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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Try something like this @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[crewReport]]] { @baseValue = 5 @scienceCap = 80 }
  2. Blowing up your stuff yes know bug with this mod for the first part and the crash game don't remember that problem.
  3. You might try and edit the breaking force, I see it's set to 1 which wouldn't think it's would hold much at all and change it 10 would match the pipe breaking force but normal struts are much higher.
  4. The KW folder go's in KSP/GameData folder the KW parts look for that path hope that helps. The path should look like KSP/GameData/KWRocketry when installed right.
  5. Hyomoto is there anyway to split a screen ? like if you had some of the big 1's in the ASET ALCOR can a screen have 4 channels if you wanted and then change back to 1 big screen or maybe 2 ?
  6. Thats funny you asked now, I just started play with them again,put KW and NovaPunch in a install to play with them.
  7. You don't like the FX on the turbine's or you want the rocket FX on the Turbine Engines ?
  8. Try'ed to found out how to rescale the FX with no luck on the ion engine maybe some 1 that know how to rescale the FX will help but here are the 2 engines cfg for KSPX mod just put them in KSP/GameData https://www.dropbox.com/s/szrtwtp9pohu96y/KSPX.zip and make sure you have 1 ModuleManager file in KSP/GameData
  9. Looks like the smallest one's should show up in TechRequired = flightControl but if you want just for if you have a mod that don't have the TechRequired here is a cfg file, I made for HydroTech mod but will work on any mod's parts.https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkvro6vs54czmax/HydroTech_AT_Start.cfg EDIT Yes KW should be installed in Kerbal Space Program/GameData looking in the KW folder loos like Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KWRocketry And there showing up me,Is it a new download of KW or a old 1 ?
  10. For anyone that whats this here is a cfg for parts that don't have TechRequired it will put the parts at the start in a career mode.https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkvro6vs54czmax/HydroTech_AT_Start.cfg EDIT just put the file in KSP/GameData you must have ModuleManager you can get it here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-1-5-6-%28Jan-6%29 it also go's in the KSP/GameData folder.
  11. Ok alittle mad that as reported be smurphy34 there's didn't blow up ,I trouble shot a couple of thing as, I don't remember if it's stock or not,I use Remotech2 mod so, I put remote guidance pieces on my craft and the lander can don't like it, I take that part out and all is good ? so why don't it like the remote guidance part ?
  12. Why did you install like that so mod's the file path as to stay so like KW would be KSP/GAMEDATA/KWRocketry but don't think KW is that way but some are. Edit And on the tech tree it's where the modder put it or you edit it and put it where you want you can make a cfg to do that or edit part. just look for the line TechRequired = if you put TechRequired = start it will be at the start. EDIT 2 and KW is that way it's look for KSP/GAMEDATA/KWRocketry for the texture and sound.
  13. It's in there post and there is a rebalance cfg to and one thing to think about is a kerbal day is not 8 hr but 6 hr sometimes,I think they over look that. EDIT here is the post on rebalance http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58127-0-23-asmi-s-ECLSS-Mod-%28current-version-1-0-15%29-Life-Support-Mod?p=883321&viewfull=1#post883321
  14. Yes spaceport says link bad and the search on the forums isn't that the good. EDIT or i'm doing something wrong when,I search for things. EDIT2 O man, I didn't think of Google searching it thanks.
  15. I put a small thrust tank and thruster on top and a docking port right on top and when, I went EVA and when, I reentered the tank and port blows off. https://www.dropbox.com/s/az51lchpdcnu9pp/screenshot6.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/ndptxbc25oyln2h/screenshot7.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/2q7dprhrweryo3b/screenshot8.png
  16. You have link to mod spaceport is bad link and search forums not that good ?
  17. Thanks for the quick update will try. EDIT Can EVA now but when reenter it blows the stuff off that, I put on top of lander can.
  18. Like NearFuture mod does ? the cooling panels for the radiator you can put on engine to keep them cool 2.
  19. Does it work when you edit the part the way you want ? I see there is two parts and your just getting you need to add a wildcard or add other side.
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