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Everything posted by Resender

  1. I'm doing a shadow using mostly the same mods except for deadly reentry since I have enough trouble already with ferrum
  2. My problem atm is that when I get a plane faster then mach 1.2 my frames drop to 1 fps
  3. The condor reminds me of the 'Golden Condor' out of the 1980's French/Japanese anime 'Mysterious Cities of Gold' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCX0Ns_Z37s
  4. So any details over the challenge/carreer/race
  5. I think the auto dock feature is bugged I had 2 craft aimed at one another,docking ports aligned I did the autodock and it turned the craft 180 degrees
  6. I see the same problem that's been plaguing my space shuttle First your centre of mass and trust direction, you shuttle basically hangs on one side of the rocket unbalancing it. This causing the tumbling as soon as the liquid fuel in the main stage weighs less then the shuttle. Second I got a few questions about the orbiters design. 1)Where's the front wheel 2)Have you tested it's glider properties and capacity to get out of a tumble Last I'll give you a compare between your current design and mine My design can get out of a failed launch and land, yours can't cause it doesn't have a sufficient wing surface to make it in a glider, in attachment my design. Note do that I haven't been able to get into orbit yet using this way
  7. I haven't even managed to get a craft to get into Eve's sphere of influence
  8. Taking that route kind of failed as well, with me having to glide the shuttle back from an altitude of 20km, and the shuttle itself having been at a 65% angle with the horizon. But I soon got on the glide, using the fuel onboard untill that too depleted
  9. I've been having problems getting into orbit using the following design Any crash you can walk away from SO the problem is always the same as soon as the lift stages go I have to sacrifice, the belly tank (while far from depleted) or my craft goes into an uncontrollable cartwheel. And their is insignificant fuel in the orbiter itself to get into an orbit.
  10. The term alien literally means coming from a different culture or origin, so all of us are technically aliens to the other
  11. There a reference to the movie 2001: A space odyssey
  12. I keep missing Eve, I did however managed to land a space shuttle on Duna
  13. I've been using the following design But my attempts to launch it like a regular spaceshuttle keep failing so I put it on top of my rocket just like the ESA spacecraft Hermes would I even landed on Duna I've been trying to get to Eve but keep failing at it.
  14. I'm impressed and this has given me an idea to get my space shutlle onto new worlds
  15. Started a KSP series on my youtube channel (which I also recently started)
  16. Nice design, this for me is the first time I've been aiming for Minmus and not Mun, I guess I'm one of the few who haven't even landed on Mun yet. (Well I landed on it plenty but the lander broke on landing making a return trip not possible) The next images have been deemed declassified (HRQ is a codeword for the project) So what is KARL, well it stands for Kerbal Atmospheric Reconnaissance Lander. They use a combination of parachutes and descend thrusters to land and the design is meant for landing on planetary objects that have an atmosphere. I've tested the design on Kerbal itself, by launching them into orbit, landing them like I would on a mission, taking off into orbit again and then landing like I should land on the return trip.
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