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Everything posted by silverfox101

  1. Fair enough @nanobug, I'm more of a what you guys would say was a casual gamer anyway, probably not as informed on issues. Probably picked the wrong thread to comment on.
  2. Sorry for the long comment, just ideas from an old guy who like to play the game. I still play zx spectrum games, what do I know @nanobugAs far as being vitriolic, not the case, just sharing and caring.
  3. I have to admit that it was only relatively recently not that long before I joined this forum that I found out I could copy KSP from steam to another location and play an older version for instance out of steam. I had thought that it had to be ran using Steam. It never crossed my mind to copy it elsewhere, I just play the game. I have come across others since who where unaware also. As someone suggested and I have said previously, a KSP 1.5 final stable release with most bugs fixed and maybe some minor bug fixes I would be happy with. Then moving forward from that a separate dev release for however long it was required to be made available to those who have more experience with quashing bugs and getting into the bones of the game could participate in. For you average KSP like myself I don't want to update and find out landing legs don't work when I get to the Mun. It would also be a better solution for the developers and our talented mod makers out there. Anyhow the sun is shining again and the dog is sat here holding its lead, don't have to be a mind reader to know what she is hinting at. Nobody is against Squad, Its all about KSP. Everybody here is passionate about KSP and it shows. It is for that reason that comments even if some disagree with them make KSP what it is. I myself only found out about KSP via word of mouth, since then I have spread the word and introduced others to the joys of KSP. Anyway dog walking............
  4. I don't see people being demanding I see people that have bought the game and are just not happy that certain bugs that effect gameplay, are being held back. That's fair enough in my opinion. As I said in an earlier post non of the comments are a personal attack on Squad developers but rather complaints or frustrations aimed at Squad the company. Nothing wrong with that.
  5. Date their updates, pft, that means they would have to stick to a schedule. Sorry Squad a bit below the belt that one. @mikegarrison don't tell me that I'm still on Civ v
  6. yeah, no point building a game that already exists....I mean is there any need for Civilization 6 Only joking @Mark Kerbin The Sims - Kerbal edition....now there's an idea
  7. Any project/team is only as good as its weakest link, I think there may be some weak links. Sorry if it sounds harsh but its business, and opinions are sometimes harsh when money has exchanged hands especially when the for what ever reason the project seems to be going backwards, If I ran my business like this I simply wouldn't have one. Granted I'm not a software developer I'm a photographer, imagine I handed over prints that were blurry or the composition wasn't as promised. How many of you would pay me? Software development is no different when it comes to what the customer was promised or expects ( a playable game) when a game is out of beta stage, in this case its bugs that should not be in the game and offered for purchase. I love KSP, I love the whole KSP concept, but business is business that's the truth. As Squad is or was a marketing company they should understand this. Please don't take this the wrong way this isn't an attack on the individuals that develop KSP its just an observation. Once a reputation is lost its gone and I would hate Squad and KSP to loose that reputation based on bad management. Anyway the sun is shining....live long and prosper.
  8. At the moment the are certain bugs in 1.4.2 that simply should not be there at this stage in development. I would be quite happy for a KSP 1.5 Final with no game breakable bugs and maybe very minor fixes, then perhaps Squad could concentrate purely on DLC content......I would just like to drop a lander on minmus (for example) without having to remember to save the game before landing just in case the landing legs explode or disappear as happened last night. It just feels as if we are back at the 1.0 release at the moment.
  9. I think you may be right @xxXHonestJohnXxx
  10. When will KSP 2 be released?
  11. @maxerature I got a T.Flight Hotas X yesterday, gonna set it up and try it out tonight. Been playing with mouse and keyboard so I imagine its going to take some getting used to.
  12. @Galileo ahhh the old Commodore 64, I still have my old ZX81 and 2 Spectrums 16k and 48k. ........anyway KS3P.... looks good.
  13. @SpacePilotMax I agree with what you say, I have already voiced my opinions on this DLC, in my opinion its just a mod and an expensive one. I think quality DLC should add something to the core gameplay of KSP more planets to explore in career mode. And although £12.99 isn't breaking the bank, I would rather keep hold of my £12.99 rather than pay for what I think is a bad DLC release, plenty on offer on Steam at the moment.
  14. Thanks Jesusthebird, everything is sorted, Still cant land though.
  15. At the end of the day everybody has opinions on DLC, but my solution is a simple one. If some customers think its overpriced, lacking in content, etc. then don't buy, wait for the sale. Simples
  16. I have not really played around with aircraft much, nothing to do with Squad or bugs more of a PEBKAC, I cant land the damn things. Adjusted the spring strength and damping stuff, anyway problem solved. Thanks for the advice.
  17. I will take a look at that, thanks pal.
  18. Was attempting to fly my aircraft, before I even started the engines it bounced off the runway. What's all that about
  19. Squad are selling a buggy product, people are buying it. Taking their time and releasing a good quality product should be their priority and as for their lack of communication well that is not acceptable. 1st time ever I invested in a game back just before the release of 1.0 and with such an in unprofessional company. At least Squad taught me to not make that mistake again, Thanks Squad. PS Squad, you don't fancy buying back my copy of KSP do you?
  20. Sent Bob to the North Pole for some alone time
  21. I had one of those moments, everything was perfect, perfect launch, perfect gravity turn, beautiful orbit insertion, great fuel efficiency. Those moments are few and far between. I had to tell someone
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