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Everything posted by infinite_monkey

  1. @hawk_za @Paul Kingtiger Universal Storage II is on CKAN since forever!
  2. So, modeling is complete, but the nodes don't work. They all show up fine in the VAB with the green spheres, but they don't attach. Any hints?
  3. @JadeOfMaar is there a mod providing Resorce Conversion for RR you know of? I understand that @nemotiger was writing configs for MKS, are you willing to share? The Universal Storage 2 Mod has processors capable of producing Methane, Oxygen and Hydrogen. However, what's missing is a Cryo Generator that converts them to their liquid counterparts. I'd like to just use one of the existing parts and write a new config. What would be a reasonable conversion ratio between the resources and the liquid versions? Where is density defined?
  4. Is there a way to modify the chemical plant? Currently, the Sabatier Process produces water and LiquidFuel. Water Electrolysis produces Hydrogen and Oxygen. So, no Oxidizer. I would like to use it for Methalox Engines, which use Methane and Oxidizer. So completely the other way around EDIT: So apparently, i don't need Methane, but LqdMethane. I guess the best way would be another part/config that takes in EC and Methane and outputs LiquidFuel or LqdMethane. And another one that takes in EC and Oxygen and produces Oxidizer.
  5. Now you made me curious. Will installing principia in an ongoing career cause trouble? What about vessels in orbit of Minmus?
  6. Hm, I wanted to learn how to do that anyway, so adapted the model. Now need to fix the texture...
  7. Never tried that. I usually do it during a normal launch, so left ctrl is used ba that. Anyway, right ctrl always works (if not, there's probably something wrong with the installation).
  8. Now that Dragon 1 seems to be history - will there be a way to toggle a crew or cargo mode for the Rodan?
  9. Is it just me doing something wrong or is KCT ignoring the launch site selected in the stock menu in the VAB? I always need to select it from the KCT menu.
  10. 1. Shouldn't be a problem 2. Yes, everything works fine. You just need to select the desired launch pad in the KCT menu before rollout - selecting the launch pad in the VAB is seemingly ignored by KCT. Building more pads is done via KK - this mod just does that for you for some pads. So: hit right(!) Ctrl+K, spawn new, and choose whatever you want to spawn. Make sure to "open" the launch pads in the KK menu from VAB, otherwise they are not usable.
  11. Is roll on the OTAV only coming from the reaction wheels? When testing this, the only aerodynamic surface actually doing something was the pitch stabiliser (but it clips into the engine, which is a bit weird). In the menu I have "Deploy" and "Deploy Winglets" - "Deploy" doesn't seem to do anything (for the "stabilisation equipment", deploy works fine - it extends the aerobrake). There's an angled aft part of the winglets that clips into the main body - I guess that should be a moving part, but it does nothing. On another note: It would be nice to have a second docking port on the other side of the Inline docking port, so more Kerbals can be rescued
  12. The KSC launch pad is at 0.000000, -91.783889 Yeah I was fiddling around with that as well. I use mostly Tundra Exploration's rockets. Ascent paths are pretty different for Mothra (F1), Bagorah (F9 1.0) and Ghidorah (F9 1.1). My goal was a single burn instead of elevating the apoapsis to the target altitude and then do a circularization burn. So the tricky part is to not get too high but also not too low. Works fine for the Ghidorah, not so fine on Mothra (highly dependent on payload mass) and pretty fiery for the Bagorah. I think my next step is to do a numeric calculation, but I guess that would be pretty demanding on CPU cycles.
  13. I would like to light up certain areas at night. Is there a statics pack containing light masts or floodlight or something like that?
  14. For me, the "Launch a new Station" contract doesn't show up at all, not even as unavailable. I already have a station in orbit due to a stock contract. Could that be the reason? I also noticed that in StationCore.cfg, line 285 still says "KopernicusSolarPanel" instead of "KopernicusSolarPanels" - is this a different module or just an oversight? EDIT: yep, confirmed: after fixing line 285, the contracts shows up!
  15. Is anyone else having problems with the new Advanced Haddock Gas Thrusters? For me they seem to randomly work or do just nothing
  16. I have an RX 470. I have poor performance even when flying over an ocean, even with very low part count. Currently testing a rocket near KSC with 12 parts, got between 20 and 30 FPS... You think Radeons are bad with scattering enabled? I'll try disabling it and see what happens.
  17. Just tried the storage feature for the first time. But apparently, there is no conversion between units - volume is measured in m³, but fuel in KSP has its own units, probably liters. So the units are off by a factor of 1000.
  18. Ah, thanks for the hint. Yes, I usually write outside of kOS, but I usually not use bootfiles until I'm done experimenting. So I have to type at least "switch to 0"... ;-) And sometimes I do just some quick checks in order to see if a formula is correct, the contents of a list...
  19. I found another problem with Private Industry (plus the fact that it's impossible to read the entire cost indication field in the VAB and the problems mentioned above regarding ADDING percentages instead of multiplying): it lets you gain science points: The science points needed were reduced from 300 to 210. I had something like 235 science. But instead of remaining with 25 science, it subtracted 300, but the result was 0. Then it gave me the discound of 90, so I now have 90 science...
  20. No, it actually OPENS pcr. Or the EVE settings in case of "}"
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