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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Any up date on the upper stage you was working on or any part for that fact as they all look good EDIT- Or do, I have to steal sp1989 ' s GIF hehe
  2. Sounds like you are missing a up to date Firespitter.plugin EDIT- Or you installed it wrong file path should be KSP/GameData/NEBULA
  3. If you want made a Karborundum Generator from the KA_Scanner_01 part so you have both parts +PART[KA_Scanner_01] { @name = Karborundum_Generator @title = Karborundum Generator @description = Generator that burns Karborundum to fill all your Electric needs MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = false requiresAllInputs = true activateGUIName = Activate Generator shutdownGUIName = Deactivate Generator INPUT_RESOURCE { name = Karborundum rate = 0.05 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 100 } } }https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Karborundum_Generator.cfg.zip EDIT- Sure
  4. True didn't think of that lol @OpenWorldAddict can put them in a cfg if you need them ?
  5. The 16 will breaks off if your below around 30000 unless you edit out MaxQ = ****. EDIT- Just edit out MaxQ = **** so much better. EDIT- And Yemo your way he or she could just edit the probecore to that range. EDIT-
  6. There has got to be a part out there you would like to use for it and you could just re-write the cfg or write a MM for that part and don't Karbonite have some ?
  7. You have And it's old and still being worked on.
  8. Really nice looking parts can't wait to see them all
  9. Here is a log for you https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Player.log.zip doesn't look like the KolonyTools.dll isn't loading.
  10. The RD-180 is by BahamutoD has posted on page 1 for the Atlas V, I did rescale it and played with the texture alittle and thrust but for the most part sp1989 got it right. And sorry sp1989 thought that snowwhite was a joke before, I clicked on that link and seen thats who is working on the stockalike parts.
  11. If what, I tested with is a 1.25 which, I think it is your looking at a .EDIT- ProceduralParts says it's more like a rescaleFactor = 0.325 it's right in that range.
  12. What OS you running ? I have installed them both in a test install and don't get the MOM to come up, I'm on Linux.
  13. My bad thought you was looking for engines to somewhat make a pack and know what you mean on what you feel like doing in KSP today lol but most the time, I make a new install to play with and then forget what one, I was do what in.
  14. Mainly have a good heavy launcher with a multi-upper stages for a handful of jobs ?
  15. I hope this gets somewhere it would be nice and there are some good open source engine one is a F1 and the Altas V but there isn't much IMO for lander engines. EDIT- Rocketdyne F-1 Liquid Engine by 1096bimu (Saturn V main engines) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47892-0-21-X-Rocketdyne-F-1-Liquid-Engine-%28Saturn-V-main-engines%29-UPDATED-v1-2 Atlas V Parts - by BahamutoD http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59701-Atlas-V-Parts-for-RO-RSS EDIT- Also has 2 engines by BahamutoD http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76841-%28RSS-RO%29-Constellation-Essentials-v1-3-1-Trusses-Engines-Adapters-%28Apr21%29 And I know you know of a mod that has the same 2 engines with a nice re-texture job
  16. I run with out node toggle with no problem but just have to watch what node you are attaching to and, I can't run VDS mod has when it's install all the thrusters and engines and decoupler are all firing off you VAB.
  17. What you mean ? Did you look at the settings.cfg in the KIS folder ?
  18. All good XkaOnslaught and Kartoffelkuchen keep up the good work your it has come along ways.
  19. For the people that use the so called RealPlume in Realism overhaul and then there some that use the HotRockets expansion plume and then there some the don't use ether. Whats Realism overhaul got to do with this anyway ? That don't make it real.
  20. Looking at the files there are some solar panels that the output are Strange Matter so would say any where with the panels are getting sun light.
  21. KW works fine in .90 and you can delete all the parts you don't use in some installs, I have just the Booster and Fairings & FairingBases. EDIT- Now if you just want a Great Looking Launcher this as got to be one of best Horizon Aeronautics http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/16866-Horizon-Aeronautics-Development-Thread It is from around .24 but works Great
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