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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. They need to make that martian soil usable for Earth crops.
  2. 10/10 BEST MOVIE Hulk and Rocket die(via wolverine) Hype
  3. Hacksmith made one strong enough to pick up a car, but he disappointed by taking off the leg pistons, putting them under the car, and then activating them, which sort of goes against the whole point. As I posted earlier in this thread, various people have made all the components, but surprisingly nobody has combined them.
  4. The threads are right next to each other and its a heated debate. I thought this was the SLS thread due to the page full of sls discussion WHOA WE HAVE NEW EMOJIS
  5. Not a problem for them. It goes like this: Outer insulator Outer Conductor Middle Insulator Inner Conductor Inner Insulator When the bullet hits, it forms a bridge between the conductors, vaporizing the bullet. Imagine countries and groups around the world mass producing suits, causing a new arms race. That could be a good movie!
  6. Ultron should have shut down the power grid, disabled all of the suits, disable the jet, and do a lot more than just building a bunch of robots. Also, if he is in the internet, how is killing the robot helping at all? What is the purpose of halving a guy with a wingsuit on your alien fighting team? Why not just a predator drone? Or one of the iron man suits? Heck, why have anyone on the avengers, and just have 1000 iron man suits. Especially since he defeated the hulk, there is no point in anyone else.
  7. When you create a forum challenge but nobody does it SpaceX thread: Nasa/SLS/DSG thread:
  8. If they added more options, for example "wow", how would rep work?
  9. So THIS is what the core explosion was in Ringworld. This is how you defeat a galaxy: send an armada to the center bh, build a mirror, and boom.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7rxBifd0cY Electromagnetic Reactive Armor is possible, but you need electricity to turn the bullets into plasma.
  11. The ship with lights was a luxury ship, its supposed to look cool, not be practical. This is the donnager. Note that unlike most sci-fi ships, it actually has decks like a skyscraper, not like a boat.
  12. (Why not just have a normal wingsuit w/ rocket boots instead of metal expanding things)
  13. With current tech, we could build an iron man suit that doesn't fly, or a suit that does nothing but fly, but not both.
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