On my first Munar landing attempt, I tried using parachutes, thinking that the smoke from crashed debris below me would slow me down. Plus, I did not know how to slow down, so I had to burn TOWARDS the Mun to get in a landing trajectory. I hit at 2,000 m/h. Did not even orbit; I used direct ascent to get there.
Arcane, I am American. Meanwhile, I do all of the heavy grunt work (assembling stuff, fixing stuff, running a large home network) at the age of 13. I started at 9. Please, do not stereotype us Americans. Thank you, and have a nice day!
1. Go to roleplayksp.tk 2. Go to the test board all the way at the bottom 3. Answer questions in a PM to Charzy or Radion 4. Hope you pass 5. Make an account approved by Radion on the RP forum 6. ROLEPLAY.
You both are lucky. I regularly get five paragraph projects, with have to be 7-10 sentences a paragraph, AND include citations, extra paragraphs on main people, etc. Normal project is about 10-12 paragraphs. That is 70-120 sentences. *sob*