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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. YOU FOOL! I have Switch and 2DS (xl if you didn’t care)
  2. what I meant. I do like it tho. Are the names yours? I never knew anything about them
  3. the birth of sauron lmao <laugh emoji >
  4. gets Matt lownes wrath inserts mayo
  5. gets UPC (UpChUck) inserts Ketchup packet
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KerBlitz Kerman

      KerBlitz Kerman

      are you assuming species, @The Minmus Derp?


    3. HansonKerman


      ok and why are they following me, I’ve never met thm or seen a single one of their posts

    4. The Minmus Derp
  6. so, making medium small parts that steal from mountaning companies? (medium large parts, and the smallest tank is apparently stolen from a swimming pool company)
  7. granted. It’s Leo’s Toy Store by Warren Peice. i wish to be good at Kopernicus
  8. gets a Magic truffle. insert Magic butterfly
  9. -95 I do believe that this is the weirdest fall to -100 we have ever had good sir
  10. those were the days. Also, yes, I do play Sandbox a lot but I play on a career save once in awhile
  11. get “your tuna mows your uncle” inserts a Crusher (Portal 2)
  12. people bein like “omg I hate all these bugs”, and I get them- I hate having ants fly in my face but then you realize that the scarab beetle and the monarch butterfly and all these other beautiful varieties of bug... insects are beautiful things if you look at them correctky

    1. Fraston


      Good bugs are good. Mosquitos are little monsters though.

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