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Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut

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Everything posted by Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut

  1. Well, here's my first complete report of my carrer save. I was too lazy, an that's why i took too long to upload this. This is an litte probe that i made to collect science from the Runway and the KSC biome. This is the Aquatic Data Collector, made to collect science from the ocean next to the KSC. And here's the probe, landed in the ocean, with his mission accomplished And in last, but not less important, the Suborbital Data Collector, my first suborbital rocket. The launch... ...The first stage separated... ...It's getting hot here! And the craft reachs... ...The space, in all your glory and majesty! The reentry is dangerous... ...But nothing happened with the probe. And the probe land sucessfully. Sadly, this can be my last report, because the HD of my computer stopped working, and if the repair is not successful, i will lost everything.
  2. Here's 2 facepalms moments in 1 mission. I launched an probe that would be my first probe to land on Mun. But i forgot to put an reaction wheel, and every time that i landed, the probe falled, because it was a bit tall. And my last save was way before the probe launch. So i've had to make a new probe. And in another try to land that probe, i lost the communication with him. My commnet was enabled, and i didn't have any relay antenna. Since that, i always disable the commnet when i start a new save, because i'm to lazy to build an complete relay network.
  3. After hours editing the config files, I finally started my new carrer save, with an (almost) realistic progression. This is the Low-Atmosphere Data Collector, the first rocket launched in this save. The rocket breaking the sound barrier... ...And falling. Parachutes opened! And the rocked landed near to the Launchpad. And this is just the beginning of an long journey...
  4. Banido por Ferro-Velho e Peças Espaciais Jebedaiah Kerman, por não gostar de nosso fundador.
  5. Banido para se lembrar que daqui a pouco o Falcon Heavy levará para Marte um Tesla Roadster tocando Space Oditty
  6. About 3 minutes and 10 seconds, with OPM, RLA and Dmagic Orbital Science, and another basic mods, like Hyperedit and KAC. Sadly, my computer have only 4GB of RAM, and is because of this my KSP takes so long time to load.
  7. Banido pois não tenho medo de gatos, pelo contrário, sempre quis ter um.
  8. Caro Sr. Rodrigues Venho através desta mensagem comunicar gentilmente que estás expulso por tempo inderteminado deste forúm de discussões sobre o simulador de progama espacial disponivel para computadores domésticos, chamado de Kerbal Space Program, por ser chique demais. Atenciosamente, Jebedaiah, o Kerbonauta Solitário.
  9. Banido pelo Flash (não o da série). PS: Enquanto você lia isso, eu dei 49 voltas ao redor da Terra.
  10. 67- Return to Kerbin from the surface of Gilly using only EVA fuel. 68- Escape from Kerbol at the speed of light. 69- Drive in the Minmus Flats. 70 - Install OPM, land on Plock and back to Kerbin. 71 - Solar Aerobrake (i already made that.) 72 - Visit Easter Eggs. 73 - Make an underwater base. 74- Make rocket-powered cars. 75- Spaghettificate Kerbals. 76- Make an Jool aerobrake WITHOUT heat shields. 77- Get off and push your craft.
  11. Banido pelo Esqueleto, por não reconhecer sua superioridade a He-Man.
  12. Banido porque no espaço, ninguem pode ouvir seus gritos, nem mesmo você avisando o amiguinho...
  13. Banido porque todo dia é dia de lançamento em minha agência espacial.
  14. Well, yesterday i started to mess around with Airplane Plus and i made some experimental crafts.
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