine in a 10k tons will take you to escape trajectory from tylo, atmosphere wont exist though, and no gravity = INFINITE TWR (geeASL = 0, 0 × mass = 0)
  12. 4th dimension space program Infinite celestial bodies in their trajectories, seemingly one with the others, literally untouchable, timewarp is useless (reason : 4th dimension is past, present and future as a unison) 4th dimension parts Only work with 4th dimension space program and makes infinite parts in it's trajectories, can touch 4th dimensional planets So Stupid
  13. Anybody home ?! I made a 10.000 ton ship with no parts bigger than 3.75 m, it's purposed to be interplanetary and roughly 30 stages
  14. I think this is related to jool emitting some radiations that killed your kerbals, and seems to be wider than its SOI
  15. Thnx for that, almost all of my ksp time are in sandbox mode (and what you said sounds like indonesian language)
  16. I found that my tylar lander stage is kinda OP a little, so i'd better put 20k m/s delta v on it, 2k for margin safety, and i don't really need nerva anymore, so: Kerbiting 4k Joolar transfer 2k Tylar capture 1k (hopefully less) D'Lander 22k (20k will hopefully be enough) Total 27k needed
  17. yes, but if the sun makes no gravity, go interstellar post leaving atmosphere, landing on mun would be LITERALLY impossible, if it's not moving
  18. Simply strap some scanner probes on your ship, easy ? For more details. Just wait longer
  19. Well, hope 1.0.5 attempts are still capable to enter the leaderboards as so as 1.0 and beyond, i said this because i doubt my pc can handle ksp 1.3.0 which i got from a friend (that also plays ksp) and well, the mission seems to be going to be so hard (Difficulty : SUPREME/SUP3R) since many landings and advanced planning (0.1 TWR made it Difficulty : ULTRA)
  20. Kerbiting = 4000 m/s Joolar transfer = 2000 m/s Capture to tylo = 1000 m/s D'Lander (tylo to return stage) = 22000m/s Total = 29000 m/s It will be dockless which made me work really hard, i made a new one with 30050 m/s delta-v exactly, that should be enough Thnx mate
  21. planning Jool-5 mission and trying to avoid docking for reasons, turns out, delta-v of the craft is inadequate by around 3500 m/s (it took 32000 m/s delta-v), my jool-5 rocket is my largest existing vehicle with currently 984 parts and 28500 m/s delta-v, finished eve docklessly without ion or Nerva with 735 parts rocket (now modified into 766 or more parts), longest mission was Eeloo-Dres mission in a single launch, that took 34-36 kerbal years but with more than 500 m/s of margin safety (no Nerva, dockeing and ion), landed on every land-able body, after that, making my own planet and land on them myself
  22. to go to orbit = around 4000 m/s get to jool system = around 2000 m/s jool capturing = gravity assists + less than 1000m/s (hopefully) tylo capturing = around 3000 m/s (maybe) D'Lander = around 22000 m/s TOTAL = 32000 m/s = holy SHIP guess i need some nerva (and don't list me on the leaderboards.....YET)
  23. what should i REALLY do in this challenge, is it okay to use scan satelite via polar kerbiting
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