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Everything posted by GRS

  1. 66 (+) It looks quite good, and took some effort to make... I'll feel bad if i don't wear it, so...respect for you @XB-70A
  2. Cool...i'll be posting more details later...it looks good though, but i'm mobile now, and meanwhile... 4th Dot Acquired !!! Edit : Looks good...but thing is...i think you should remove The Part Clipping on that upper Separator.
  3. Take a look at the mass settings, you can find it in Orbit or just get rid of The Lifter leaving Payload only.
  4. Nice...you did that quite nicely, good luck on whatever you're planning on.
  5. Wow...wait...why are you talking to yourself...? Where are the others...?
  6. Good, looks like you plotted everything together (1 mission starting while you're still dealing with another one)
  7. It's just getting more realistic, this also means that you need to be careful in Landings, and get rid of Part Clipping in your routines, especially in weak parts.
  8. Vectors are bad for Upper stage, trust me, they're great for Eve Landers and Kerbin Ascent...
  9. Kerbin (LKO) Minmus Mun Ike Gilly Duna Pol Bop Dres Vall Eeloo Laythe Moho Tylo Eve (bring Vectors for maximum efficiency) All those contains returning, Gilly is harder than Ike since Gilly is harder to counter, Moho is quite hard for bad inclination in a low SMA, i have my methods to counter those three (Moho Eeloo Dres).
  10. 4 Dots Acquired !!! (Or is it ???)

    1. The_Arcitect


      *looks at profile*

      I can safely conclude that you have four dots.

  11. Build some random stuff and Launch them, after getting a fairly large rocket, i kept groaning for no reason, turns out... As i Launch it properly, it effortlessly gained orbit, and Get to Mun, but crashed thanks to inabillity to terminate speed before Touchdown...
  12. No, not that much...(only left a bunch of Structural Pylons from Eve Centurion), @FreshHotEngines, you mean your Eve Entry ???
  13. @Sundaygloom Welcome to the Forum !!! Eve is pain, you have to beat Tylo, Laythe and Moho before you call yourself prepared enough, managed to get to Eve and back after 9 months since i started, Tylo and others during 6th months, all with Direct Ascent...
  14. I've been spamming posting many stuff, but i feel like i haven't properly Introduce myself, so... My name is Galih Rafi Salauddin, i was born 8th October 2001, i'm Indonesian here, i'm a First born with 2 Siblings, currently approaching my Second Kerbal Forum anniversary, i found KSP during 2014, when my friend played it, back then...0.23 appears to be the latest version, got my own in 2017, was a 0.23, now i'm playing 1.5 and occasionaly 1.6 in a DAMN PENTIUM...with Keyboard and Mouse.
  15. Nearly 2 years...dormant for 3-6 Months, been very active lately, mostly posting in Forum Games and certain Challenges...
  16. Like @ManEatingApe said, but you better get them out before entering 30 Km ASL.
  17. At least you survived, you need 6000 Delta v to get to Mun safely with loads of Margin, if you're not so capable to launch efficiently...
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