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The Minmus Derp

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  • About me
    Minmus, with a few cities
  • Location
    In a very high orbit around kerbin
  • Interests
    Being in my quiet orbit around kerbin, drawing, reading, plernerts, having phun, etc.

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  1. Honestly, you could get away with rewriting this and replacing Kerbals with a stand-in for publishing. People would buy the hell out of it.
  2. The starting post says that the mod requires KIS/KAS - is there any consideration of including support for the stock inventory system which now exists?
  3. I just got around to reading the last couple chapters, and this is without a doubt one of the greatest works of fiction I have ever read. I can't remember when I first found it, but damn it's been a ride.
  4. Very nice. Congratulations on the release!
  5. I'm talking about Jade's map. According to it, Paloocus and Paloomus are trojans of each other
  6. This looks nice and all but... Doppler/Dyva aren't trojans. Ingame Dyva is a moon of Doppler. Also, Paloocus-Paloomus is a binary system and the system itself is a trojan of Jool, alongside Euribanne. Is there a way to show that?
  7. I really miss this pack. I hope TWG will come back to it at some point..
  8. Does this mod still function in 1.12? This mod has always been one of my favorite mods, and I really want to install it. EDIT: Kerbol Enhanced and Kerbol Origins Parts are not possible to download. I'll be fine because I have the Nertea suite, but just something you should know EDIT2: IT WORKS! Other than the fact that Sarvin is weird, that is. I can probably fix that myself, I have a flat normal map that I used to fix another planet like this EDIT3maybeIshouldstopeditingnow: Lok decided to not exist, too That's all the bugs I could find. Where did you get the visuals in the imgur album?
  9. The thread header states that this mod is for 1.8.1+, and yet your latest update message states 1.12.1 and above. Out of curiosity, why the discrepancy here?
  10. YEAH! TUBM is currently living on earth
  11. Are there plans to create a WhirligigWorld_Secondary mod? That is, traveling there from the Kerbol System? I'm not sure that it exists yet. If it does, I'm sorry for wasting your time.
  12. I have bettertimewarp, and I accidentally clicked on absurd warp instead of standard warp and then warped way too far
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