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Everything posted by coyotesfrontier

  1. I have an updated version with most of the bugs fixed available on my github here, made with KillAshley's permission. I also added the new terrain shader to all of the bodies, plus re-adding the old designs of Astid, Ete, and Oree. Lave is also re-added (with the addition of an equatorial ridge and volcano), with the old design of Leouch brought back as its moon, called Levy. https://github.com/coyotesfrontier/New_Horizons The only bug I know of is Etal's surface being transparent, which has proven impossible to fix so far.
  2. A bigger issue on PS4 than the RAM is the CPU, which was considered underpowered even when the console was first released. But really, if KSP1 could run well enough on the base PS4, I don't see why KSP2 couldn't, considering how it is going to be better optimized especially on the CPU side. I'm fairly confident that they can pull off a release without major issues, assuming they aren't rushed.
  3. Is it just me, or does the terrain look a bit worse from what we've seen of Gurdamma before? I really hope they didn't downgrade anything for performance/console parity. Compare this from a few months ago: With this from today:
  4. https://imgur.com/a/iEBS5rR Here's the full album of my Duna mission. I'm really proud that I finally got it done, lol. Here are some selected pics from the album:
  5. After more than 7 years of playing this game, I finally landed on Duna for the first time. Took me long enough. I'll post more about the mission tomorrow, it was a very long day lol.
  6. @StarSlay3r is a new show and tell coming out today?
  7. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I love the science system in KSP. It gives you a reason to explore all areas of a planet, build surface bases, and build orbital stations all in a really simple and elegant way. It can definitely be improved in a few ways, but it's still great already. I like this idea, but I feel it should only provide a small bonus as to not restrict player freedom.
  8. IIRC, anything underground is impossible with how KSP2's (and KSP1's) terrain system works. You could theoretically get around it with multiple PQS layers, but that would require a lot of effort to get working.
  9. @Nate Simpson, are more unusual colors for planets planned? The planets we've seen so far have all been in shades of grey and brown.
  10. I mean, the surface report when landed on Minmus in KSP1 read "It's made of a non-edible crystalline substance", so it wasn't ice or icecream in the original game either.
  11. Looks a lot like Super Tylo from Alternis Kerbol, I wonder if it was an influence on Ovin's design. (Similar radius and 4g of gravity too)
  12. @Nertea, I've downloaded the dev repo as usual, but the new parts don't appear to be there once I've loaded the game. Is that intended?
  13. @Nate Simpson, Is mod support still on the menu for KSP2? I haven't seen it mentioned recently.
  14. @NerteaWill the new reactors have a cylindrical hitbox for attaching radiators to? One of the most frustrating parts of the old reactors was that their hitbox in the truss variant was slightly slanted, making attaching radiators a nightmare.
  15. Amazing work Jade! These new parts are Nertea-levels of quality!
  16. Thrust =/= trip times. It doesn't matter how low an engine's thrust is, trip times almost solely depend on how much ΔV you have. Hence why VASIMR-type engines are talked about as making a trip to Mars much shorter, despite having less that a thousandth the thrust of chemical rockets. Take a transfer to Duna. You can do a year-long transfer to it for 1000m/s, or you can do a transfer that takes 3 months for 4000m/s. The latter choice requires NTRs to do, as chemical rockets don't have enough ISP for it. Despite the NTRs having a quarter the thrust of chemical rockets, it doesn't matter, because the burn time itself is only an extremely small percentage of the trip time. The only time high thrust actually matters is for landers and launch stages.
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