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Everything posted by Barar

  1. The log file could show incompatible mods, mod versions, issues with loading improper installation, any errors that may be slowing you down. You could load up a fresh KSP 1.4.2 from steam and if you have no issues, no problem. But if its an issue only when you use mods, maybe the log file will show that. You didn't mention if you used CKAN, did manual installs, how many mods or which ones you installed, played career or sandbox. For all I know, you could be using a custom install of 10 different planet packs mashed together with EVE ,Scatter, SVT, high resolution texture packs with a healthy helping of parts and features mods. Or you could have the same setup as mine and I had the same issue and solved it. More information is not a bad thing when I only have a given scenario to make guesses at. Just wanting to help.
  2. If you could post a log, it would help. If not, you could use the below program to see what your memory usage is at. I found if I loaded up on mods and came under 8-9G ram. KSP would be fine, I do have 32G available. As I loaded more mods and increased my ram usage past that amount. KSP would have incrementally longer screen switches, poor performance, and crashes. It would also depend on how many screen switches I made before it would lead to a crash. This is only my anecdotal experience and may be exclusive to my setup and performance tolerance. You could also check out this program for the stuttering/freezing. It might show you what is causing an issue. I have found some parts ,mods or improper installs can cause some grief related to this. Only other things I could suggest is fiddling with the Setting in General and Graphics, or reducing amount of mods If you post a log and some system specs(ram), it would help. See Below.
  3. I haven't run into this problem. You eliminated any suggestion I may have had. If you could post a log, someone may be able to help.
  4. Precise node is max 1.4.1 Version. I will assume you are on 1.4.2. On CKAN to the right of Apply changes, what is your Filter set too. You should be able to see All, Compatible, Installed, Upgradeable and some others in a drop down menu when you click on it. What is it currently set too?
  5. @Gameslinx So I downloaded this from SpaceDock - Gameslinx.s.Planet.Overhaul.3.3.1 and it looks pretty awesome so far. You did mention you updated CTTP, so I took a look. Found an error or two. Here is a text file with the errors. GPO Error
  6. Ahh looking at the folder, must have dragged it in somehow when I double clicked. Sorry for the error of wasting you time. Only made the suggestion about the OnDemandLoading as I did not see it mentioned in this thread and people asking about the 5G, and it was late. I do kinda feel like I was trying to explain Black Holes to Stephen Hawkings now. At least I helped with CTTP. Well I should probably go land on a few planets and plant flags.
  7. This one could benefit from this too as it is similarly configured. Let me know if it helps you.
  8. @Gameslinx Hey, Downloaded this mod from Spacedock. Its pretty nice and the OPM capatibilty is great. I did find it heavy on RAM as you mentioned on the front page. I do have a solution for you. Its called OnDemandLoading. The above quote seems to be missing one step to make it work. You need to put this into a config file in the GameData folder to enable. @Kopernicus { useOnDemand = True useManualMemoryManagement = true } Went and did this to your mod and had some good results. I used GCMonitor for Memory Usage, shown in Screenshots. Check the OnDemandLoading Screenshoots, before and after. Went from 5.036G to 4.154G ram usage for me. Could vary for others. You might not get the same savings because you have an older version of CTTP as the texture files were not properly put in the PluginData folder. So I would recommend grabbing the Updated CTTP v1.0.3. You would need to re-path all the existing configs to GameData/CTTP/Textures/PluginData I also re-pathed the sea-water*.dds files to use the CTTP files and added a few missing .dds in the configs for my test. If you want, I can PM you the changed files to review as I don't want to disperse unofficial files for your mod. Something I noticed while in the configs was that you used AtmosphericOptimized. AtmosphericExtra is the successor to that(Also changed in files for test). See the below quote. A minor thing is if you want to save 10MB on downloads, you can delete the cache files before deploying. Kopernicus will regenerate them. I did find it strange that your configs for your planets is sitting in the LSM folder. None of the items listed is game breaking, and this is still a very nice planet mod.
  9. @DarkDrai I had this issue a while back, forgot I made this Fust Patch. It uses the CTTP ocean textures. Also if you have Better Looking Ocean installed, it will use those textures. I found the problem to be that the water was not at the proper level, it completely submerged the planet. I forget, but it was some 20000M up from the surface, and the water was pretty grey and dark. I played around trying to get it to work, I just ended up using %removeOcean = true and built a new one. Hopefully the patch will work for you. Should just need to drop it anywhere in your GameData folder.
  10. @Tyko Do you have any other mods installed? This was done on a stock play. All I had was KSP 1.4.2, MM 3.0.6 Installed, Squad and Squad Expansion. Just did a complete fresh install and verified by steam. It loads up fine. I did forget to do @MODULE[ModuleCargoBay] so it would not edit the lookup radius. I would like to figure it out, so if you have any mods let me know. I can install them and see if I can replicate the problem. I do use NodeHelper to edit the nodes, only trick I found is you need use the value before you rescale the part. So in the above config, you would need to take out the %rescaleFactor = 0.977 so it doesn't mess with your values. Also since this part doesnt have its own config so you cant write node data.
