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Everything posted by coyotesfrontier

  1. Hello all, I've wondering what _DetailDist (fade) value would give the effect I desire. Currently, my glow config looks pretty from the surface and orbit, but doesn't have any fade. This results in a very nasty looking border appearing high in the atmosphere: I'm using a modified version of the Para-Sci atmosphere pack, and decided to remove the fade because the glow wasn't visible from low orbit. I'm fine if the view from the surface stays the same as stock, a good low orbit view is all I really need.
  2. Huh, never knew that Kerbin had underwater trenches/abysses. I always thought that it was flat down there...
  3. False, I like *most* of the part revamps and additions. The one below me owns Smash Ultimate
  4. banned for biologically inaccurate blue wolves (or is it just a normal wolf in shadow?)
  5. Non-bright lights burn your eyes. The ability to run any program on any device (i. e. KSP on a Zune).
  6. Sent a second mission to Minmus in KillAshley's Uncharted Lands. In UL, Minmus is a shepherd moon of Kerbin's rings, and a good destination for early-game science. I don't have any screenshots of the mission, but I have plenty of my first one: https://imgur.com/a/3LQWcOr
  7. Thanks for the response. I edited the config to remove the unnecessary atmosphere and oxidizer brackets, as you recommended. Here's the two parts of my KSP.log: https://pastebin.com/X9z5rfX0 https://pastebin.com/MDem99y1 And here's my Module Manager config cache: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iuq2vpjb7xwotrr/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0
  8. I'm wondering how I'd be able to transform an engine to run on LiquidHydrogen/Oxidizer instead of LiquidFuel/Oxidizer. The config I'm currently using doesn't seem to be working: https://pastebin.com/6EVKsvAC. Any help would be much appreciated.
  9. Hello all, Uncharted Lands does not appear to be working in KSP 1.4.5. It seems to stop loading at Duna, and I'm unsure how to fix it. I'm playing on the windows version of KSP, 64-bit. Kopernicus Log: https://pastebin.com/u9P5BVDF Duna Log: https://pastebin.com/jSAkK1tG
  10. Returned to KSP after a half-a-year absence, and decided to start up a modded science mode save. More pics: https://imgur.com/a/ifofzh7
  11. I've found a small issue when using both RealPlume's stock configs and Kerbal Atomics. The RealPlume setup isn't working with the Nerv, instead it uses a bugged version of the default plume. This has been an issue since last year, I just never got around to mentioning it online. Only mods are RealPlume, Kerbal Atomics, and Making History. https://imgur.com/a/SMr81xr
  12. Thanks for the response! I've linked to an Imgur album and two Dropbox downloads, which contain your requested items. Craft is fully stock aside from CryoEngines and its bundled mods. Album Log Craft
  13. Is there any way to disable the boil-off for LH2? As ElectricCharge generation/use is inaccurate at high time warp, my tanks still lose LH2 even with a proper electric setup. I'm thinking about deleting SimpleBoiloff.dll, but I'm worried that it'll break other parts of the mod.
  14. Check out Hoojiwana's "Stock Replacement Assets". It's a great collection of replacement models for old parts, including the lander cans and the Mk1-2 pod. Even though the version is listed as 1.0.5, it still works fine in 1.3.
  15. Discord channels tend to be wretched hives of scum and villainy, even if they are official. Take any inferences you gain from there with a grain of salt. Just because a small subset of a community may believe something doesn't mean that it's the wider opinion of the community as a whole. It's still good to listen to criticism if it's constructive, which in your case doesn't look like it was. Simply try to ignore messages that simply hate on something without providing a reason, as in those cases there usually isn't a good one. Judging by the size of KSP's modding community, I think it's safe to say that his or her opinion isn't shared by the rest of the community.
  16. Hello all, I'm working on a set of configs which would allow KillAshley's New Horizons to be used with the stock system, and was wondering how I could disable the configs which move the stock planets. I don't want to delete the configs directly (or change anything in the NH folder), and am stumped on how to accomplish this.
  17. I've been working on a mod which rearranges OPM's planetary system for a while now, and recently came around to making custom textures for the gas giants. I feel like some of them, (especially Neidon) need work, and was wondering what you guys think. Orange Neidon: Blue Sarnus: Pink Urlum: The colors are based on that of Sigma's OPM recolor, although other hues may look better then what I currently have now.
  18. I worked some more on "Uncharted Frontiers" (A WIP OPM rearrangement), and decided that I'll make a config for the stock system as well as Uncharted Lands. Each gas giant now has custom textures, with their moons being completely rearranged. I'm also in the process of creating new descriptions for each of the planets/moons, to match their new positions. The atmosphere color gradients are taken from Sigma's OPM recolor, because I'm too lazy to figure out how to do them on my own. Warm Neidon, with Nissee, Priax, and Slate: Sapphire Sarnus, with Thatmo off in the distance: Rose Urlum, with Wal and Polta:
  19. CaptRobau's Outer Planets and KillAshley's Uncharted Lands. I felt that the existing OPM integration in UL didn't provide for a unique enough experience, so I decided to make a few configs to change things up. I'll post more pics as I make further progress.
  20. Worked on something to join two of my favorite planet mods together:
  21. Thank you! I've been lurking here for around a year, but never bothered to make an account until now. Imgur is giving me errors when I try to upload, but I'll make sure to give pics of my new Mun station soon.
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