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Everything posted by Jup

  1. I'm having a terrible time adjusting to the new camera controls, specifically, I am struggling with using the mouse to move the camera. I would like to request that it be possible, by any method, to set up pan/zoom camera controls to function the same way they did in KSP1 please. Thanks.
  2. I don't know if this is the right place to bring it up, but I am having enormous difficulty even adjusting to the new mechanism. I despise click-drag to change camera views and would really like to be able to change it to the KSP1 style of looking around!
  3. I found this on a quick search, and I wonder if it helps any? https://answers.unity.com/questions/339124/how-to-loop-animation-from-code.html and https://answers.unity.com/questions/204331/animation-loop.html I would like to add my name to the list of players who would be eternally grateful for a working release in 1.12.x One last edit, since it's late and I really should be in bed lol... Would it be simpler to code a stationary light (with all the standard brightness/beam angles adjustments) and then have a rotating "occluder" to give the strobing effect? It seems that the standard lighting is pretty well established: Omnilights, navigation etc The only trick is a looping, shadow casting, shroud.
  4. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for this! I've long been a fan of my modified Green Skull suits, and with all the changes, I was devastated that I had to resort to "normal" again. This is much appreciated! share images
  5. I have an existing craft saved in VAB If I attempt to rename it, or save it under a different name, and the name has "m" in it (such as Mun Satellite) the game immediately jumps to the last craft I put in orbit as soon as I hit the "m" key
  6. Sorry for the double post! I'm noticing icon spam in the toolbar, not sure if this is a known issue?
  7. First time I've needed this mod, and it works a treat, so thank you for keeping it alive! May I request a small change, if it's not too difficult to implement? Is it possible to have a search function for a Kerbal name? Failing that, is there any way to have the crew member have their occupation displayed alongside their name in the transfer box? I'm dealing with 100+ Kerbals in 30 habs, and finding one specific Kerbal can be quite the challenge! Cheers
  8. I am currently running GU in conjunction with JNSQ (I'm getting a few texture issues, but I can live with them), this works because the Kerbol system is currently unmolested by GU When you do decide to reconfigure the Kerbol system, will it be a separate module, and part of the suite? IE: NK1.x and also KB1.x (for example) Or, will it be a continued part on the NK chain? (NK2.x for example) Simply put; will I need to avoid updates of NK once the stock changes are implemented if I want to use other planet packs that depend on a stock system?
  9. Our intrepid crew aboard the H.Houdini on the surface of Eeloo drilling for precious Karborundum!
  10. Samantha and Neldos are loving their adventures in the new pods!
  11. OK, I've downloaded the latest release, and also installed JSIAdvTransparentPods_V0.1.20.0 (I didn't realise it was a dependency, so my previous shots were what it looks like without it!) I took a short video because I noticed that it was only when certain parts were required to be visible. To confirm: I removed TR (just in case it was a conflict) and I also launched unmanned (again, just in case) neither of which made any difference.
  12. Cheers mate, I'm not sure exactly what you'd like to see, so I'm just trying to put together shots that I think are cool. Here's an example with only one pod on the pad, and only stock parts (just in case that was an issue), I also tried to use a pod with a single, simple pane to try and minimise the 'too much glass' possibility. It seems that the effect brings the IVA view to the front of everything regardless of what it might be, and I'm not sure how that might be overcome. No RPM or MAS installed, but for clarity I've included a shot of my GD folder just in case something presents itself. Little claws are handy for cranes etc, so if it's something you'd like to do, I'd find a use for it for sure. Again, thank you for reviving this mod. Your efforts are appreciated.
  13. Good catch on the references. I downloaded the updated file was preparing some shots for you to consider when I noticed a weird effect when switching to transparent. Anything in front of the IVA appears to be deleted also. I don't know if this is normal, or an issue to be addressed?
  14. By this time tomorrow I'll try to have a selection for you. Thanks for your efforts on this, it's a great mod!
  15. Any chance of some massive solar flares from one of these stars?
  16. I'm using this one: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-1.7.3-1
  17. If you do decide to pick this up, I know many people who would be most grateful! Regarding DeepFreeze compatibility, this is something that would be very useful indeed, especially for those of us who have planet packs installed that require centuries of travel. Regardless, I am glad for this mod, and appreciate the work you have done.
  18. I'm loving this mate, really appreciate the effort you've put in! May I ask: What is involved in changing the name "Sun" back to "Kerbol"? I kind of liked that, but I'll understand if it's not something you'd support. My CPU lives in fear of your next release.
  19. Take your time mate, this release looks like it's worth waiting for! I gather it requires Kopernicus, and will run on 1.7.1?
  20. Roger that, happy to wait. Your efforts are appreciated.
  21. It's exciting to see this being developed, and really looking forward to a release! I'm happy to volunteer for testing too
  22. @Fengist mate, I love what you've done with this mod! Edit: Currently having fun with it in 1.7 and can report no issues or conflicts
  23. I've recently stumbled upon Principia, and I'm impressed by your efforts to make other planet pack play nice! May I give a gentle *bump* to the request for "The World Beyond" planet pack please? It's quite a large pack, but it's so far away from Kerbol that it shouldn't impact the system much.
  24. This link works https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/jsi-advanced-transparent-pods
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