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Everything posted by FrostedShoe

  1. The idea that using imperial units = technological marvels on its own seems ridiculous until you look at GB. Back in the day invented everything, then switched to metric and everyone else is better at using our inventions... I think you are on to something...
  2. For a game related to space exploration it's a minor thing that would be handy in the event you want to make sure you don't sink when landing in water. But I think you are expecting too much, this is a space game not a boat game after all.
  3. Is it possible your pitch control surfaces are stalling? Try setting their authority lower and see if that helps?
  4. I usually try for the centre of mass or the middle of the stage that will be using the reaction wheels for pointing the nose because the craft will try and rotate around the reaction wheel - its not a big issue of you don't but it seems more responsive than chucking them at one end. With really long craft, the reaction wheels controlled by the SAS system will react according the movement of the pod that is in control, not their own movement. This usually results in the top part of my rockets wobbling a little, but the bottom bit with reaction wheels flailing all over the place and getting worse as time goes on. The only solution I find is to turn off SAS and let it settle down on its own.
  5. As soon as I am out of the atmo, usually I have solar panels in there so I pop them out at the same time
  6. I depends on the bug - for example you wouldn't know if a docking bug would effect all docking ports until you tried with a different craft and I'm not waiting that long to find out I can never dock.
  7. Looks familiar, I was thinking something from Battlestar Galactica?
  8. I had a contract to launch a space station around the Sun with 6000 units of liquid fuel, I added 12 (I think) mk1 liquid fuel tanks radially to the crew compartment and launched it as one unit (no fairing was big enough so I just kept the speed down). I wouldn't imagine landing on Minmus would present a huge challenge due to the low gravity. If you willing to spend the money on it to save time, that's the way to go.
  9. On this subject - when using the processing lab in a new place, always do each experiment twice, once to process and once to transmit or return to maximise your returns. I suppose it gives you reason to revisit old locations you thought you had scienced out?
  10. So... After alot of time it seemed to start working on its own. Also I believe the problem to be with Steam as some of the setting screens wouldn't open. I can't really answer my own question because I don't know which one of the many things I tried fixed it.
  11. Hi, I play KSP on Steam, I have set my PS4 controller to work with Steam, and in the game pad set up there is an already set up KSP section, with different button layouts for different situations (building, flight etc). When I switch between the SPH and the runway, the game correctly shows the control layout changing to flight, but the controls themselves still seem to be mapped like they are in the SPH mode. Basically I don't know if this is an issue with Steam or the game, I just wondered if anyone has had similar problems with controllers and would have some tips on setting them up?
  12. I usually put solar panels and antenna toggle on 0, engines in order I use them from 1 onwards with any alternate modes after the engine they relate too except thrust reversing, that goes in the brake group.
  13. Add 8 fins to the bottom and try again, if it works or veers slowly then you have too much drag at the front and too much thrust at the back (extreme kerbal mullet). You could also limit the trust of the first stage in the VAB to keep your speed down or go liquid fuel on all stages and reduce the throttle.
  14. Had a contract to build a station in orbit of the Sun, assembled it in orbit of Kerbin then spent over 800 units of monoprop trying (and only just succeeding) to boost it into Sun orbit. I'm not sure why I didn't just build it in orbit of the Sun, it would have taken alot less real time...
  15. Rescued 5 kerbals in one mission and launched part one of a Kerbol science misson/space station contract combo station. Being able to rescue 5 in a shuttle originally designed for rescuing 1 and still landing at KSC with loads of fuel also showed me how inefficient my designs are....
  16. I am 99% positive it is unlimited, but it can't hold two of the same experiment from the same biome. Getting a biome readout is very useful.
  17. I won't use mods I think are overpowered, mainly because I like a challenge. I use MechJeb to create and execute manoeuvres, auto warp too and execute my own manoeuvres, and any docking job that is boring and routine. I can't see a problem with other people using mods, in fact is always interesting looking at all the creative things people come up with.
  18. I have that problem, try bringing the camera down level with the first docking port, then drag the second one down, flip it and it should snap. For some reason when you are trying to do it while looking at an angle it will try and attach radially.
  19. I use MechJeb to do some stuff for me, revert and quicksave. I only allow a Kerbal to die if it is funny (one almost died in a rescue attempt because I was focusing on closing distance and for some reason ignored closing speed - almost cut it in half with the space plane wing. if it had died I would have failed the contract and took the loss but it survived.). If I play in sandbox it is for testing crazy stuff or just for fun, in that case the cheats are out in force. Tonight, I will be trying to go as fast as possible under 300m, with heat shields, radiators and infinite fuel. I think I will crash before I burn up but there is only one way to be sure!
  20. I believe the size of the docking port matters, the bigger the docking port, the stronger the connection. However, anything too long will always flex, generally turning off SAS and letting it settle after any turn can help.
  21. My first play I wanted to get to orbit, so I made bigger and bigger rockets, building up instead of out. Once I had the balance between thrust and weight right so it would at least go up, it would bend and flex and eventually rip itself apart. I eventually read some tutorial and discovered getting to orbit was easy, but getting back would need a heat shield and some parachutes. I had some advantage, I used to play with a simulator called Orbiter so I had a reasonably good grasp of orbital mechanics, unfortunately that's what lead me to try and get into space asap and Orbiter doesn't teach you how to build rockets.
  22. Direction was correct, spotted that just after I launched and flipped the orbit before I circled. I think I will try the thrust limiter, can't believe I spent an hour with this and didn't think of that!
  23. I accepted a contract to put a satellite in orbit around Minmus. When I try and get the orbit close to the required orbit I can't get the contract to complete. Does anyone know how close you have to get to the required orbit to complete the contact? I had the periapsis within 5km and the apoapsis spot on but apparently I wasn't close enough. Also does anyone have any general tips with matching orbits? I am at the start of career mode with very little science unlocked and even with my weakest engine with tiny thrust the orbit changes lots in seconds. I would imagine Minmus isn't the easiest one to start with as well.
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