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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Grabbed it too, will probably play with it when I get home. We'll see if it runs in Steam Play.
  2. AFAIK they're always level 1, so they can always EVA out, and you shouldn't even get the rescue contracts until you have EVA capability. The only other option is to capture the thing in a cargo bay or with the klaw (and hope it survives re-entry) - but by the time you're able to do that you're way past being able to EVA. Your respawn settings are under difficulty settings in the pause menu. Does it not work if they're dead-dead? I guess I've never looked into it.
  3. I'm not able to reproduce it. Are you able to get it to happen in stock? I see you have a few mods installed. Could be one of those.
  4. I think I can still see the topic from here.
  5. There's actually an easier way. In your save's difficulty settings, you can set if crew respawns and how long it takes for them to do so. I believe default is "on" and "2 hours" They never will, they'll always be hanging out there in a single part craft.
  6. You should be able to open the file with any text editor. So right click and go to open with, then open it with whatever text editor you want, like notepad. If nothing shows up, then open up the editor and do file->open and navigate to the file.
  7. What you want to look at is single thread performance. Unsurprisingly, that i5 blows the baby i3 out of the water, plus it's overclockable. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-i3-7320-vs-Intel-i5-9600K/2941vs3337 Unless you're somehow restricted on how well you can cool it or you're on an insanely tight budget (Which I'm guessing you're not), get the i5.
  8. What are you looking at for a motherboard, memory, etc? I hope you're aware that not only will neither of those processors go in your current board, but they can't even use the same board between them.
  9. Do you mean all the ones totally available in the game? AFAIK that's not possible, they're randomly generated when they become available in the complex or when they get placed in a rescue contract. For the rescue ones, you could probably open up your persistent.sfs file and search for the kerbal's name to see what specialty they are.
  10. Your old PSU may have been defective or dying, providing less power than it should, and your CPU was being starved and therefore throttling itself back. So it's not necessarily that you went from 750 to 1000 (depending on your other hardware), but that you replaced an out of spec PSU.
  11. I remember taking a class in 6th or 7th grade on how to use AltaVista, the internet's coolest search engine.
  12. They can, regardless of rank or specialty. That's more likely.
  13. I just realized I need textures for TextureReplacer to make every kerbal look like Marvin.
  14. Just open the notification in a new tab. I don't know about other browsers, but on Firefox you just click on the notification with the middle mouse button instead of the left one. You could probably also click on it with the right one and click on "Open Link In New Tab"
  15. Welcome to the forums, @MrJoolian! I believe the issue you're running into is actually the way the game builds ships. It builds them in a tree-like structure. Each part can only be attached to one part above it, or its parent. Because of this, you cannot have a booster attached to, say, the center booster of your rocket with two decouplers. What you need are called struts. They're located in the structural tab. They're basically metal rods you use to add attachment points.
  16. Welcome, @Huita! I think this is what you're after:
  17. You might want to start a new thread on this, while it is a complaint, you might get more attention with a new thread.
  18. Yes. It was more than a retexture of the Mk1-2. Biggest difference is that the Mk1-3 has built in RCS jets.
  19. Not that I know of, but I wouldn't mind tossing the commenters complaining about the video quality at its feet.
  20. Forsyth, Missouri. I also saw a better one pop on Facebook a couple weeks back.
  21. Co-worker just texted me these: I told him they borked the engines. He said he was gonna stop and yell at them. I also saw this on FB.
  22. I don't think they make decaffinated KickStarts. I've never touched coffee. My biggest problem actually is the taste. If Monster would make a decaff PipeLine Punch, or Roho Tea, I'd be good. All the best tasting beverages have a ton of caffeine. I could kick back a caffeinated one in the morning, then placebo my way through the rest of the day.
  23. Depends on what you do. Basic computering is pretty easy to transition to, especially with distros like Mint. Unfortunately there are still a lot of niche things that require programs which will not run on Linux. Fortunately, Steam gearing towards the Linux crowd. Seems more and more games on there now have Linux versions, and a lot of the Windows only ones actually run in Steam Play, which wraps each game in a specifically tailored WINE environment. So far, I've tried 4 games in Steam Play. Borderlands and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 work fine, Left 4 Dead works until you try to start a game, and Orion: Prelude doesn't work at all. I was completely sold on the idea of Linux, when, one night, I was trying to install a simple HP printer in Windows. After being forced to download some 500 MB in "drivers" (bloatware just to get the driver), and some 30-45 minutes to install said "driver", the thing would print once and then require a reboot to do it again. I plugged the thing into my Mint laptop, 4 seconds later I got a message saying it was ready to use, and it would pretty merrily along as much as I wanted. If you're interested in learning, run a dual boot. You could use Linux most of the time and just boot into Windows 10 when needed.
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