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  1. Running [forced] 1.12.2 modded. After installing FAR Maragoni i am unable to head into VAB or SPH. When entering Research Building, the exit button does not work no longer. Wether this is cause by "000_KSPBurst" or the actuall "FerramAerospaceResearch" files, im unsure. Unfortunately for me, cant be used on 1.12 in my case...
  2. FLASH FLASH FLASH https://spacedock.info/mod/2066/Outer Kerbin Outer Kerbin has been updated to match 1.12.x! Biomemap reverted back to the old one, on Iszmi. As previous, simplified biome map, caused issues. Planning to add new moon in next version.
  3. Installed all dependencies. Mod shows up in the toolbar, but it doesn't seem to work. I can change the settings from it, but my game still sticks to the regular values (x4 in atmo and such)
  4. love this techtree. But somehow hate it's overall layout in the R&D.. is there a way to re-arange them for a better overview?
  5. Thanks ill go for a constellation around it, as it is multi use than
  6. Still running this on the beloved 1.8.1.. Curious IF there is even a geostat possible around rhode, or is that in the orbit of Lua?
  7. tested it for a while on a new save. and i like the setup! this is a keeper for me. thnx
  8. hehe. good point. No worries.. Will give this a go on Beyond Home. So far looking good.
  9. will check this out on my new save! Edit ; As kerbin ground science is set to 0. Does science gathering away from KSC with, lets say, rovers, still work?
  10. Awesome! Thank you for planting that flag on Phybi and Izmi!
  11. So i know the dev's are doing a great job on converting this to 1.9 But is there any way we can get a status update on that ? If not. i understand
  12. doesn't work properly in 1.9 indeed. Yes it gives orbital references as AP and PE and such. But the function of dV readouts and manouvrenode readouts doesn't seem to work on my end. Also my KER UI positions reset every time i boot the game. Edit : was using the version....
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