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Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut

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Everything posted by Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut

  1. Trying to land a helicopter without kill Jeb and Bill...

  2. @blackheart612, i finally see what i did wrong. I had to take all the folders and the Module Manager in Gamedata folder, and put into the Root folder. My error was put the Gamedata folder in the Root folder, and not what are inside the folder. Now, i have all the parts in my game! PS: Sorry for waste your time!
  3. A thing with one (or more) giant metal cylinder with special fuel, with an complex engine that burns the fuel, making this thing goes up. Sometimes they have some metal cylinders with another special fuel and an engine that burns the fuel without stop (also called SRBs). Is very aerodynamic, and generally transports satellites, probes, station modules and supplies to space stations, rovers (cars, sometimes) and humans to space, the Moon, Mars and beyond.
  4. Well, here is a album with screenshoots of every paste, and i have sure that all the files are there: https://imgur.com/a/FAXrJ
  5. Even i. But i downloaded from Curseforge, and after, from Spacedock, and the same error appears, so, maybe is a file error. Is like i said, i have all the files, but some parts are not in the game! Did you have some suggestions?
  6. @blackheart612, how incomplete download? I have almost sure that you put they in the 15.0 changelog on Cusreforge, and they are in the files! Probably not. And i think that you don't understand my message. I want to say that some parts that already are in previous versions and in the files are not appearing in my game! What is the part list in 15.0 Version?
  7. Well, i installed Airplane Plus yesterday from Curseforge. But just some parts appeared, and i don't removed nothing. So, today, i uninstalled and installed again, but from Spacedock, and the same error appear. I think is a Module Manager error, because i have the version 2.7.5, and the mod comes with the version 2.7.6, but i don't know exactly. (Edit) No, this is not a Module Manager problem. KSP version: 1.2.2 (x64) Aiplane Plus version: 15.0.
  8. Hi, @blackheart612, i installed the mod today, and, just some parts are appearing. There's just 1 cockpit, 26 engines (the total number is 29), no new size 2 parts, (except the passenger door), no MK0 and conector tails, no MK2H parts, no new wing or elevon, no new landing gear (only the landing skids), no MK1 cargo parts (except the passenger door and the nose trunk). My mod version is the 15.0.
  9. Banido por invocar novamente o Prasso... Ops, tópico errado!
  10. This mini cupola module is from which mod? Or is the stock module but re-sized?
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