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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. There's a docking port inside the cargo bay immediately behind the crew cabin. Why do you think they can't go through there?
  2. Nope. I'm only vaguely aware of what Discord is, and I don't want to know more. TUBM prefers Ethernet over Wifi.
  3. I recently learned that Edwin Hubble was born about 25 miles from where I'm currently living. There's a replica model statue thing in front of the Marshfield, MO courthouse. I'm in Marshfield once in awhile for work, so next time I'm over there I'll have to check it out. Is there any bit of space history near you?
  4. If OP isn't opposed to a few more mods, a little surgery with KIS/KAS could also have the same effect without having extra docked joints.
  5. I feel so gross. Like, I actually wanted to take a shower after doing this. Today, I had to...ugh.. Install Windows 10 on something. Because Brethedge won't run correctly in WINE. The good news is that you can, in fact, install Windows 10 with a Windows 7 key.
  6. I noticed when I hit 1701 posts and contemplated just... not posting any more.
  7. I must be really, really rusty when it comes to console gaming. I used to play Halo: Reach 6-7 hours a day. I've played it maybe a total of 8 hours this year now. Managed to play a bit with my brother and my daughter last night. My daughter managed three kills in one game. One was me, one her uncle. She's 9. She doesn't really play video games, at all. So she's not a gamer kid.
  8. I try to avoid tweakscale whenever possible. It used to be that I couldn't play without KER. That has changed slightly. After trying a stock + KER game recently, I realize I cannot, I will not, play without KJR as well. The stock floppiness of any reasonably sized rocket is pure BS.
  9. This would be easier, quicker, and cleaner. Just re-install.
  10. DMagic has a device like this, but it can only be used on atmospheric planets. You might be able to hack that one to do what you want. Even if you can't I highly recommend DMagic Orbital Science (Currently awaiting an update for full compatbility with US II) and Surface Experiment Pack (Requires KIS/KAS, but lets you build surface experiment bases) to anyone looking to do more sciency stuff.
  11. It's understandable - a lot of people here celebrate that stupid holiday for a month straight. That is really cool. I did not know that! Welcome @THEdragon!
  12. They really, really need to stop including it then.
  13. Simply means there are no new posts and you haven't posted in the topic. If you click on a topic that has the blue circle, and don't post, then you'll be caught up on the topic, so the icon will disappear. Every once in awhile I'll mark the entire site as read, I think it helps to easily see if there are new new posts instead of old posts that I just haven't read yet.
  14. You can't just slap a 64 bit OS onto 32 bit hardware though. So that's only an option if this particular computer came a 64 bit CPU and a 32 bit OS installed. I've heard of it happening, but I think the chances are low. Also, given the way the computer is described as a toaster... I'm guessing that it's some sort of cheap bare-bones box that's not upgradable. We'll definitely need exact hardware specs on the PC.
  15. You might try sticking a very lightweight persistent Linux distro onto a flash drive, booting from that, and using it just for KSP. Is there any budget for a better PC? You can get pretty decent, very KSP capable refurbished laptops nowadays for $100-$150.
  16. I haven't done any benchmarks, but I recently went from 32 GB of 2400mhz to 32 GB of 3600mhz (Although I haven't been able to get it to run faster than 3200 yet). I only played a little bit of KSP, but it seemed to act normal. Hopefully once I get my new hardware all tuned in I can do some flat-out comparisons with 2400 vs 3600. Remember that you need a board that can OC it and a CPU that can handle it as well. I didn't know squat about Memory overclocking until I per-emptively bought the hardware and then started researching it. I'm pretty sure I know less now. There's a lot to it. But really, going from 2133 or 2400 to ~ 3600 isn't that much more cost-wise. If you know how to OC Memory at all, get the faster stuff anyway. When I got my 32 GB 3600 kit, it was like $10 more than the same brand-model 32 GB 2400 kit.
  17. It seems it's tinypic itself being the problem. I can't load the image, even in another tab using the direct link.
  18. Finally got all my new hardware in my computer. Overclocked the RAM to 3600mhz, which is what it's rated for. System boots, but browsers kept crashing and the system would freeze. It's a fresh Linux install... so I figured it had to be hardware. Turned the RAM down to 3200 mhz and everything seems stable for now. Unfortunately I don't know squat about memory overclocking settings, so I'm stuck with what XMP has for now. But anyway, something nasty happened with FF crashing. All my saved passwords are gone. Re-syncing hasn't brought them back.
  19. You could say that. TUBM is over 6' (183cm)
  20. It may not contain fuel, but it wasn't empty. So fuel or something else, I think it should have the ability be something other than a big empty cone.
  21. I looked through the manual, and the only downside seemed to be that you couldn't use SATA0 if you had a SATA m.2 drive installed. Since my m.2 SSD is NVMe, it didn't matter. Although I can't get my memory to overclock like the 2400 mhz stuff did on my old board. XMP sets it to 3600 mhz with the recommended timings that are on the package, but then it won't POST. I messed with some settings and got it to get to grub, but the actual OS wouldn't load. I have some readin' to do, apparently.
  22. Uh... Not sure what this is. Can you clarify?
  23. Because that's what I want it to do. It's a functionality that's existed since the concept of tabbed browsers existed, and there's no reason for them to go out of their way to remove it. We can still have a homepage, for when you open a new window. But a new tab? NO. You need to add an extra step to get to where you're going because reasons. I shouldn't have to install a hacky add-on that's constantly getting broken with browser updates just to keep a basic functionality that is harming nothing by existing. I do not like to search using the address bar, especially since browsers tend to use the most useless search engines by default for that. It's presumptuous to assume that I want an adaptive quick link system that's constantly changing when it's not what I want. It's right on par with me checking the price online at Amazon for something once, not even adding it to my cart, then receiving promotional emails from Amazon for the next week begging me to buy one. Set all that crap to default, I don't care. But seriously, let me turn it off. * - yes I know this is irritating me more than it should. I get your point entirely, it's just not how I want my browser set up.
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