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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. That is way to much. That is 208.333333 days at minimum! In the course of 8 years or 2920 days you have played for 208/2920! this rounds to aout 1/6 of all the hours in your days over the course of 8 years!
  2. I like this game but it is missing two many things
  3. This one is my favorite short classical song: this one is to long to get stuck in my head but it is good
  4. Fair enough I may add a "II" to the second one like I did with my other vars
  5. You may be able to create power that way. Have a magnetic liquid and throw it out a pressurized hole into a turbine and take it back with a magnet.
  6. 1. Indeed 2. I did that for simplification. Their was no benefit to doing alternates atleast not yet. If I ever have to change it it only requires a few more lines of code 3.a. How will it know if I want it to be if var==True of var==False 3.b. I could most likely due that I just wanted to make it easier to change although in hindsight it will most likely be the same anyways. 3.c. I will make the underscore change but I will not remove the Capital as I intend to have a "soft" abort function by the same name that will not destroy the whole rocket but just the part I need it too. ( I can not do this until the rocket is built because I need to know more about the rocket itself) 4. Thanks. As a note do you have any experience with gyroscopes? If you do I can directly import the value of the gyroscope into a variable. This goes into a bigger question which is how do I interface pins and a CPU etc with this code?
  7. Ok... As a matter of practicality I have this working the way I want to too. My original problem with the two numbers equaling the same thing has not been solved but I managed to get a work around using True and False statements. If your are interested Basically I recreated the function but with different parameters to determine if the rocket is off course. I turn on and off the two way of figuring this out with if statements that judge if a Variable is true or not. Took longer than I would want but whatever. Thanks @Shpaget for the info about the variables. @Kerbart Thanks for the time clock thing that was incredible useful.
  8. Linus Kerman is the leader of the kuluminati he has been sabotaging all of Werner Von Kerman's data! He was paid by the Kraken so KSP engineers could not find the solution to the mineral that is beneath the sea. that is why Kerbal Space Program never goes into the sea.
  9. All of the Star Wars saga movies are the Single Worst movies produced in a free country! Note: Not my opinion. ------------------------------- Apple Products are the worst Note:Again not my opinion ------------------------------------
  10. Hello My fellow forum poster! How do you on period of time this is 24 hours long? Im living a good period of 24 hours myself! I've done some Python coding with some success debug some section of my flight computer. The section I debugged involved the in flight destruction sequence. KSP has been used on my computer in this 24 hour time period for 3 hours or so. Note: That was painful
  11. Im bored and have nothing better to do so here is a few random codes messages relating to KSP in someway for you to crack if your interested. Perhaps your bored too. If you want me too add some feel free just send me a message with the decoded answer and I will verify it. When I have more time I will come up with a hard one... EASY: (Answer with a Number) 18--19-26-5-22--11-15-26-2-22-23--dea--18-13--16C-8C-11C--,--19-12-6--26-25-12-6-7--2-12-6-? THIS IS THE ANSWER IN THE TEXT BOX INCLUDING THE CIPHER OPEN WITH CARE:
  12. What... In... The... World...
  13. if gx>minangletolerance and gx<maxangletolerance: print("safe destruction x ") Emergencyabortfunction() Here is the amended section fixed to the way it should be.
  14. First... I checked multiple times and did not get notifications weird. Second @Shpaget I need to convince my code of its location. If the Gyros angle number (gx) is greater than one tolerance or less than another it will detonate. This way the rocket will not flyoff and just disintegrate safely in the air. If the rocket goes straight up at 0/360 degrees I set the tolerances so if it is less than 340 and greater than 20 it will detonate. (As a note I just realized I coded that wrong although this does not affect the problem being discussed here) when I turn the rocket by 30* on one axis (pitch over) I need to change these tolerances. If I did this the code would respond to 370* (as it is 10 degrees outside the 20 degree tolerance) but not 10* I do not want to recode each and every turn program because in the end I may have hundreds of then and changing all of those is a joke of epic proportions. I would rather amend a single variable as I have done. if FTminx<gx<FTmaxx: print("On course no adjustment needed (x)") elif FTminx>gx: print("Course Correction to the Negative (x)") coursecorrectionxn() elif FTmaxx<gx: print("Course Correction to the Positive (x)") coursecorrectionxp() #----THE CODE BELOW THIS if gx>minangletolerance or gx>maxangletolerance: print("safe destruction x ") Emergencyabortfunction() #---- THE CODE ABOVE THIS elif gx<0: print("safe destruction x ") Emergencyabortfunction() I tried that and it did not work correctly T=10000 x2=0 if T>x2: a = [1, 300] if a==300: print("hello") if a==1: print("hello")
  15. How can I assign TWO values to a single variable? I need to do this to convince the flight computer of its position I tried this T=10000 x2=0 if T>x2: 1==300 2==600 3==900 x=300 if x==301 or x==1: print("hello") and this T=10000 x2=0 if T>x2: a=1 and a =300 b=2 and b =600 c=3 and c =900 if a==301 or a==1: print("hello")
  16. Im against life support only maby as the last DLC but while this is going it should be other DLCs
  17. Im trying to multiply all the variables in a class by 3 instead of individually multiplying them. I have a reason for this. Any ideas? global var1 global var2 global var3 class variable: def var1(): var1==1 def var2(): var2==2 def var3(): var3==3 variable * 3 print(var1,var2,var3)
  18. Yea I need to look into this more to get it. You could not really be weightless in a harrier jet however I mean it hovered and it did not overcome gravity. If you could get the jet to power at the exact rate of gravity you could most likely do it. You could also have a range to create a virtual but not real artificial environment. If your slightly over you drift downward and if your slightly under you drift upward. Alternate between the two and it most likely not impossible.
  19. Tested that it did not work, oh well as @Shpaget pointed out I really do not need a new CPU x=2 def secondcpu(x): while x==2: return x and thirdcpu() def firstcpu(x): secondcpu(x) print(x) def thirdcpu(): while x==2: print("Blah") firstcpu(x)
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