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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. no. @Unabled (who will reply next)
  2. Bulbapedia. I now have the power of every single Pokémon ever discovered!MUHAhahahahahahhahahahhhahahhhahahahahahaha!
  3. hat luz pex repeating the message before that
  4. Some Mandrakes? Okay, here are your earmuffs, Mandrake coming up! (I forgot to put on earmuffs, so I hear the cry of the Mandrake and drop dead) New customer: Hi, could I have the olive-free-olive loaf-flavored olive please? Here's your tip.
  5. Into an alligator's mouth lalala, living the good life in the swam-what the heck is this huge thing in my mouth!!!!!???>?
  6. Ow. It was a crab. Waiter! Lucida Sans Unicode isn't in my soup!
  7. There isn't any room for tourists. @The Minmus Derp 9/10 I like it
  8. 100/10 I'm seeing you everywhere now!
  9. Banned for not explaining your MRs in your sig.
  10. ooh is that a poem poems are cool nooone appreciates good poetry any more cool
  11. and an extremely hungry Kerbal eats it.
  12. ...everyone runs. In the occasion that someone survives, they win. If no-one survives, game over. If more than one person surives...
  13. Real Kerbal 4? I know you are a Kerbal, but what's the 4?
  14. I move your hill to Kerbin, then blow it up. My crater.
  15. Okay. Since Hamsters have very weak gravity, you suffocate. I wish for a fish that gives a wish to give dishes to fishes.
  16. I had planned on making a YouTube series called Project Exploration, based partly off of Projects Odyssey, Gateway, and the in-game scenario Jool Aerobrake, but somehow it turned into Project Seeker, with a completely different story. It's still partly based off of Jool Aerobrake, though. Anyway, so I created a save called Project Exploration, but I haven't renamed it. Ooooh, can I use that?
  17. No. Hi there, friend! @Kernel Kraken.
  18. Floating Trees are cool. Too bad they didn't turn up a few months ago (or years? I dunno.)
  19. Oooh, now that's something to think about.
  20. To show that Eeloo and Dres are cool places, and to increase the popularity of Lucida Sans Unicode. That's the kind of fun answer I'm looking for! Eeloo and Dres: combinations of Jetpack-ability and Fun Terrain, mixed into a delicious experience any Kerbal (or Glitch) would love!
  21. Okay, here goes.


    So there's a huge thunderstorm going on where I'm at, and my dad and sister and I were at the UMASS dining hall, and - get this - there's a flood warning. It's 12:31 and the warning ends at 2:30. Somehow or other, we got home, and now I'm sitting shivering on my bed. Scary.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HansonKerman



      @ProtoJeb21 Are you somewhere in Massachusetts (or near)?

    3. ProtoJeb21


      In New England, yeah. The worst of the storm has passed for me. 

    4. HansonKerman
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