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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Won't help the OP much, as I don't think it can go that fast, but for correcting alignment, you can use: I really don't think this will ever be stock, though.
  2. You could try your autostruts, but you have to turn them on on every. single. part. I think grandparent is generally the safest. You could also try some rigid attachment on some of the worst offenders. I'm pretty much just waiting for a 1.5 KJR update before I do any serious playing in 1.5. If it's as important to you as it is to me, just go back to 1.4.5 until all your necessary mods are up and running for 1.5.
  3. As I mentioned before, I'm currently cleaning all of my Xbox controllers. Well, I'm also printing some extended joysticks for the ones where the original joysticks are shot. So far that's been.. mostly fine, but something was off when I put the latest one back together. Case didn't really want to shut. I didn't see anything wrong, so I just screwed it together. Well, something was wrong. The first time I pulled the right trigger (Halo: Reach), the trigger got stuck down, completely. This put the gun into flint lock mode (DMR), as the gun would fire again if I reloaded. It was interesting. Kinda wish I could set that up as a game type..
  4. I have to do one like every other time I log into NewEgg (which I do far too much..) Not normal ones. Those stupid picture ones. Apparently I don't know what a storefront looks like, because I fail them. All. The. Time.
  5. Uh... you didn't need an account before. Imgur lets you upload pictures without an account. It's also not the only place you can host pictures. I use CubeUpload (which didn't used to require an account, it does now). But if you have Steam, you can link right from the Steam screenshots, I've linked pictures I've uploaded on Facebook... countless other places to host.
  6. I found my shuttle launches got more stable when would disable the control surfaces on the shuttle itself.
  7. From the looks of it, you're early in career, and you haven't unlocked the node in the tech tree that allows crossfeed. I believe it's the one that has the fuel line it in. Edit: Oh! First post! Welcome to the forum @TanoPrime!
  8. I think it might be something on your end. I did a fresh install of 1.5.1. Installed the two dependencies along with AFBW, which are Click Through Blocker and Toolbar Controller. Did the: sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0 Which apparently wasn't needed, as it's already installed on my system. Linux Mint 18.3/MATE. Jumped into a game and it seems to be working normally, even though KSP itself wouldn't see the joystick in its settings. Edit: Throttle is being funky but I managed to get the right calibration to get to it work... I think. Also, holy cow, it can link buttons to SAS modes. I've wanted that for freaking forever!
  9. Ok, so, since I don't know squat about BDA, but I loaded the needed mods and the ship into my main install (1.4.5) which includes KJR and World Stabilizer (among many other mods) and things seem ok. The ship doesn't explode, and all the guns seems to be working alright. Funny note though, initially I tried to load a second one right after the first one exploded. I couldn't even focus on the ship because debris was still falling after the second one loaded. Just for S&G I checked out map view, and some of the pieces had made it into SOLAR ORBIT
  10. They don't exist. Welcome to the forum! I think you'll find we're a pretty helpful bunch. Any questions you may have, someone here can answer. Happy crashing!
  11. I would take the issue to the AFBW thread itself, LRR may be able to get you working. I'll also play with it when I get home and see if I can get it to go. I haven't actually tried the mod yet, last time I used a joystick was 1.3.1. The lack of joystick support for 1.4.x was one of the reasonsI stayed with 1.3.1 for so long.
  12. If you right click on any fuel tanks, there will be a button that says something like "Show fuel flow overlay" You might need advanced tweakables on... but I don't think so.
  13. Was it an option in 2? I remember it being you could only charge for rides, but it has been awhile. I just remember not being able to set a park entrance fee and being rather irked about it. Regardless, it was a stupid and pointless change in the game. It'd be like choosing the VAB or SPH at the start of your KSP career and never having access to both. All in all the first one is definitely the best of the first two, and likely the best of all three.
  14. The whole "Park entry is always free" thing in RCT2 just threw me. It's the exact opposite of how I play. A high entrance fee, and cheap rides (with them being free once the park fee maxes out) is how I play, and I beat every scenario in the first game with that method.
  15. The workaround for now is this: I believe it was a Unity thing, as joysticks worked just fine for me on Mint in 1.3.1.
  16. Yeah, I wasn't sure. I thought I'd seen something about it getting pulled. I got it several years ago, and of course it just says it's in my library, not how much it costs. Last I checked GoG has RCT1 and 2. (2 is basically one with some re-textured rides as "new" rides, and you can't set a park entrance fee). IMO, 1 + CF/LL is a better game. You might be able to scour eBay for some RCT3 discs.
  17. Even though it's older than dirt at this point, and I bought it several years ago on a sale, I just started playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. I've tried before, but never really cared enough to power through the learning curve (It's clearly NOT made by the same mind that brought us the first game). But I'm finally getting the hang of it, even though the UI is not very well put together.
  18. Huh, nothing there that should help loading. But I didn't have Advanced Tweakables on, not sure if your set autostrutting would work if it's not on in my game. I'll try it with KJR and see if it makes a difference.
  19. 1.3 I knew... nothing. Absolutely nothing. While I'd always been fascinated by space (and specifically the space shuttle) as a kid, I knew no specifics. My orbital mechanics knowledge came from Star Trek.... My first few hours were basically building rockets that shot straight up and frustration from how floppy they were because WHY COULDN'T I USE MORE THAN ONE DECOUPLER ON A BOOSTER? Then I tried a few tutorials, thinking (Ha!) that they'd teach me how to play the game. Things got worse. I felt accomplished when I managed to shoot a rocket straight at the Mun and crash into it at a couple km/s. Then I found the forums, and actually learned how to play. I learned how to get to orbit, do transfers, etc. The tutorial section of the game should seriously just be a link to the forum.
  20. Wait, so it is loading for you? What else do you have installed for mods? I just tested in a fresh install with nothing but the mods you listed installed. I was also in 1.4.5.
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