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Everything posted by Alaygrounds

  1. I mean it would take a bit of effort and I couldn't redistribute it but I physically could add the beyond home system outside of kerbol but it would be the one by beyond kerbol, and it wouldn't be compatible with the narrative because the tempus system couldn't have been formed in present kerbol because if that were true the larger star would have exploded well before they even moved out of kerbin, let alone solitude. Anyways i MIGHT make the mod I previously described for myself but I couldn't distribute it without explicit permission from gameslinx, which is very unlikely.
  2. @The-Doctor I've done it myself sorta... but sharing it might void the copyright. I think he has it as an eventual thing to do but it's on the end of the list of responsibilities right about now. sorry
  3. Kottabos reviewed this mod but for some reason didn't include OPM is he that stupid to not read past the first line or two?
  4. great mod! but why the HELL IS I DOWN AND K UP that sucks so damn much
  5. Make it less far away. This seems VERY similar to a floating point error shown by many, including danny2462 just decrease the semiMajorAxis and it should be fixed
  6. Whenever I load this pack in 1.7.x I get an error I tried removing the // before homeplanet but it didn't change anything let me know if I need to include the full log
  7. And maybe for the random mountains Kerbin is highly volcanically active because of tides from the Mun
  8. I'd say about as old as the Appalachians, maybe less
  9. I feel bad about changing Gemini It was dan's mod and I changed it to something different
  10. Sorry. It's mostly SSRSS but crappily made I'm happy it was so popular though...
  11. some people call him Unsinn
  12. I saw a 1.8 patch for Kopernicus on Spacedock but it disappeared. I get the copyright license and all, so I just hope that they take advice from the patch that I have working on my end.
  13. I feel bad for the people who were waiting on my mod. I'm trying to make it again but... Don't get attached. I don't want to get you too hyped. If you haven't seen the original, It's basically where Kerbin suspected to global warming.
  14. I might remake it eventually... I'm not too reliable with keeping packs going, sorry about that.
  15. https://www.deviantart.com/pineapple-insurance This guy seems to be posting your stuff Any extra info?
  16. I think that gas giant might actually be Gas Planet 2 At least I hope it is...
  17. I was just wondering as I don't think I could convince my parents to buy me KSP 2 for $60 when we already have KSP 1.
  18. maybe they could have a kopernicus type unselectable moon which you can see in orbit of ike sometimes
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