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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Because you and your target aren't attached? There's going to be a different level of gravity applied to two objects separated by a few dozen meters. The point of KSP is to simulate physics to a reasonable degree of accuracy and this is what it's doing, simulating two slightly different orbits.
  2. This community switches between "they talk too much" and "they don't talk enough" like an overclocked metronome.
  3. I think this opens up more inconsistencies than there already are. I love how the pixelated style looks at native resolution but it's fundamentally flawed in that it breaks at any other resolution. The UI needs to be composed of images or vectors and designed to look the same when interpolated at different scales as the current artificially-aliased look does not accomplish that. Just replacing some elements like in your mockup won't help fix the fundamental issues at hand.
  4. Also, regardless if the armada is doing a high-dV direct burn or a standard transfer, its trajectory will likely not be directly aimed at Earth. The scenario posed above only works if Earth is stationary and there are no other gravitational sources to worry about.
  5. Trying to avoid getting too political, but the Kerbals probably aren't dealing with rich Kerbals hoarding everything (+ bad funding decisions and space-disinterested presidents in NASA's case). Money and war was a huge part of HUMAN space exploration, and humans are known for making crap decisions and needing aggressive or spiteful motivations for anything. It's also known that money is not going to mesh with interplanetary colonies as well as resources will. It makes a lot more sense to manage a physical thing that colonies will need to build things out of than an imaginary unit.
  6. There are, in fact, several former KSP 1 devs and KSP 1 mod makers working on KSP 2, but people do so love being hyperbolic about things don't they? lol Okay, so you don't suspect this has to do with science being similar to how it worked in KSP 1?
  7. I think the team should have avoided doing this in the clip and giving people the idea that 0.2 would add IVAs.
  8. Or, you know, generated Why would distant future civilizations go to the effort of building a 100% convincing simulation... and program the AI to generate polygons at the subatomic level instead of quarks? I'm not saying we live in a simulation, I'm saying if we did there's likely no way to tell as long as the civilisation was competent and not telling the AI "yeah, make everything consistent with reality. Except quarks, just put polygons there instead, cause reasons".
  9. You can reduce the instability of vessels by placing a probe core on the engine plate the engines are on. Hopefully they revamp the SAS at some point to take into account the difference between the orientation of the rockets vs the orientation of the control point when trying to stabilise the rocket.
  10. +1 on this. Adding to this, being able to simulate the lighting on a planet at a certain time would be critical for placing lights.
  11. Why wouldn't the simulation be capable of rendering bacteria the moment one looks under the microscope? Why not?
  12. Well hardware isn't a problem for the intents and purposes of our future civilisation. Let's say we're running this on a Matrioshka brain. How do you know those bacteria existed before you looked at them?
  13. Would doing a search and replace on existing saves and vessels not be quicker?
  14. Where'd you get 40% from? I think the tapes are helpful FWIW. They can be turned down.
  15. Funds won't work given the colony gameplay. It makes more sense to just have resources.
  16. That's what LODs are for and that's why computers can simulate areas the size of the Universe. Get with the times, LODs have been a thing for decades Computers can simulate molecules, computers can simulate planets and the greater structure of the Universe, computers can simulate the way light behaves, and it's theoretically possible to simulate a brain. It's not a stretch to say there's nothing stopping a civilisation centuries or millennia ahead of us from simulating reality.
  17. I agree with most of your suggestions, except this one. I don't see why this is a necessary change - if you're zooming through a vessel and this isn't what you want, what's stopping you from just middle clicking the part you want to zoom in on?
  18. Not to nitpick, but if your computer can't render a convincingly detailed smashed clock, it's probably from the early 2000s.
  19. Surely right, but if I had access to colony building whilst going from Duna to Jool, I'll absolutely take it- Like we've seen in the trailer, Duna has a large mothership, and Jool has a whole fuel station with an interstellar ship construction site.. You'll have to send probes, landers, expeditions, etc. first
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