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Everything posted by Lathari

  1. Is it possible somehow to simulate ablator burn-off? In JNSQ even simple science containers need heatshields and the ablator is heaviest part of return capsule. As it ablates the the capsule slows drastically faster than the prediction. Guesstimating the needed overshot can get annoying after a while.
  2. @Gotmachine This is what I get for being lazy and just copying the updated steam install over the modded one, instead of starting with a blank copy and adding mods there... Well, hopefully no other fixes for non-existing problems are present. But anyways, Thank You and keep up the good work.
  3. New logs and zipped save. Vessel 'Craft' was on the launchpad with panels extended and with fairing. After revert to launch, panels were retracted, fairing gone and tank went to default subtype. It is as if the modules 'reset' to blank state on loading. Hopefully this helps. I found someone with same problem way back and nabbed the ModuleIndexingMismatch=false hack from their posts, but couldn't find the posts again. I was just reminded of this after updating the KKSPCF and forgetting to set flag false and losing a bunch stored experiments when loading a vessel.
  4. Not sure if this a known issue but if I don't set ModuleIndexingMismatch = false then on loading a vessel (or reverting to launch) all parts reset. Solar panels are retracted, fairings disappear, anything with B9PartSwitch returns to default etc. Logs here but with ModuleIndexingMismatch=false set. (not willing to try with 'true' as vessels get borked) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mULD0gmwx2q_xkpKJiWh6-FS4N0EXpgQ?usp=sharing Nothing more.
  5. You need to install them in VAB into the engine pods yourself, they are not included in the pod itself.
  6. For anyone who waits for a proper launch window on pad and runs out of EC there is Launch Clamp Fuel Pumping. I grabbed this part @PART[launchClamp1]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleGenerator] { @isAlwaysActive = true @OUTPUT_RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @rate = 45 } } for MyOwn.cfg MM patch file to keep the juice flowing. @NerteaWould something like this be useful as core mod patch? Cheers
  7. I had the same issue, solution if anyone needs was to add ModuleManager version 4.1.4 to my GameData folder.
  8. Hi After returning to JNSQ after SLS fiasco first two attempts I had neon green grass... After reading forums I copied colorFix.cfg to gamedata, no change. Bit more reading I noticed in JNSQ thread it says: @Class,* where as the colorFix says @*,* Editing the colorFix.cfg fixed the neon green grass. Not sure if just me but might be a typo.
  9. Yeah, tends to create sudden critical existence failures in JNSQ, unless you keep your periapsis above 46Km. I have been using one size larger heat shields with flat adapters from ReStock+, this way I can dive deeper and actually land without multiple passes through upper atmo.
  10. Not sure if this is actually a FAR issue/solution, but I have been having constant yellow slow mode issues. I Decided to have a look at the console and seeing constant part voxelization spam related to the new circular panels. Same behavior with small and big crafts. Solution: I went to settings from main menu and turned off "verbose logging". Voilà, massive crafts launch smoothly and only occasionally flash yellow. Haven't yet checked real numbers, but launches seem proceed at about double (mission time vs. real time elapsed). Console also seems to be clear of spurious messages. So the lesson is try to remember to turn off debugging tools once the mods are playing nicely and no longer needed.
  11. It might have been 1.12.1 at the time of incidents, I was still quite early in my career and decided to rage-quit™ and start a new career, haven't used alarm clock apart from transfer windows in 1.12.2.
  12. Tide and Transfer Window wait for no kerbonaut. But yes, the SAC and STWP seem suffer from teething problems. In my JNSQ career I'm missing the option to select non-optimal munar and minmus(ian?) transfers and tend to rely on KER's transfer info. Also it seems the Kronometer and SAC don't like to play nicely. Raw alarm few days into the future might be only couple of hours and I missed two asteroid captures because of wonky alarms.
  13. Came here to post the link, but instead just going to say congratulations.
  14. Anyone else noticing, that when using NFLV engine mounts, you have to spacebar the engines in offset mode to reset their placement and null torque?
  15. Hi, Loving all the mods, but there is just one very tiny teensy thing that has been bugging me. Would it be possible to flip the z-800 battery pack's thumbnail's rotation? I know it's nothing major but it just seems out of place with the blank gray backside showing compared to other radial batteries.
  16. Yes, it very much looks like there's no random element to dithering so you get the dot pattern.
  17. Not the original poster but having the same issue. Deleted both Waterfall and WaterfallRestock folders and re-installed, no luck.
  18. Anyone else having issues with Kerbodyne Engine Cluster Adapter Tank creating huge torque when engines are first attached? Then if you move the engines and then reset their location with space, torque goes away? Nothing too serious, just caught me off guard while building.
  19. Re: ScanSat Would it be possible to have an option to add user defined EC drains to simulation? This a way you could manually add unsupported parts and check battery endurance.
  20. Well, I just have keep over-electrifying my probes for the near future (not sorry). But keep up the good work.
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