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Everything posted by Barzon

  1. It would be, but as far as I know, the RD-180 is only used on the Atlas 5, and if @Beale were to make one, it would waste time and effort, which could be used for other things, since there is already an extremely high-quality rendition of it in BDB
  2. Good thing in a few years we will have Starship to collect all those huge, completely dead humps of junk!
  3. It is amazing that they haven't had to release a 1.7.1 yet! Well done @SQUAD! Hopefully, this will be repeated in 1.8, 1.9, and onwards!
  4. 100(+) YES! @Aperture Science please update the OP!
  5. @yuri_3a3rin, if you want an RD-180, there is one in @CobaltWolf's amazing mod, Bluedog Design Bureau, which also contains amazing renditions of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo spacecraft!
  6. Yeah but for the base tug, I think everything except the landing gear and IVA are done, which i think is all that is needed for the basic tug
  7. I would like, ummm, more solar panels, and all of Nertea's mods to be made stock.
  8. How did you get it to stick? And can you give some more pictures of your station?
  9. The RS-25s are just being fired in a test stand. The "small scale tin foil model", which is the same diameter as the full sized Starship, is actually moving off the ground, and will most likely fly untethered before the end of the month.
  10. @Nertea, what will be in the NF Spacecraft update?
  11. @XB-70A, would it be possible for you to put all your FH pics into an Imgur album?
  12. 0/10 You should be at duna by now!
  13. Granted. You are arrested for possession of ilicit substances. I wish for multiplayer to be stock.
  14. If you want RTLS, remember that SS/SH will ALWAYS do RTLS @Geonovast!
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