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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. so, invisible? Only visible for lucky madlads that find it? It would have to be visible when encountered tho. me or you? also stop ninja’ing me
  2. will you just change your profile and stop making references to something I will never understand? This is EarthBound all over again!!
  3. Yes, but it was also <kinda> an Undertale reference. I do like the idea tho and intend to try to make the Storaa system a reality
  4. THE NINJA IS STRONK WITH THIS ONE. granted BUTT you don’t have a spacesuit. i wish that as this was the first time I ever got ninja’d, it will never happen again. WAT ZE <FA-face> NOW it will never happen again. oh yeah, the meteors fall on you and murder you okay pls grant my wish
  5. get KSCSwitcher. It’s a really good mod that works for all versions. your Newton’s Cradle does so, but it goes so fast that the balls just go <foom> and kill you at high speed
  6. yeh, it’s just that Kerfrica (as I call it) doesn’t have a land bridge anymoar. Shoulda been in Before Kerbin. It’s not Libnoise’s example anymoar tho. It’s Kerbin, home of the Kerbals. We make it that. #kerbinforevah
  7. now add the pumpkin bombs lol in all seriousness though I need this in my life. Is it in the tech tree tho?
  8. Granted. COVID-20 takes its place, now %250 moar contagious, %9o m0ar death, and BL4CK M3SA VIRUS. i wish for an inerter cake! Hahaha
  9. all names except Horsta and Ruinous were results of research into etymology, imagination, and heavy Google Translate. Outwis had the same fate but it was also made into an anagram (h excluded) Storaa - yellow star, 1.2x larger than Kerbol, slightly darker yellow, replaces stock (or not. If I ever make it I want to make it IC- compatible, and for a setting to exsist to make it orbit Kerbol at a few billion km) -Horsta (idk): Bright yellow, with an atmosphere around 0.4 Kerbin. 0.5x Kerbin size. Surprisingly, 0.85g. Almost completely flat. (Will have other odd features if I make it) ”Horsta is a bright yellow star of a planet that at first glance was thought to be Kerbol, unsurprisingly by Laythe’s discoverer. After a smack on the face and a “I told you, that’s not how telescopes work!” further investigation was needed. It has lower gravity than Kerbin, but surprisingly, a good amount for its size. Huge mountains have been rumored, but not confirmed to be on this planet. Only a brave Kerbonaut could tell...” -Ruinous: orbits at around a few kilometers past Kerbin, slightly larger, and same gravity. Purple, with large plateaus, and overall lumpy terrain otherwise. Many craters despite the atmosphere being slightly thicker than Kerbin. KSC is on a large equatorial plateau, water is only found underground as a resource. “Home (if homeworld) Almost home (if not). This beautiful purple planet is/could be our home. Despite the alarming lack of water needed for boats and delicious moist cakes, it is still quite a habitable planet, and the beautiful views from plateaus make for great vacation spots.” Benalic- orbits ~ Dres. Same gravity as Vall. White rock is found all over, but large thin red canyons are found, one for each hemisphere. A northern one spanning both the western and eastern, a southern one covering the same terrain, a western one (slightly smaller than the n/s ones), and an eastern one (slightly larger). ”Though at first glance this planet seems plain as a vanilla cupcake [authors note- seriously I don’t like those things], upon closer inspection it is a fascinating thing full of large canyons. Do they hold hidden treasures? Or are they simply sweet places to put a base?” Stvolk- A toroidal planet with a cubical moon. Orbits just past Benalic. Around the size of Tylo. Has 2gs of gravity. Has a Duna-type atmosphere. It’s slightly orange stained, but mostly black-gray-red with streaks of water. Has a heavy inclination and a retrograde orbit. ”This odd planet would be the perfect donut if it weren’t so stale and rocky. The odd geometry has left scientists baffled, and such, much remains mysterious about Stvolk.” (Has the highest science rate of the system, having the same as Laythe (surface) and Eeloo (everything else). Outwis: a cube. No atmosphere, same gravity as Gilly (+0.01 Kerbin, making 0.015 gs). Same size as Gilly. ”This may be even odder than Stvolk, its parent! This fascinating specimen of a planet provides many opportunities to study and marvel over this odd moon. It has recently been awarded Weirdest Celestial Body Y1783”. (if I make moar, it will be in the real pack that may or may not exsist ever) your wish is my command
  10. #glitchesftw tbum has decided to stop buying 9000 pounds of <insert everything here> and just buy a normal amount of studf
  11. idk, still doesn’t make sense but let’s get back on track
  12. MAMA MIA WHERE IS MY SPAGHETTIERIA I wish for an inert cake
  14. *offended noises* what you mean they DONT? so... I was messing around with the MH parts once. I as a non-Koviet person who remembered that the reentry modules came with ablator decided to make a Mun mission with the Pea module. I put Bill (idk why I didn’t fill it up) in and he was off. I only meant it to orbit Mun, so he did that, got some pics for Instagram... I guess... and I got him back into Kerbin trajectory without a hitch.but... it was a suborbital “free return” trajectory. It was suborbital from the Mun and... it was too much for the 20 ablator. RIP. that’s actually pretty cute. It’s a shrug and a “whatever, let’s do it” emoticon
  15. granted. You eyes burned up tho because it was so incredibly potato quality i wish I could safely rendezvous.
  16. but how do you solve that without being fourth dimensional? Am I missing something
  17. wat ze <insert absurdly loud obscene word here>! yeah okay. Good job. <clap clap> Try stopping somewhere like Dres or Duna. Best to save fuel Nono, Dres is pretty cool.... am I the only one that thinks that? It has a cool canyon, and a literal *asteroid belt.* not according to EVA reports but... but- the EVA reports and KSPedia (I think) state-
  18. flat enough for me
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