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Everything posted by Don0303

  1. mess hall interior blocked out, textures and models are currently placeholders but this is the main idea of what it should look like
  2. G.R.A.P.E.F.R.U.I.T Gateway Residence for Astronauts Providing Enhanced Facilities for Researching and Understanding Interstellar Travel This mod adds parts that allow you to convert empty tanks into large habitats, based on the '70s concept of the External Tank Station, currently, I am only able to make habitats with interiors, for the moment I lack the ability to make .dll files to add modules, I am currently on the look for someone to help with this if anyone is willing to help make original textures for this mod that would also be greatly appreciated Currently, there are 6 5m inflatable hab modules, plus 2 types of converter to allow you to mount them to tanks(all with freeIVA support) At the moment it does not check if the tank is empty(or that it is actually attached to a tank at all) so just keep that in mind and promise not to drown your Kerbals in cryogenic fuel. screenshots by me, based on some art by brickmack [TWT] [DA] some more lovely screenshots by PicosSpace closer look at the current habs DOWNLOAD >> GITHUB << part naming and descriptions by AtomicTech interior design assistance and refinement by AstroWolfie some old screenshots of the first ideas for the mod: roadmap any help or suggestions much appreciated! (mod is also free to pick up if I abandon or stop updating and am unable to be reached)
  3. still some stuff to work out, but looking good!
  4. step 0.1 complete! might actually be able to do some of this myself!
  5. ok so the current plan, this part would be the Habitat Conversion Module, this would be attached to the tank and contain some docking ports, on the side it has attachment nodes for each habitat section, you can connect different sections depending on the fuel tank size and what kind of habs you want (crew, command, workshop, lab, deepfreeze, etc), honestly, I may be able to make this myself with a bit of work
  6. I've had an idea for a part that attaches to an external tank to convert it into a habitat, I was thinking about possibly trying to make a mod with this but I don't have any experience, so if it is something you think could fit this mod id be happy to share my ideas for how it could work, I know there's been some discussion of external tank stations here already
  7. ok im currently stuck on wether it should be a module built into duel tanks, or if it should be a separate part that you can attach to any tank, so started a poll for anyone who has thoughts
  8. oh nice! def going to check that out, but I was thinking more for stock and stockalike fuel tanks and with more choice in convertible tanks, more having it be something optional on almost any discarded tank
  9. thinking this could be possible in a roundabout way using a small part with an offset IVA, with the idea being to attach it to the fuel tank, maybe using the pathfinder deployable habitat module?
  10. way back there were plans and concepts for converting the shuttle's external tank into a habitat once in orbit, i think this would work really well for a ksp mod, possibly using materialkits to convert empty tanks, maybe even have premade modular habitat segments to fit any fuel tank, can't currently find any mods like this and I think it could be perfect for setting up simple stations, especially for those who like 70s style NASA builds
  11. for some reason, my cargo containers no longer have the button to connect to depot, even when loading an older save, in flight the cargo container has no options, and the crew container only lets me switch between luxury and economy, can provide logs if it would help EDIT nevermind fixed
  12. every time im on a vessel with a beamed power part, the game freezes for about 5 seconds, then unfreezes for about 2 seconds, then freezes again on repeat, anybody know what could be causing this?
  13. for some reason i cant see the jool wormhole, im orbiting jool and can see plenty of other anomalies but the wormhole does not seem to be there, is there a way to make it spawn or to manually spawn one?
  14. im so sorry but still no luck https://mega.nz/file/IvByxb4D#UCshf3plITygxwl5yDnNlYINgFl-7ePQeP4WMhsx-D4 https://mega.nz/file/ciIwxCba#K60YffsO2v8iHRo11u80x8pSMFzfyxpDjCyryTVZtHw
  15. removed all other mods, sadly still no luck https://mega.nz/file/t6QSRIBb#FdBS17C7Hu-QUGUM0n0yrCHA70Lng44MogQ2mWVCOuc https://mega.nz/file/NioTUQST#xytLCZ89DqTk2bUpHdLRJHun9fpLbhVxpOp8i1cxgRI
  16. https://mega.nz/file/puxxwYwb#YfLtjqiDgF5IE0ecuVvmo4O1X2jWK7rXsYypXaWeRsA https://mega.nz/file/4y4HQCbB#IznACx-xtP4d-mAhIPee9i2WRezTfPyQQp1EQKPqoU0
  17. tried installing but doesnt seem to show up on the mod list and i cant see any of the parts
  18. right now modding ksp 2 is very difficult, and currenly only mods to manipulate certain game systems, nothing with models or textures or even any parts has been figured out just yet, likely it will be a while before its done, and its definetly easier in ksp1 right now, but once modding support is finished it will likely be easier in ksp2 as i cant imagine they wouldnt build a system for doing so
  19. as of writing there is a mod to put you into an orbit, not much but its one small step
  20. is there a way to "forget" a body in an existing save, i just installed the mod and on my career save all bodies are discovered dispite me not making it past eve
  21. im excited for the new parts and the new interface!
  22. is there any chance of an update? this was one of my fav mods
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