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Status Updates posted by HansonKerman

  1. ok but seriously, i hate this. i hate everything that is being done. i'm so done with this. i am furious. seething, malding, whatever. i hate this

  2. The strange realization that almost everyone on this site talks exactly like my dad

    1. adsii1970


      Your dad may be pretty cool! :cool:

  3. Hey.

    I have a Tumblr.

    I posted something KSP-related on it.

    Check it out.

  4. changed my sig lol k bye

  5. yo whats up

    1. imcute



      im in space!

      ---yes,we all are"

      ---from guy on mech jeb pod

  6. ba79JMO.jpg

    1. VoidCosmos
    2. Kerbal Productions

      Kerbal Productions

      um i can't see anything on the status
      the photos are broken

    3. Souptime
  7. post another status update noob

    probably kidding

  8. also profile update

  9. I have a tumblr btw

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HansonKerman


      it’s on our

      D I S C O R D

      which you should

      T O T A L L Y C H E C K O U T

    3. HansonKerman


      but I’ll put it

      H E R E F O R C O N V E N I E N C E


    4. VoidCosmos
  10. something went wrong 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kernel Kraken
    3. VoidCosmos



      Void Kerman 

      Hanson Kerman

      Misguided Kerman

      Glen Kerman 

      Minmus Kerman


      They were the new new recruits who were supposed to command the landers 


    4. HansonKerman
  11. Something big is coming!


    Saturday the 27th


    if nothing goes wrong


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HansonKerman


      it’s not bad, just totally epic and totally big

      Saturday the 27th


      if nothing goes wrong

    3. Kernel Kraken

      Kernel Kraken

      "If nothing goes wrong" is giving me vibes of an undetermined alignment. Can we get a hint as to what the thing is?

    4. Misguided Kerbal

      Misguided Kerbal

      @Kernel Kraken I'll give you a few words.


      Okay, a whole sentence.


      Well, not a whole sentence, no.


      'Collaborative Jool-5'




  12. Most media portrays snakes as evil, cunning, sly characters, hiding in the shadows, lying low with their camouflage.


    However: Think about the rattlesnake. Its venom may lead you to think of it the same: low and evil. However, think about it. It may be extremely deadly, but it warns you of its coming with its tail. Would it be too much to think of it as a misunderstood character: an honorable snake?

  13. SCUBA is

    Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

    Aperture Science Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus


  14. h

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VoidCosmos


      I have stopped that now. I understand the problem. Now, we chat on discord instead!

    3. Mikenike


      @VoidCosmos, I'll PM discord then. lol

    4. HansonKerman


      I would like to say:


      I have barely posted a single status update.


      like seriously, I’ve really slowed down from my original daily pace.



      join my discord instead! I have a place where it’s just literally me posting randomness 

  15. the KSC is that way

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HansonKerman


      now you are no longer misguided

    3. Misguided Kerbal

      Misguided Kerbal

      but.. I want to!

    4. HansonKerman


      I have guided you to the ksc

  16. sorry I haven’t been very active. Busy. KSP is not my main priority, I only play it when I want to do some cool poop. I’m thinking of doing some missions on my career series soon ^_^:D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HansonKerman


      it’s a great game

    3. HansonKerman


      I’m learning hammer editor

    4. HansonKerman


      plus I have a discord, which keeps me busy


      join it


    1. Stamp20
    2. HansonKerman


      I see! I see…



      okay I’ll shut up 

  18. I have imperial march stuck in my head

  19. Lhszlhblvmzjpc8;,&,&.5)zgiuljcot

  20. Let’s take a moment to realize that Star Wars made a Genocide Imperial March

  21. Thank you, so so much.

  22. mobster turrets are like the best <3

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