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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. And you could just edit the kethane.cfg in the Resources fold would think.
  2. Resource = Kethane ColorFull = 0.08235294, 0.6901961, 0.1019608 ColorEmpty = 0.1858824, 0.3105883, 0.1929412 Generator { name = LegacyResourceGenerator MinRadius = 7.29 MaxRadius = 16.2 MinQuantity = 10000 MaxQuantity = 500000 MinVertices = 20 MaxVertices = 50 RadiusVariance = 0.45 DepositCount = 17 NumberOfTries = 30 Body { name = Kerbin MinRadius = 4.05 DepositCount = 12
  3. It still's works for me is your little map filling in ? EDIT if you add MapTraq to a part you still have to click on part to open map.
  4. Look in the Kethane folder you find a folder called Resources in it you find Kethane.cfg this is a part of what it looks like KethaneResource { Resource = Kethane ColorFull = 0.08235294, 0.6901961, 0.1019608 ColorEmpty = 0.1858824, 0.3105883, 0.1929412 Generator { name = LegacyResourceGenerator MinRadius = 7.29 MaxRadius = 16.2 MinQuantity = 10000 MaxQuantity = 500000 MinVertices = 20 MaxVertices = 50 RadiusVariance = 0.45 DepositCount = 17 NumberOfTries = 30 Body { name = Kerbin MinRadius = 4.05 DepositCount = 12 } So It's like random spot's with a MinRadius where ScanSat reading info that KSP put there on a planet, where as Majiir don't want to set it up that way.
  5. It's not that they need to be integrated at all but you are right he want you to waste your time scanning a planet. EDIT other mods out there now for other Resources and more real 1's
  6. This should work, I don't use that mod so with that said test if you like Should pick up Inerstellar stuff Kethane and map and's add 1 scanner part.https://www.dropbox.com/s/gr7bdczdz3utip1/scansat125.zip Here is a link for putting Kethane on MapTraq part last time a used it, It reveals kethane on a planet as you scanned it already but layout of deposit are diffrant https://www.dropbox.com/s/gl34cl1axcl793q/Add_Kethane_MapTraq.cfg
  7. Did it look like this @PART[*]:HAS[#mass < 1] { MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab grabKey = g maxDistance = 3 breakForce = 3 evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.1, -0.3) evaPartRot = (10.0, -180.0, 180.0) addPartMass = false grabSndPath = KAS/Sounds/grab } MODULE { name = KASModuleAttach attachKey = h rotateLeftKey = b rotateRightKey = n surfaceDist = 0.169 maxDistance = 3 allowPart = True allowEva = False allowStatic = True sendMsgOnly = False pointerUseModel = True partRot = (-90.0, -15.0, 0.0) attachSndPath = KAS/Sounds/attach detachSndPath = KAS/Sounds/detach } }
  8. With your Athena the nose when you click on it and move it you can't see it, it go'd blank you can get it back out of the menu and the 1 with 2 stages don't have a decoupler on top stage well it's more like a 3 stage.
  9. Yes thats what, I was asking but was hoping for it all and you guys do a great job for all of us that don't know much but the camera views would be a great start for, I like the mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67450-WIP-IVA-PLUGIN-ProbeControlRoom-1-0-alpha2-IVA-All-the-things%21-Toolbar-Screens but it needs 1 big screen and the views would help a bunch. EDIT thanks MOARdv and if you need some 1 to try things out let me know.
  10. You can added it to the scanners but it still works the same but if you put it on the MapTraq part it will reveal it all but there in big patches. EDIT if you want to try MapTraq https://www.dropbox.com/s/gl34cl1axcl793q/Add_Kethane_MapTraq.cfg Edit yes still focused craft because you are still using the Kethane plugin but like, I said if you put it on a scanner work same but if you put in on MapTraq the min you get in range of the scan it shows all as being scanned but the layout of the deposit will be diffrant. EDIT 2 And on the Intersellar if there scanners as a MODULE for it yes you can add them 2 by editing the file or making a cfg for it.
  11. Can you not rotated them the right way ? Think it's A key or D EDIT and if you have a over lap your using the wrong 1 try the other. EDIT2 And procedural go's from 0.625 to a 5.0 you must have over look it.
  12. Mihara is there anyway to split a screen ? like if you had some of the big 1's in the ASET ALCOR screen have 4 channels if you wanted and then change back to 1 big screen or maybe 2 ?
  13. Do You have a example on a AIES you wouldn't mind to share, I haven't got it to work don't know what, I'm doing wrong. OK thank's NoMrBond
  14. LOL so for the ranges post whats the best angles ? hehe EDIT sidfu did you get the PM ? EDIT please Pondafarr alittle help with math
  15. Think for this game it's Unity you can get a free 1 and there's Blender but think there can be a problem exporting from blender not sure. EDIT Unity is what KSP is made in or from. EDIT We need more dishes that look good EDIT just seen with what mods have dishes there are a bunch that have the 60 gm range and not much in the middle. EDIT NoMrBond you use coolrockets ?
  16. Load this up and see if work want me to zip and PM you will add 3 dishes.
  17. Was think of the ScanSat's scanner 1 disk but so far as dishes you about named them all there is a couple more with Antenna but thats about it that, I have ran into. EDIT sounds good will give it a go.
  18. what dish you like ? and think a 25.0 or 45.0 on the angle, I think works good.
  19. You can edit the parts to what you want if your not sure how make a list of what range and angle you want ?
  20. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4rmssjke0oamgf/RemoteTech_AIES_3.cfg
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