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Everything posted by eskimo22

  1. Im using 20 and 30mm guns. In the past, a goalkeeper CIWS would easily take out an RBS-15 cruise missile, it can't anymore. The gun leads the missile too much or too little (depending on the gun).
  2. 1.4.3 and the lates BDAc that I know of I tried using the HE-KV in space and it didn't work.
  3. HE-KV doesn't work in space or atmosphere, and guns can't target missiles effectively. What to do?
  4. where do I find this in a nod BD or B9 part? (in my case, it is Alcentar's SpaceX BFR, it has too few hit points for its size. It has several times less hit points than the small convert-o-tron)
  5. physics range extender causes my ships to flicker, "flicker fix" only makes the problem less bad, it does not fix it. I can't zoom in because my ship will start to disappear. what to do?
  6. How do Beardy Penguin and TAPE get their radars to work in space? Different version? extra mods? You guys have a radar guided space missile, it needs a space radar.
  7. I was trying to use the TWS radar in space. the TWS was working on there ground, but it didn't work in space.
  8. How do I lock a target with the TWS radar, I can't do it. It used to work by clicking on the blip you want to target lock, has that changed?
  9. The weapon manager dosen't work
  10. The control surfaces of the BFS cause it to become aerodynamically unstable and flip nose down.
  11. pics of the new BFR?
  12. Will the new update come out soon?
  13. I think the best option is to scale down the BFR so there is no need to nerf it relative to stock rockets (150t and 5 or 5.5m). Tundra's BFR booster has a SL thrust of 13678.32 kN and a 330 sl ISP (it's 5m across, so slightly more thrust would be accurate for 5.5m). It might be a good idea to make an un nerfed 5.5m BFR in addition to the nerfed 7.5m. A fat midget rocket would look all wrong, making the rocket shorter AND narrower is a better idea (5.5m x 64.6m)
  14. I think it would be better to nerf SL isp instead of thrust, the TWR was very low when carrying 150t
  15. small problem with the BFR booster engines, the thrust increases 20 meganewtons (28MN to 48MN) from SL to VAC on all engine setting, the center engines only increase 1 MN (13MN to 14MN).
  16. Good news, after Elon Kerman revealed the tools for the BFR, the Kerbals are no longer on strike. They still refuse to build expendable SHLVs however.
  17. Please hurry up with the new BFR, my Kerbals are on strike, they refuse to build another expendable Super Heavy Launch Vehicle. There has been public outcry from taxpayers over the sheer cost of expendable SHLVs. The space program could loose political support over this. They need evidence of progress in reusable SHLVs (BFR pics). just kidding, don't get mad.
  18. Plz make the F9 landing legs tweakscale compatible in the next update. new pics of the BFR?
  19. any pics of the new BFR wing attached to the ship?
  20. sry about that, should have specified.
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