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Everything posted by Alaygrounds

  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SOOO COOL P.S. I put the pictures in a spoiler as to not take up too much space.
  2. But, now that you mention it, I've combined the BinaryAsteroid mod into Gemeni. I also changed Pol for Gilly because Pol was already in a binary system in Gemeni.
  3. That's fine, do what you do! I just like making small mods, with a small change.
  4. Well, when either I don't know what to do with my mods or how, I take a hiatus and make these smaller mods so there's still some content from me while I can't do one of the other things. It's kind of like a youtuber taking breaks from their main series, and make smaller mini-series' to fill the gap.
  5. Also, if you like the binary, there's another mod of mine that turns Bop and Pol into a binary system in a Dres like orbit.
  6. This is a mod that makes a binary asteroid system near Dres' orbit out of Pol and Bop. (Obviously not compatible with a Jool V save.) They orbit each other at a realistic speed too! Download
  7. @The Minmus Derp You can get early development versions here: https://spacedock.info/mod/1876/Gemeni Developer Version
  8. Okay. Trao from SPE does that. That's your mod! We can combine the two maybe? Mohon eclipsing Kerbol, Kerbolus still visible. Wait no it isn't It's @The White Guardian's who is co-developer of this mod
  9. I can't make oceans, and that's that. Sorry.
  10. I would make moons, but I don't know what the moons would be.
  11. The planet is called Diamond, and it's about 4800 km in radius.
  12. It is! Kanon is the asteroid moon of Kerbanon. Also, that is not the scatterer config for Pearl, I made it myself and it just looks like that.
  13. Or maybe I can. Never mind with that first message.
  14. My plan is to give a binary companion to every stock planet, Duna is already a binary, so i can ignore it. So Moho and Eve are the only ones left! Sadly, I can't make rocky planets on my own. *cough cough* can you help me? *cough cough*
  15. UNDERTALE REFERENCE BELOW SOMEHOW KSP decided it would load faster again, so this thread can come back!
  16. The corona is the stock corona It should be the 'custom' one.
  17. First problem so far: @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures You know how to make Coronas, and I even used your Valentine corona as a template for Kerbolus', so why is this not working?
  18. @Vanamonde Can you move this to Add-on development/problems nevermind
  19. @electricpants you seem to know how to make red dwarf coronas, what am I doing wrong? This is the Corona section, it looks the exact same as yours, why is it inverted? } Coronas { Corona { rotation = 3 speed = 9 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.8 Material { texture = Gemeni/Kerbolus/Textures/corona inverseFade = 2.553731 } } } I'm flipping it back the original way, and seeing if that works. Nothing.
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