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Chaotic Protocol

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Everything posted by Chaotic Protocol

  1. I'm pushing 1600 hours on steam, however I've only had it on steam since late 2016, and been playing since 2011 (0.8.1). I probably have a total realistically within the 5-6,000hr range.
  2. I've fallen into a replica kick recently Aggregat-4 Aggregat-4b Aggregat-4 Bumper R-7 Sputnik (8K71PS)
  3. Bless your soul for Necroing this thread, I believe I have a few ships lying around
  4. I'm curious here. How is everybody finding surface features? I have a contract for Green Sandstone in a new career game but I swear I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. I found the Minmus spire things but none of the sandstone?
  5. I promise I'm done after this. I did what I could with the cockpit. I apologize
  6. Recent images from my Murmansk Class Carrier during sea trials.
  7. Yo dawgs I heard you like Carriers
  8. Somethings I forget about. This is unfortunately one of them, However we will rebuild! And this is my next task:
  9. After being heavily inspired by War Aesthetics, I had an idea. "Why not do in in KSP". Here's the results of these trial and error runs! (Will add more as I add to the series)
  10. @panzerknoef May I make a suggestion next time this challenge is ran, Turrets locked to position by changing the settings in the SPH. The majority of my fighters run Locked 30mm Chainguns, however by changing the guns it would throw the mass enough to effect maneuverability, They're light bois
  11. Hi Spanner, sorry to bother you again. Do you have a working link to SM Statics? EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see the above comment
  12. I had actually figured out the issue, when running with multiple craft ships for independent targeting AA the patrol mode was freaking out as two craft were on the same spot. It's an interesting issue I've never experienced beforehand. The current version of BD works with 1.6.2
  13. I'm curious, has anybody had any issue with the Water AI? Everytime I've tried to use it on two specific craft it just locks into either yawing left or right. Logs are normal, nothing should be causing it as far as I can tell
  14. From a recent trial float of the Novgorod Class Dreadnought
  15. I figured this place needed some light. May I introduce the Novgorod Class Super Dreadnought
  16. Ignore my last post. Those photos weren't up to my standards. But these are!
  17. Mo-5 Spooky during a test flight being Spooky! GSC Britain engaging an unidentified object in LMO
  18. Fun fact. Anybody else having issues with combat and the new physics engine?
  19. So I've noticed with the most recent update of BD, the parts don't show up in any part tabs. Is there any way around this?
  20. So anyway you could make it load the craft in just the launch scene to prevent a massive amount of parts while running while in flight?
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