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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Are you talking about MJ it did that can't think of anything in RT2 that does that.
  2. One thing that should be said is ECLSS does have a bug when you go on EVA your ship will lose all of it's MonoPropellant and there is around 4 life support mods 2 are like a WIP. EDIT- WIP just has Lifesupport RESOURCE, MOD is -- IFILS and some1 picked up IronCross which has just 2 RESOURCE
  3. @toadicus here is a post from JDP the first modder of RemoteTech said ok to any of his dishs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-Development-Resumed-RemoteTech-2?p=1263700&viewfull=1#post1263700
  4. What dish from Kerbin to the Mun you using ? can you see the Dishangle pointing at the Mun or a wide cone about 2MM both sides of the Mun ? EDIT- There is only 2 dishes to use at that range and thats the Comms DTS-m1 and Reflectron KR-7
  5. Look in your RT2 folder look at RemoteTech_Settings.cfg Thought there was one more you had to change to use that ? maybe RangeModelType but don't remember.
  6. Do you have the 1's around the Mun targeting Kerbin and Kerbin targeting Mun ?
  7. 1 of them will show the blue and 1 won't just forgot what 1 it is thinking the 2nd post is the blue look. EDIT- That is sharp.
  8. Looks great, I want to pop some hehe and top part looks like something, I have seen somewhere. EDIT- Can we see it with alittle ReflectiveShader ? or
  9. Nice can't wait to see the out come.
  10. This mod crashes on Linux 64bit when going to launch pad. EDIT- My bad, I put it a test install just stock and all worked will put it back in main install and see what it don't like.
  11. And by change the density = ******* will change how much is used per sec, but also changes weight.
  12. Don't think you can, I have try'ed many times, It worked in ver .19 but now it will zap a battery in a flash. Try this 2 part together REMOVED
  13. You talking about how RSS or the Stock Rebalance changes stuff ? Don't know why it would really matter if it used 1 or 2 Modules.
  14. Delete the plugin folder in RT2's folder and all the CFG's files and unzip this 1 there should work https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RT2_2_Stock.cfg.zip
  15. Most of the MicroSat works alittle the solar panels need a boost the decouple needs some love and the antennae. EDIT- OK what is the LICENSE now, Can any of the old dish and stuff be posted ?
  16. I take it there is still a bug with having more then 1 probe core on a vessel ?
  17. Been playing around with the RCS and looks like you can use ElectricCharge as a PROPELLANT but it will zap a battey in a sec. and try'ed EnrichedUranium from NearFuture mod not to bad but needs there plugin also try'ed Hydrogen from Universal Storage mod and ArgonGas also from NearFuture mod and XenonGas from stock not bad the problem is some how the density is used in the ratio to how much is used per sec, So if any of those mods are installed will adjust the ratio used per sec that you see in vab when you click on a part which bites so with out making your owne RESOURCE, so you can set the density so the used per sec, looks good and don't zap a tank in a sec, So now not sure what to do ? EDIT- And do you think a aircompressor would work in space ?
  18. Not sure what that set is but must have got it there was a Fallback part shader was set false turned it to true and Aerodynamic FX turned it down to Minimal and all works now Thanks for the help woohoo can land Kerbals again EDIT- guessing it was ( Aerodynamic FX ) ?
  19. The only addon is ModuleManager.2.1.5 will take it out and see and see if, I can Dummy my way through that patch. EDIT- Have notice that, I don't see the re-enter FX but thats about the time it shuts down.
  20. you mean .23.5 and can you post what you tried ? or PM me and did you add something to the name and title ?
  21. Found it, I think https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Player.log.zip
  22. @MrWizerd did you get a PM from me today ? EDIT- About the RCS thrusters
  23. Looks nice hope it doesn't end up like the rest http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71095-Pteron-Micro-Shuttle-and-rescue-vehicle http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73957-WIP-0-23-5-AKSP-Suborbital-Space-Transport
  24. @SpannerMonkey, I think he was talking about the old file. ( and just to who ever ) and on the Iron thrust this are Electrical thrusters and again, I'm no rocket scientist and this is a game to have fun and not all in ksp even stock is not as real as in real life workings and, I have looked up Iron drive to see how they work but 1 would think something a Gas or EnrichedUranium resource to create Electrical charge. Edit- but as SpannerMonkey as said even my self, I don't see how in real life they would work better then a normal thrust.
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