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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. You just proved my point. If SpaceX does all the heavy lifting and NASA gets the publicity NASA does not need the funding for the PR Boost. This is my point. As long as people see stuff happening they do not care if the logo on the side of the rocket is SpaceX or NASA
  2. Again as long as the masses see "bigger" rockets on droneships they will not think that NASA will need the Funding. this is my point if SpaceX beats NASA in the PR Game congress can cut funding since the wider public will not care.
  3. Im a fan of Hogan's Heroes I have not seen any of those shows, lol I live under a bit of a rock TOS?
  4. Do not take this the wrong way, but I am mostly agreeing with you, that NASA will win the race but still IIIFFFFF SpaceX wins the race then congress who always wants to cut funding for programs that are not well known will cut NASA funding to a minimum because frankly the average person does not know the difference between NASA and SpaceX, so their will be no outcry. Congress will give the new money to there salaries as always.
  5. I will say this again IF NASA has any delays and SpaceX is successful they will cut NASA funding even more.
  6. Again I know this, my entire critique is of congress if you re-read my post. I know that NASA as an entity is MORE than Capable of making a rocket in a few years if they are given enough funding. That is the question though, getting enough problems. I just think congress is more interested in raising their salary and blaming each other for the 2020 election that launching rockets. If NASA has any delays and SpaceX is successful they will cut NASA funding even more.
  7. Also this array thing. Can it be used to name functions?
  8. MAV Base with the ability to go inside Perhaps an actual ship marked as debris
  9. I am no musk fanboy, however when you watch a NASA video from the late 2000 and it predicts we will have a moon base by 2018 and you realize that when SLS is ready for launch, congress will need to launch there salaries instead of rockets, I doubt that SLS will get off the ground until 2022, at that I doubt we will be back on the moon by 2028 let alone 2024. This just seems like it will not happen anytime soon.
  10. More like 2824 *Elon colonizes mars and build's a full colony on mars 800 years ago. NASA: Ok lets go explore mars with the SLS now!
  11. Saw it through binoculars today, looks pretty good from about 3 miles away. Good to know the weather will be good, do you know where to find those reports?
  12. Im curious what people's favorite TV Shows and Movies are, however Im referring more to older movies and TV shows( pre 1980 )
  13. So how does it actually send a digit, something like an adafruit. I intend to have one, I still need to be able to have separate variables for logging however. ok, is it possible to make these all have a prefix variable and then print all vars with the prefix?
  14. Bad day to go dumpster diving 1. What am I watching 2. Antiques Roadshow, Boeing and Lockheed, lol Forum Whack-a-post
  15. That would be very unstable Insert Merica Memes Saw a NASA video recently from 2008 and it mentioned constellation and going back to the moon by 2018. With a manned lunar base. Yea obviously NASA can keep a schedule
  16. That was so cool to see in person. It took about a minute for the sound to hit me but when it did I was surprised just how loud it was from so far away. I was surprised they launched the weather was crazy at KSC today
  17. Im not sure how to do this so excuse the pseudocode but something like this. I only need the way to insert the number which is the hard part Insert_Number = 0 def create_var_function_one(war_one): Insert_Number = Insert_Number + 1 var_addon--->Insert_Number<--- = var_one create_var_function_one(var_one) Print(var_addon-->etc<--)
  18. I also need to tell the code to create a new variable. As in not me but the code itself creates a variable. Each time the script runs it says the variable y is equal to the code created variable HOWEVER when the script runs again it is equal to a second code created variable.This way I can access a list of past data without interfering with the main code. This way I can log all movements and how they affect the rocket in flight.
  19. Hello Again people, I will not have a ton of time to reply as quickly because I am at KSC, however I had a few more questions, I assume that python has no libraries with stuff robotics, if it does what are they I did not see anything useful on the list. If there are not any python libraries for this sort of thing I assume someone has made some sort of add-on for python that allows you to turn servos etc. If so what is that, Im referring only to code add-on here and nothing with actual hardware I need to buy yet. Also on a side note I had a question. How does a computer send digits? I had an idea but it seems unlikely, If you simpily said each digit should take x "Nanoseconds" to send if it is 1 nanosecond it is 1 if it is 2 it is two etc. Then you could send numbers in the millions with just one port. The second idea was where 9 wires go into a computer, and the computers sees how many are active over a specified period of time and that is the digit. Either way what is a digit even to a computer? What does it represent etc?
  20. Ok I see, that problem did not arise with the full flight computer code ( I have no idea why not it should have) however ill add in the return statement.
  21. Im not following what you are saying. I just ran the code on two different documents and it went fine as well as simulating for a changing value in the gyro number I need it to read the gyro number for the x axis which is being actively put into the variable gx. It would have to be return gx in that case which would solve nothing
  22. gx=4 def read_gyroscope(gx): print(gx) gx=read_gyroscope(gx) This seems to have worked more or less
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