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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. Ok thanks. I meant on the forum you said something about a file needing to be changed to true Their is no textures folder
  2. Ok finally I downloaded the DiRT file their was something in the description about a changing a file? What do I need to do
  3. Not really it can be affected by a lack of struts. I mean after thenrocket starts to bend to a certain point Maby 4* at most from its launch form it will explode at the joint. Also nodes need to be stronger if I attach something to a node I do not want to have to strut it.
  4. That does not simulate POGO the result is the same but not the cause
  5. The problem with that though is that I use fairings for interstages
  6. I'm not that computer savvy lol what Do I need to do to get it like that can I just take a picture and cut it up into the 6 squares
  7. How do I install the code from GitHub/ how do I get the zip file I fail to see a download button
  8. Why would then need to escape earth exactly. I mean if you fire a rocket upside down on earth it does move it earth (barely) but still
  9. If we took all the nuclear weapons ever made (we will just say 70,000 for the sake of it) and located them in one spot 1 mile by 1 mile and for the sake of it built a de laval nozzle 5 miles high 1 mile wide out of unobtainium. Could we from a purely velocity postion change the orbit of earth. Yes all the nukes are detonated at the same time Diameter of the throat of the nozzle is 0.5 miles at an alitiude of 1.5 miles Also as a side conversation what would be the ramifications of such a detonation. I should mention that all the nukes are 0.2 miles away from the nozzle so the shock wave will hit the nozzle and go out like a gas
  10. Nothing stands out you can use it for navigation but it's not really useful. I mean just a few stars and such that stand out and a better galaxy. It does not feel individual but very copy paste. Sure the layout may be random and not copy paste but the textures are copy paste. Just look at the "galaxies" we have almost if not identical I feel like I'm looking at the star space themed floor of chuck e cheese sure it's "random" and differant but the textures are not individual. Or it's like I said a kids bedroom sure the formations of stars may show something and their might be a brightest "star" but in the end it's a glow in the dark 5 point star. I want some form if individual nature to it. I do not by the way want them to re do it all that is a massive under taking but just to make 10-25% indivudal Is their a "skybox mod" I'm looking now but you may find it first https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrEwVp96Wdb83AAsRaKnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIycGFrMTEyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANiOTgzY2U5N2FjNWY1ZWI0ODBjMGQ2MzQxN2YwZmVmYgRncG9zAzIEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&amp;back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DKsp%2BSkybox%26fr%3Dipad%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&amp;w=1366&amp;h=768&amp;imgurl=media-curse.cursecdn.com%2Fattachments%2F176%2F323%2F5b29333b9105bf818a97c3251262f86f.png&amp;rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmods.curse.com%2Fksp-mods%2Fkerbal%2F241900-vaporos-blue-galaxy-skybox&amp;size=788.7KB&amp;name=Vaporo%26%2339%3Bs+Blue+Galaxy+<b>Skybox<%2Fb>+-+Miscellaneous+-+Kerbal+Space+...&amp;p=Ksp+Skybox&amp;oid=b983ce97ac5f5eb480c0d63417f0fefb&amp;fr2=&amp;fr=ipad&amp;tt=Vaporo%26%2339%3Bs+Blue+Galaxy+<b>Skybox<%2Fb>+-+Miscellaneous+-+Kerbal+Space+...&amp;b=0&amp;ni=108&amp;no=2&amp;ts=&amp;tab=organic&amp;sigr=127odlh1r&amp;sigb=12jp6qogr&amp;sigi=12he4e4ti&amp;sigt=1292uqna2&amp;sign=1292uqna2&amp;.crumb=0sQN5ahmzm8&amp;fr=ipad Look at that picture something to actually admire Look at the differance https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrEwVp96Wdb83AAsRaKnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIycGFrMTEyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANiOTgzY2U5N2FjNWY1ZWI0ODBjMGQ2MzQxN2YwZmVmYgRncG9zAzIEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&amp;back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DKsp%2BSkybox%26fr%3Dipad%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&amp;w=1366&amp;h=768&amp;imgurl=media-curse.cursecdn.com%2Fattachments%2F176%2F323%2F5b29333b9105bf818a97c3251262f86f.png&amp;rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmods.curse.com%2Fksp-mods%2Fkerbal%2F241900-vaporos-blue-galaxy-skybox&amp;size=788.7KB&amp;name=Vaporo%26%2339%3Bs+Blue+Galaxy+<b>Skybox<%2Fb>+-+Miscellaneous+-+Kerbal+Space+...&amp;p=Ksp+Skybox&amp;oid=b983ce97ac5f5eb480c0d63417f0fefb&amp;fr2=&amp;fr=ipad&amp;tt=Vaporo%26%2339%3Bs+Blue+Galaxy+<b>Skybox<%2Fb>+-+Miscellaneous+-+Kerbal+Space+...&amp;b=0&amp;ni=108&amp;no=2&amp;ts=&amp;tab=organic&amp;sigr=127odlh1r&amp;sigb=12jp6qogr&amp;sigi=12he4e4ti&amp;sigt=1292uqna2&amp;sign=1292uqna2&amp;.crumb=0sQN5ahmzm8&amp;fr=ipad I'm done ranting now
  11. The pressure would also create friction which would heat it up. A water and ice tectonic plate... interesting
  12. I concur I just want it to look/feel like your exploring more than just the planets. It would also be useful for navigation (if you are going "hardcore" mode
  13. I know it not realistic but I do not want to leave keg stranded Maby it settings this could be turned on or off.
  14. Evacuating pad -60 seconds at maximum T-25 One very weak rocket I thought Nexo was going higher
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