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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Sorry @HyperDraco, I think you either just have too many parts, or, way, way too much clipping. I didn't get too into it because it was pretty choppy in the SPH, but I did see a lot of graphical shimmering. It did launch, though, and survive for a few seconds. Had about 4 seconds per frame during the explosion. What you see is what I saw. Keep in mind this is a 4.2 Ghz i7-7700K with 32 GB of RAM running at 3333 mhz and a 6GB GTX-1060. The yellow messages from PhysicsRangeExtender aren't showing up on the screenshots, but the explosion seems to coincide with that finishing doing whatever it's doing. I think you should start over, and keep part count in mind. I was going to turn on unbreakable joints... but it was already on. Is that something BDA does automatically?
  2. There's a spotlight in one mod that tracks your mouse, so I don't see why not.
  3. I just want the ability to consume a Werthers without chewing...
  4. This ^^ If you bought it to test yourself on learning the ins-and-outs of space travel with launching, transfers, orbits, and landing, then that's your proper way to play. If you bought it to build neat rockets and take screenshots while MJ flies them around, then that's your proper way to play. If you bought this game to specifically see how far you could catapult a kerbal using the exhaust from a Mammoth engine, then..well, that's your proper way to play. Some of you know me to be absolutely against part clipping of any kind when it comes to moving parts. I will constantly see crafts build with plane control services, retractable antennas, solar panels, wheels, etc that are inside other parts while moving. Drives me crazy. Literally bothers me to look at them. I can't play that way. But you can. And you're not wrong. I won't use MJ. But you can. And you're not wrong. It's a single player game, people. How Bill plays doesn't affect Bob's experience. And if Bob has a problem with the way Bill plays, then Bob can just ignore Bill. Telling people that they need to learn how to fly properly first is like telling a kid that just got a brand new Lego set for their birthday that they need to build what's on the instruction sheet before they build their own creations. You wouldn't do that, would you?
  5. I don't know for certain, but the way I imagine it working: In their database, each of our accounts has value in a "# of posts" column. When you post, that number is increased by 1. Unless you post in The Lounge, then it's not increased at all. When a post is hidden (AFAIK they're never removed, if a mod removes your post, it's simply hidden) or moved to The Lounge, the system isn't going to bother scanning the users of the content to adjust their post count. So if you have a thread that starts in The Lounge and is moved elsewhere, your count wouldn't increase. Likely the same process for rep.
  6. Well, you can't "turn it 64 bit" There's no switch. It would require a full install of the OS. With that hardware, I would suggest trying out a lightweight Linux distribution instead of Windows. Should be able to run 64bit smoother than XP if you're having issues (Oh how I do hope you're running XP) and use much less memory. Lubuntu would be a good start.
  7. ...why? If your hardware is 64 bit, I can't think of a single reason to run a 32 bit OS... If your hardware is 32 bit, then yes, you're going to need an older version.
  8. I don't know anything about BDA, but I think you'll find this an issue, if not the issue. That is a lot of parts to be moving around on the surface. It's iffy enough using that many pieces in space. I have a fairly high end computer, ping me when you get the craft uploaded, and I'll take a gander.
  9. If I'm not mistaken, there's a mod with adjustable arms that automatically get the CoM centered between your RCS ports. Which one is escaping me however. My solution (which ended up being more fun anyway) was to stick RCS ports on the payload, and then remove them with KIS/KAS on EVA after docking.
  10. Mine in HS won our division at a competition once. It was pretty exciting. Of course, we were the only ones in our division who showed up. I really liked marching band. It's the only thing I miss about High School.
  11. I won't use it. But I don't think less of anyone who does. I don't know why it has to go beyond that.
  12. You can't, but might I suggest you restore your question and post how you got it answered? It may help someone else. If everyone deleted answered questions, there wouldn't be much to this forum, and if you found your answer by stumbling across an old post here... well, that wouldn't have happened!
  13. I was just digging through one of the buckets in the basement looking for something, and I found an 11th Xbox controller. How many of these things do I have?
  14. You'll need to get more specific on which specific mods work and don't, and what version your game and mods are. I have a feeling you're missing dependencies or have incompatible versions. I have seen, on occasion, that even though the mod thread is updated, one of the repository links isn't. Say, a mod is updated, the Spacedock link is good, the Github link is good, but the Curseforge link is an older version.
  15. Geonovast

    1.5.1 Hotfix

    1.4.1 came out so quickly after 1.4 that GoG didn't even bother with building a 1.4 installer.
  16. Cleaning my Xbox controllers has to be one of the grossest things I've ever done, and I clean money handling equipment for a living.
  17. Working fine for me in the Linux version. Just click the text tool, click in the picture, and start typing. Dunno what to tell ya.
  18. Everything I know about the game I learned here. Welcome! No foreknowledge is needed. Really all you need is patience. Your first rocket will blow up, almost certainly. Your first plane won't take off. The first plane to take off won't land. When you get to orbit, you'll be stuck saying "Ok, now what?" Just ask, and we'll help you figure it out. I had this game for a good week before I even found the map view, and it was still a blast.
  19. Dorothy Vaughan could probably give you some pointers.
  20. Right click on your KSP folder. Click COPY. Open up External USB thumb drive / USB Harddrive / Network Location Right Click. Click PASTE. Done.
  21. Advanced Tweakables needs to be on for that. I believe it's under your difficulty settings? Might be the regular game settings.
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