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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. good fbjdhfbfivhv no bunmt *google translate inhales*, And she doesn’t notice.
  2. recieves a snail. insert Snom
  3. ah yes never mind I will just place the Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube on the 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Super-Colliding Super button. in other news Tylo is kinda warm today
    1. VoidCosmos


      Bananas you say

    2. VoidCosmos


      *Vanamonde calls me up*


      Stop! I am begging you! Stop! Please! I am just a supernova! Stop I am pleading you! Oh thanks! No no no no stop! Spare the chair please! Please put it down! Put it down! I am begging you Bad banana! *Eats a banana again* noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    • i am FAT
      1. Quote









  4. banned for not letting Hanson in
  5. KSP 666: Return of the Kraken remove everything, even Kerbol. Only the skybox, and just a Kerbal with infinite EVA propellant, a rocket with infinite snacks and fuel, and some music in an MP3 player spanning thousands of genres. The rocket is just the Mun lander upper stage from the tutorial mission, but if you fly for 666 hours, one of the landing legs explode. Yes that’s it. EDIT: the Kerbal cannot get too far from the rocket on EVA. Otherwise, a message will appear and say, “Oops, don’t wanna get lost! and the Kerbal will turn around and kill velocity. This happens at ~1km
  6. ?¿? tubm can science successfully. They’re also filled with delicious cream.
  7. gets a normal remote. inserts the Kraken
  8. okay okay OKEY. WHY are all the new players/members using kOS, while I have been playing since 0.23 and know how to use “print” and “stage.” krakensbane file editing is allowed in my book. Matt Lowne’s? Maybe not.
  9. just found this gem


    I love it... thumbnail looks better than the actual gameplay tho


    Wikipedia article en route (probably not but maybe I’ll write one)

    PLEASE, as most of the comments say, PLEASE someone make this real.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HansonKerman


      I mean... why wouldn’t you.

    3. KerbolExplorer


      Well I know how to use the unity engine(I'm making a game right now) so maybe I could try recreating this

    4. HansonKerman


      cool! I also want to learn Unity just so I can add in some textures for parts I want to create but

      1. I don’t have a computer

      2. probably don’t need Unity to make a pixelated discount KSP

  10. gets Lord Helix himself. That’s a STEAL! insert card
  11. oh..... that one.


    I cannot lie: bit underwhelming to post thisafter the, frankly superior Dummy!. A calm and slightly funky version of Dummy! I suppose. It fits well with Napstablook’s personality and music style. The saxophone fits with his style, just like something like Spookwave, and calm enough for the depressed ghost that Blooky is. It’s just very... “ghostly”.









































    There’s nothing here.




  12. it was based on removal of the tower. Then again, planets would have been big.
  13. That’s useful for retired Career saves, as it (in my experience) dissolves the LaunchPad immediately.
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