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Everything posted by JK_Kerbineer

  1. Mostly modded, maybe a few challenges in RSS. If I get a new computer, then maybe RO. With my HP Pavillion, running RO may melt it While English is my first language, my voice does crack a lot so I might just display text on the screen. Speaking of that, does anyone know of any good, free video editors? About my first youtube video, I record as soon as KSP starts ACTUALLY WORKING *cough* cough*
  2. Hey, I was thinking about starting a KSP youtube channel. I would really appreciate if I could get any tips on starting one.I think I might focus on cinematics, tutorials, or general gameplay. However, I am in the planning phase, so anything will help!
  3. Hey, I was thinking about starting a KSP youtube channel. I would really appreciate if I could get any tips on starting one.I think I might focus on cinematics, tutorials, or general gameplay. However, I am in the planning phase, so anything will help!
  4. @TheKosanianMethod Not sure if this helps, but I run an HP Pavillion Laptop, and my computer keeps on freezing and becomes lined with random colors. As I can still click on stuff while it is frozen, but it only loads when it unfreezes. So I have concluded, as pretty everyone else has in this thread, that it is a disconnection between the laptop and screen. However there is a TEMPORARY fix, but you should only use it when it is important, as it may make the problem worse. Just gently tap the area of the screen near the hinge a few times. Unfortunately, I think that is all I can contribute to this thread
  5. WARNING: Change speed of video when you watch it so it doesn't get stuck in your head Note : Song credits in the video description.
  6. @The Space Dino This sounds like it is going to be awesome! Glad I could be one of the first to see it! With a bit of luck, I think this has enough potential to be among the best of the best KSP Fan Fiction Series.
  7. Well, for that you might want to use USI Kolonization. It is hard to explain this in one post, but it adds things like mining to build new rockets, and life support loops for any mod that you use( USI-LS, TAC, or Snacks.) Forget this, Kottabos Gaming probably explains this better. Just keep this in mind, this mod integrates very well with a countless amount of other mods. For more explanation go to the USI Kolonization wiki( just google it). Or watch some more of his videos that connect with this(Planetary Base Systems, Extraplanetary Launchpads, etc.) P.S: Thirteen hours? Steam says I played for 500! And I have had this game for two months! I think i'm addicted P.S.S If you want a subnautica type-of base, look for the orbital parts in the mod( there is like gravity rings and stuff)
  8. @Loren Pechtel That's the thing, when I try to reinstall KSP it pauses the download because access is denied. When I try to uninstall and reinstall Steam it leaves every single file there. When I try to delete it, it says I need to be the creator to do that. When I try that trick where you go as deep as you can into the files and then delete it, it says access is denied, and won't let me go any further. It's pretty much done for...
  9. I know this is probably the wrong place to post this question, or this has already been answered, but if it was, I could not find it, so I will ask anyway. I bought KSP from Steam. but is now hopelessly broken, so I have to play on a copy of it. So, when I install CKAN it immediately adds itself to my steam game. How would I make CKAN run on a different KSP install?
  10. When you reach for the timewarp button in real life... I swear, when I get really bored during school, I grab at the right -side of my desk, and people look at me like I am crazy.
  11. Oh, I accidentally added yesterday, but you had extended your time o include yesterday. Nevermind, then!
  12. I'm launching my hab ring, but due to "homework issues" I may or may not finish in time. Is it possible for my time to be extended to friday?
  13. Stupidest Thing? I built a heavy lifter cargo ssto that could haul 100 tons to a 100km orbit. It took 6 hours to build. My cargo was a 75 ton relay sat.(I wanted to give my kerbals good wifi ). Anyways, after using a bunch of power dives and 3 hours, I got to orbit and released the payload. Then, I realized that the batteries were all on the sat and not my plane so my reaction wheels could not work. So, I time warped until I was pointing retrograde to Kerbin and deorbited it. When I later went back to the relay comsat. I saw that I had no electric charge. No worries, I thought. I'll just extend the solar panels. Then I realized I couldn't control the satellite and couldn't extend them. * insert facepalm emoji*
  14. @53miner53 The 5 meter one is 22 parts not including struts, and 34 with them. The 3.75 meter one is around 10 to 20 parts. Though it has more parts, the 5m one looks cooler. (Forget the 10m one, I don't want to wreak havoc on someone else's computer.) Also when uploading the save file, do I give the .sfs file or load.meta file?
