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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. In my sorting pit Where even is that? 6/10
  2. Banned for banning @guesswho2778, who is obviously a total legend.
  3. You can make it!! Surely as an extra challenge, you should bring the buggy back to KSC too!
  4. Star Trek is better than Star Wars.
  5. Banned for being a suicidal maniac.
  6. You are correct sir!! How did you know? TUBM is in school right now.
  7. If you have a sizeable bump on grass, isn’t it just a small hill rather than a dune? I think it’s only a dune when it’s on sand. But you are almost there! Yoo can doo eet!!
  8. Double post, but neither variable in the .cfg changed anything. Could anyone post their .cfg for this? It might fix it if I copy it from an unbroken file.
  9. This happened to me once. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling KER. If that doesn't work, ask @jrbudda on the KER thread.
  10. Nope, I'm British. TUBM can't locate their own country on a map.
  11. This is great to read. MOAR pls!! I don’t think I’d be able to do the whole trip without quicksaving.....
  12. I have tons from when I was small, even a giant stuffed penguin. TUBM has over 20 mods.
  13. 5/10 You could be a poorly educated human, or a poorly programmed computer. It’s hard to tell. I speak good England.
  14. I think unique KSP music would be cool, but the music was added in update.....hmm.... *KSP wiki to the rescue!* Update 0.18. That’s six years ago. It’s been in the game for so long that everyone’s used to it now and it’d be a bit weird to change music that’s been in the game for 6 years so late in development. If they were going to change it, the best time would have probably been 1.0, the full release of the game. Besides, the Kevin MacLeod music isn’t that bad, is it?
  15. No, I don’t. Since the problem originated in 1.4.0 that narrows it down to only four or five mods, but I’m still narrowing down all 22 of my mods, just to be sure. EDIT: I tried making a duplicate of my install and removing mods one by one, but the ‘launch KSP’ shortcut in the directory kept launching my main install. How exactly do I launch my duplicate install? EDIT 2: (You can see i'm trying to avoid double posting now ) I think I've figured it's not a mod problem now. In the .cfg, should I edit the mesh or bumpMap?
  16. Yeah, either you play by yourself or with your friends. Not on servers or with people you don't know.
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