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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. Blow smoke into their faces! Me? I'm a blank Kerbal. I... could deafen them to second death?
  2. ksp forums. Maybe I can entertain the zombies and make them users so they'll stop attacking everyone? Orr.... somehow? You can bore them to second death. Ooooh, yes!
  3. Incorrect. Hint: say it out loud. It will give part of a (probably) familiar word.
  4. That would make sense. I mean, he's like, the only one on the planet who has three eyes?
  5. Yes, yes you would. Just don't forget to breathe EDIT: Waaaait, where would the large green Magic Boulder be? Outside? A Boulder can't possibly fit in your room, wouldn't someone notice a huge irregular rock with green veins?
  6. 2081: You trip on a banana and die. You are reborn at the same age, on the next floor
  7. If this already exists, sorry, I'll ask someone to lock this. Rules: Rule 1 Remember, NO SIDE CONVERSATIONS! Rule 2: NO Side CoNVerSations Rule 3: No inappropriate content or bad language. Rule 4: Make your brain stretchers not too long. We want these to be readable and enjoyable by everyone. 4: Don’t delay answers!!!! 5: All Teasers must include all clues needed to figure out the answer. Description: Need a good brain stretch? How 'bout the endless Kraken known as: Being Bored? Well, no more! This is a game about Brain Teasers! Post any confusing and brain stretching thing you can find here! Then, the next poster gets three tries to answer. If he/she answers wrong twice, then they lose. Then they post another teaser. The poster who got it correct will be under all circumstances, the next brain teaser. Please do not Break this rule! Example: Me: Which word, expression, or phrase is this? EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER Next Poster: 5ever. Me: Wrong Same/Different Poster: Forever and ever. Me: Correct. Same Poster: <blah blah> Get the picture? If yes, then... Let's play! Which word, expression, or phrase is this? amUous
  8. Hey all you Kerbals out there, I have a B9 Part Switch bug! Please fix! Description: Whenever I load, KSP says B9 Part Switch-Fatal Error The resource definition for "MetalOre" could not be found. KSP will have to restart Or something like that. Please help!
  9. Yeah. NOBODY, messes with Piper Kerman. Uh-huh. But wouldn't that be... bad?
  10. Don't poke the Boulder with a LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor And, yes, I did that word-for-word. Look it up. Wait... did you get that from where I think you got that?
  11. First order of business: HUG! Then, I'd get a recording device and reverse my voice so he can understand me, then take him to NASA and ask them to repair his ship. If they can't, and/or the Kerbal does not want to, then: So, to sum it up: KERBALS ARE SOOOOOOO CUTE! Sorry, I couldn't help it
  12. Dres has an awesome canyon!
  13. Yes, the soup of the day is "Harry" soup, named after Mr. Harry, our founder. Waiter, there's a KS-25x4 "Mammoth" in my soup!
  14. 2080: You like round numbers, and unusually coincidentally, this room is filled with.... round stuff!
  15. False, but I've eaten one. The user below me is busy making a Dunabase.
  16. Kerbal Screamer. All Kerbals without the BadS tag, and which are terrified right now will generate an annoying AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! noise indefinitely , or at least until they stop. Terminate Mission. If installed and enabled, will blow up your vessel at random intervals. Krakens Reviver Brings back all KSKs (Kerbal Space Krakens) documented on the KSPwiki. Also has an extra option in the settings: Kraken Generator Plus, which will make up Krakens and throw them at your ship.
  17. Literature? Didn't your mom ever tell you to believe everything you read?
  18. 9.9/10 There are 2 doors. One leads to Life, and one leads to Death. There are 2 guards. One always tells the truth, and one always lies. You only have 1 question to ask each of them. How can you figure out which door leads to Life (a.k.a the door you want to go through.)? Is there a brain bender game I could put that in?
  19. Really? I looked at the Curse page and it said MJ was 1.4.0. Huh. I wouldn’t know, haven’t downloaded yet. I hope my pause this time isn’t as long as it was for 1.3!
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