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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. These are good. I'll try to put together a map of what I think stuff should be called, just for fun. I don't think the community will use it but whatever. I never knew there were semi-official names for this stuff, thanks!
  2. I notify the astronomers that I happen to be on the moon. I have them return my stolen property or be sued.
  3. Huh, I thought it was a specific level. I'll check the wiki. EDIT: nothing in the wiki.
  4. Level 256, you can only tell what half of the Kerbal is as the games memory cache can't keep up. Or is that Pac-Man.... It's actually level 3.
  5. I'll rephrase the OP to say name Dres' Landforms.
  6. Not saying I don't like Dres, i'm currently working on a Dress Awareness mission. Just saying most of the community dosen't like it, and wouldn't mind if we named some stuff. Really though, am I the only one who thinks Dres somewhat resembles the Death Star? Wait... The DRES STAR. No, that's horrible.
  7. Oh, makes sense. Wouldn't want to interfere in fan works, those are better than any official cannon. Mount Whoopstooshort? I've honestly never heard of it. Thanks for that bit of knowledge! I still think we should name that massive crater on Dres 'Death Star Crater' or 'Anikin Crater'. No one likes dres, sadly, so I don't think many would care, or we could call the equatorial canyon 'Exaust Port' it something of the like.
  8. I was wondering if there's any official landform names from squad, like naming the craters and canyons and mountains or something. If there isn't, wouldn't it be cool to start a community effort to do it and update the wiki page accordingly? Or we could just do Dres' to raise awareness!
  9. Ok. I'll take a medium pepperoni, with those little Pepperoni's that are like cups filled with grease, and bacon stuffed crust.
  10. But I already harvested it. Lunar War 1.0 begins. I put re-freezers outside my base. The re-freeze the excess heat.
  11. I go to the Mün. I build a dug-out into a huge crater and build a new bunker. I set up sev'ral times the defenses that my old bunker had. I also start venting air onto the moon, and using frozen ice deposits I make and recycle water, which I can turn into fuel.
  12. I've built my plane, and it carries around 450 passengers. I just need to figure out a better way to mount the engines and an efficient wing design! Pics in by tomorrow, hopefully.
  13. I copy-pasta my Hill in a foreign nation, and which if you try to destroy I can sue you for property damage. Given it's technically a military base I also have government backed support. The government was happy for your bomb, @roboslacker I microwave some waffles.
  14. At an air show near where I live they bring out some bombers and fake trucks and blow crap up as part of a Vietnam War reenactment. The coolest part was when they brought out a guy who had bought and restored a De Havelland Vampire. Sadly, that's the only one in person I've seen...
  15. You know what, I don't think T2 will ever change the EULA, even if we blow up their headquarters. I just downloaded KSP and agreed, because I have no personal info on steam or anything, not even bank info. Bring it on, T2.
  16. Try googling 'How to stage a protest', and 'How to make a Molotov cocktail' I'm not sure what lists I'm on after those in my search history. Of course I'm too lazy to do either of the things listed above. I've kind of changed my position on the whole petition matter. I still want T2 to change the EULA, mabey make it a *bit* more specific as to what they are actually doing. I don't mind them saying 'we may collect data about your online accounts' Or 'we may collect data about your online presence to better tell what products may interest you' Stuff for marketing, or product development, like to say they know I spend a lot of time on this forum, and so do x number if people, so an algorithm tells them that it recommends working y hours on KSP. Junk like that. But what photos does T2 need from me? A blue and yellow octopus symbol? What the heck?
  17. I buy another orbital Bombardment satellite. I buy thermal imaging cameras and white camoflage bets to lay over the grey bunker parts of the hill. I put refridgeration units on each pipe, which cools the air before letting it out and venting the warm air back in. I buy a nuclear reactor and a life-timr worth of uranium fuel.
  18. ....mabye. Your cabins-in-a-jar idea gave me some inspiration about how I could make a flying stock hyper-jumbo- (2,500 +)
  19. Ok, the scociopathic ahem, 'talented' engineers have convinced our funding board to let them build a 500,000,000 aircraft based on @qzgy's designs. To quote scar, be pre-PAAAAAAAAAAAAARREEEED. Is this in 1.4 now or are we still in 1.3.1?
  20. Do I get a choice of a Chevy? 2014 Corvette C7 Stingray, thankyouverymuch. These are awesome, can you explain what you mean by snap model?
  21. Why would I agree to that trade? I have a medic UBAHCHAAAAARGR me. I'm back. I slap you and regain my bunker. I fortify my bunker
  22. Kernel Kraken


    Black Knight to F4 (I think) I suck at chess....
  23. Kernel Kraken


    I prefer a nice game of Global Thermonuclear War. Black Pawn to F5
  24. .... Can I start calling you Thomas Edison? I'm also liscensing the triple-cabin-in-a-box plane design idea. TeeHee. But it'll be a Sextuple-cabin-in-a-mason-jar.
  25. Hmm.... But what if there were anti- gravioli generators to make it comfortable? It seems like that'd only add like 2000 funds to the cost... I'll have to keep this in mind.
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