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Everything posted by coyotesfrontier

  1. You are absolutely correct. If there is no prohibition against paid mods in a community (as historically with minecraft), they will quickly proliferate and create a negative environment for users of mods. There is probably a desire among certain relevant modders to create an environment where paid mods are normalized and promoted, given the very large financial incentives available. I do hope Linx truly intends to follow through on his admission to make this update free at one point.
  2. According to wikipedia it's Nitromethane, which is a less toxic but far more explosive alternative to hydrazine As written of nitromethane in Ignition: "...by some miracle he managed to avoid killing himself [experimenting with nitroglycerin as a propellant], and he extended the work to the somewhat less sensitive nitromethane..." "...Bob Truax, at KES, tried his hand [with nitromethane]-and was almost killed when somebody connected the wrong pipe to the right valve and the tank blew..." "...Nitromethane, naturally, was the best depressant of the lot, and a freezing point of -100f was reached without any trouble, but the mixture was too sensitive and likely to explode to be of any use..." Interestingly, it seems that rocket factory is using it as a bipropellant with nitrous oxide rather than as a monopropellant as is written of it in Ignition.
  3. YYYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! I had believed for the longest time that I would never see the day when the bobcat was revamped! It was always so odd that it and the cheetah were left out from the parts revamps, and it's amazing to see it redone after many years! Thank you Kavaeric and the restock team! (I have never freaked out so much at something in KSP lol!)
  4. Where is that NK-33 from on the second image? It doesn't look it's it's the ones from Tantares or Restock.
  5. I see. Guess my participation in this thread is done, as should everyone else's. /thread.
  6. Since you are clearly trolling I shouldn't bother replying, but in the off chance you somehow actually believe what you are saying, did you just completely ignore my last post? ??? So you are admitting that this "discussion" has become circular and will continue forever until one of you chooses to stop replying. Also, I see we have graduated to two sentence replies. An unfair comparison, but also intentionally vague so you can "win" no matter who replies.
  7. And the most ironic thing is, KSP1 is quite literally in the process of having a large portion of its "unfixable" bugs being fixed by modders through the KSP community fixes project: The single biggest feature of this project is the complete rewrite of the asset loader, which results in the vanilla game having a load time under 10 seconds on my average SSD, with scene switching being under 5 seconds. So the main argument that KSP2 is superior to KSP1 because of the load times falls flat here. But I guess it's "Unfixable" so everybody else's arguments are completely invalid forever.
  8. I see you have just completely given up on being the valued forum member that you once were, and now spend your time giving 1 sentence replies insulting/trolling other forum members. Sad to see.
  9. Honestly, while Nate had no responsibility for the actual disastrous game development of KSP2, he certainly was responsible for lying and misleading the public about the state of KSP2's development, convincing myself and many others into paying $50 for a product that was all unplayable. Of course, that was his entire job as a PR man, and he did that very well. But even though he was technically doing his job 100% correctly and legally, he still is not immune to blame because his actions as said PR man were dishonest and immoral by nature. So while I believe the people who believe that Nate was responsible for the state of KSP2 and its development to be completely incorrect, he certainly misled and lied to countless people about KSP2's state and development, convincing many of us to spend $50 on a product that he knew was not anything close to how he was advertising and promoting it, and indeed barely functioned at all.
  10. Sorry, but I'm fairly certain this actually has nothing to do with the render queue. It's actually a direct consequence of how the PQS terrain engine works. Terrain in KSP is composed of a planetwide sphere made out of individual squares called quads. The quads subdivide into more quads the closer the vessel is to the ground, with them being at their maximum subdivision amount when the vessel is landed on the surface. Likewise, the further a vessel is from the ground, the quads desubdivide (combine?) into larger squares. When a vessel is very far from the surface, like in orbit, the quads are at the lowest subdivision count, which means each individual quad is huge, on the order of a kilometer or so. Viewed from orbit, the coastline appears pixilated because it actually is pixelated, a fact that isn't noticeable when at a lower altitude because of the higher subdivision count.
  11. Oh, ok. I still don't think it's right, but I guess that's just how the rules are.
  12. Hello, I believe that a user recently had their own thread locked because of fair criticism that they were receiving, rather than for typical reasons. Specifically, this thread: [snip] I'm not sure if this is against the rules or not, but I think it needs to be looked at regardless.
  13. Steam community forums are basically a 4chan board. It's unreasonable to expect any sort of civilized discussion out of them, ever.
  14. I like to think that they are macroscopic single-celled organisms, like minions from despicable me. All of their organelles are housed in their heads, their "bodies" are actually just an modification of the flagellum.
  15. Dakota is pretty much constantly replying to questions in the discord. 1050 messages since the discord was made, with no sign of slowing down since the game was launched. Also, there's this: Doesn't look like the game is going to be cancelled, the dev team gutted, etc.
  16. Normally on a game launch you expect the developers to be active on social media during the time after the game's release, constantly responding to users, helping out, talking about features, etc. For KSP2 there was a large amount of posts by developers right before release, but now .....nothing. Where is everybody?
  17. The Red Robin is a light, maneuverable biplane that makes up for its low speed by being stable and safe to fly. To install, go to C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\[Save Name]\Workspaces and drop the file inside. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xlxhp9udz07ryd0/Flyer.json?dl=0
  18. In previous developer previews of KSP2, we were shown beautiful atmospheric scattering on Kerbin and other planets: But in recent gameplay footage, the scattering appears to be gone: Could someone like @Nate Simpson confirm that it remains in the game?
  19. I think it will be a super earth, either with an atmosphere or without. Another gas giant would be treading too much familiar ground with Jool, as well as being another planet you can't land on. It would also be a way to ease players into the world of high-gravity planets like Ovin.
  20. Can you share a link directly to that tweet instead of embeding it? The embed doesn't appear to work.
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