  15. @53miner53 So while I was waiting for my turn I built a huge stock 10m diameter artificial gravity(it spins) hab ring. Since it is very big, I am asking permission to place it on the station. If not, I was wondering If I could add a smaller version of it ( 5m, 3.75m, etc). I know the part count will still be over five BUT that is only because of struts and beams. So I would really appreciate it if you let me put any one of these size rings, as I spent a long time building them. Thanks, JK
  16. Yeah, that was my plan. Although I know I didn't make any errors, after saying so many numbers, at the end I was just quietly mumbling
  17. Well I think it would have been better without a service bay, but landing that on Eve is still extremely impressive. Good job! Also I didn't really have any design in mind. To win impossible mode you have to be REALLY creative.
  18. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996 I spent 8 HOURS memorizing that to impress people on Pi day
  19. Well, that's why I was open to suggestions First, there should be a point system out of ten. Second, for Easy Mode there are no engines now, only wings. Third, for each 0.1 ton (other than probe, of course) you lose 3 points You get 1 point for being on same continent as KSC 2 for being within sight of it 5 for being in grounds of KSC 7 for runway/launchpad 15 for on top of VAB or R&D Bridge Also points don't add up For Impossible Mode you lose 1 point for every 0.2 ton or 100 units of ablator (So, you can use heatshields) No, they are not. Not in Easy Mode either, because that would be very unnecessary. However, I don't think that would be very stable either way. I will add this to original post
  20. This is the Brick From Orbit Challenge Ok, so before I explain this challenge let me give you the background. I was starting a new career with the Unmanned before Manned, which makes you start with probes. I took the orbit contract and made a rocket with a Rovemate as it's base. I decided I could use it as a satellite too so I didn't include a parachute. Once I finally got into orbit I saw a contract that said "Return From Orbit". Realizing the mistake I just made, I came up with an idea. I decoupled everything else and landed the Rovemate alone, which is shaped like a brick, like a wing from orbit. The challenge is... Easy Mode: Land with no parachutes. (engines and wings allowed) from orbit Hard Mode: Land with nothing but the probe (this includes batteries and solar panels)from orbit Impossible Mode: You can use wings, but have to land from orbit of Eve Super Mode: Impress Me SCORING: There is a point system out of ten. For each 0.1 ton (other than probe, of course) you lose 3 points You get 1 point for being on same continent as KSC 2 for being within sight of it 5 for being in grounds of KSC 7 for runway/launchpad 15 for on top of VAB or R&D Bridge Also points don't add up For Impossible Mode you lose 1 point for every 0.2 ton or 100 units of ablator (So, you can use heatshields) I forgot to include, you can use whatever you want to deorbit, but will have to decouple once on a sub-orbital trajectory If anyone from SQUAD or any other forum user wants to improve or take over this challenge feel free to do so. Because honestly, I think I could've given the challenge a cleverer (Yes, that's correct) name
  21. Ok, so before I explain this challenge let me give you the background. I was starting a new career with the Unmanned before Manned, which makes you start with probes. I took the orbit contract and made a rocket with a Rovemate as it's base. I decided I could use it as a satellite too so I didn't include a parachute. Once I finally got into orbit I saw a contract that said "Return From Orbit". Realizing the mistake I just made, I came up with an idea. I decoupled everything else and landed the Rovemate alone, which is shaped like a brick, like a wing from orbit. The challenge is... Easy Mode: Land with no parachutes. (engines and wings allowed) Hard Mode: Land with nothing but the probe (this includes batteries and solar panels) Impossible Mode: You can use wings, but have to land from Orbit of Eve Super Mode: Impress Me
  22. @wahlencraft Hey I watch your vids. Ironically I found your channel by looking through random channels and THEN found this thread. BTW: I'm new to the forums but also an old KSP player too
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