  11. Why would you expect it not to work, if you could enlightening me as to why it would not? I had tested it myself and checked the logs. I just want to make sure I am not misunderstanding the issue. Since I loaded up KSP with EVE, SVE, OPM, Kopernicus, Extrasolar and it all works fine for me with this change. The other issue you are seeing for Thatmo is a known issue for SVT OPMClouds.cfg Yes, I’m aware, but I won’t have time to fix it this weekend. It looks like I am on AndrewsDrawsPrettyPictures ignore list, so I think I'll just move on.
  12. Good luck playing, you will get nullref error from the on demand loading as it cannot apply clouds when to texture is unloaded. Not game breaking, but should only be on OPM right now. Just to note, I dont use EVE, SVE, Scatterer etc.. I do use Kopernicus, OPM and Extrasolar. So I loaded up a new KSP and installed them to troubleshot it, since you seemed to really want to solve the issue. I hope this allows you to play over the weekend.
  13. Here is a quick config file I made if you don't mind a slightly stretched texture but very lightweight. If you copy and paste it into a text file and change the extension to .cfg , you can use it in game. Just use the structural parts to build what mountings you need inside. You could call it ServiceBayExpanded.cfg and put it in you gamedata folder. You could also make a TheZenGuy folder and stuff it in that. So it would look like GameData/TheZenGuy/ServiceBayExpanded.cfg in your install. This way, you would keep it without having to update.
  14. Would be great if someone having this issue could post a log. Have no idea you are using RSS, RemoteTech, custom antennas or have Custom barn kit installed. A log could eliminate having a ton of Q&A and possibly find a solution much quicker.
  15. @Gordon Dry So you can try this to fix it, it works for me. Go to the folder GameData/Extrasolar/EVO/EVO_EVE/Atmosphere Open the clouds.cfg, you will see the following EVE_CLOUDS Copy and paste the line below over that. @EVE_CLOUDS:AFTER[StockVisualEnhancements] The issue is that the GameData/Extrasolar/EVO/EVO_EVE/Atmosphere/Clouds.cfg is defaulted to EVE_CLOUDS. This is because it is the first time it is applied to the game. Any other addition to EVE_CLOUDS must use the @ edit to make changes. Extrasolar was placed before SVE because of the alphabetical order of the files. If the :AFTER[StockVisualEnhancements] was in place. It would be placed after, but extrasolar clouds would not work. So we need to place the @ for MM edit to add these additions. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but it works in game for me.
  16. If you look, "Unable to parse config node:" error is because the SVE OPMClouds.cfg is referencing a non existent texture. --> value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/GratianClouds I downloaded all three low, med and high SVE texture packs and non contain that file. So it either misnamed or the file is missing.
  17. Hey AlexALX, So you are using older version of SVT. You show VERSION: 2.0.9 for KSP 1.3.1 in your logs. On SVT 2.1.0 version they made these changes which affect performance. Enabled on demand loading of textures All textures have been relocated to a PluginData folder to speed up initial load I think the latest version for 1.3.1 is SVT 2.1.3, as SVT 2.1.4 say it was updated to 1.42. So try updating SVT? And maybe double check the versions of your other mods are up to date. I hope this helps. See below for an explanation for OnDemandLoading.
  18. Hi, I play this planet pack extensively and wanted to help make it a bit better. I noticed in Extrasolar_Planets_Beyond_Kerbol-1.7.1 that you have all your textures in GameData/Extrasolar_Textures. If you move then to a folder named PluginData and then updated all your Kopernicus configs to point to the new folder location. You could make use of on demand loading. You would need to add .dds to the path also. See below. I modded the Extrasolar configs to make use of OnDemandLoading and with the recent CTTP update to use this feature. It was a noticeable performance gain for me, especially in the KSP Observatory. Your mod went from loading all the CTTP and Extrasolar dds files, to only what I used. Went from 15FS to 60FPS capped. I do have the latest OPM installed alongside this mod. *note some of the CTTP textures path in your configs do not have .dds added to the end yet, so wont use this feature. I have made a bunch of other personal changes , but this one is a simple change to AtmosphericOptimized in the configs. See below. I hope this helps.
  19. I came across this, have you tried a new game, see below.
  20. I assume you are talking about the Fairing.dds texture file. In the mod Janitors Closet, it renames the files when you perma prune them. I am wondering if you could use the same idea. Rename PorkJets Fairing.dds file to FairingPJ.dds, or just ask people to manually rename the file when installing the mod. You could probably do the rest with MM patching PorkJet. Just throwing out ideas.
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