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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Well, if the problem happens already on the Editor, you was right: KSP is playing no role on it. Yet. I detected that the Baha ELP Redrilled has a old version of Interstellar Fuel Switch installed. Did you updated it to the latest? Yep, I'm pretty sure I misdiagnosed the problem - or at least, part of it. But since Baha ELP makes use of IFS, it's prone to the problem I described on the its thread. But I found odd that such a bug would had passed undetected since the last revision published, yet for KSP 1.5.1 . So I decided to test first on KSP 1.5.1 (I have Test Beds for every KSP version I ever managed to - legally - download from Steam) to see what I get. KSP 1.5.1 loads faster on my MacPotato anyway , so it will save me some time anyway. And it worked fine! Including launching it and recovering it immediately after. This 1.5.1 test bed had only Module Manager and the contents of the latest distribution zip from SpaceDock. So we can rule out a problem on the configs. My current guess is that you need to use the latest Interstellar Fuel Switch in order to use these parts. I'm building a 1.11.2 test bed and I will come to you as soon as I check this hypothesis. -- -- POST EDIT -- -- On KSP 1.11.2, by using the latest Interstellar Fuel Switch in place of the old one embedded on the distribution file (meant for KSP 1.5.1, as it appears), everything worked as expected. -- -- POST POST EDIT -- -- Ha! Found it! I was using the wrong Expanding Container. The problem is happening on the RocketParts one! The behaviour is exactly the one described by @Krzeszny. And his diagnosis was accurate, it's indeed something wrong on the config file. Weirdly enough, I gone trough the historic both from the Baha ELP (the 1.2 release from BahamutoD) as well from the Community Resource Pack (a hard dependency for this part), and the problem is really on the Part config, as in every release of CRP the price for the RocketPart resource is defined and, so, it always had a price. And, of course, I made the tests on KSP 1.5.1 to be absolutely sure this is not an environmental problem. Well, this settles the question.
  2. What you described is essentially the bug on KSP 1.11 that Recall works around when used with Fuel Switches. Let's use an example based on TweakScale, a Module I know pretty well: Let's pretend that we have a tank costing 1.000F and this tank is capable of withhold 900 units of a resource that costs 1F each unit. We have a 100F dry cost for the tank, so. By Empirical Tests, it's known that the Cost of a Part (both for launching as for recovering) should be: TotalCost = DryCost + ResourcesCost + SUM(IPartCostModifier() for every PartModule on the Part) Where DryCost is DryCost = Prefab.Part.Cost - SUM(Resource.MaxAmount * Resource.Price for every Resource on the Part's Prefab) The test consist of launching this single part as a craft and then immediately recovering it. The simplest test, take the part as is and launching it, works. No module is modifying the part, so the IPartCostModifier would not be called anyway (and, so, that first SUM on the first equation will always be 0). Now we scale it to ~1.2 (+20%) the original size, with twice the cargo and, also, twice the Dry Cost: we have now a 2.000F tank, being 200F the Dry Cost and 1800F the cost of the resource. Well, this tank would render you -800F on recovering (i.e., you would lose 800F on recovering), because without the IPartCostModifier being called, TweakScale could not inform KSP that such part is now costing 200F when empty and it's holding 1800 units of the fuel (instead of 100F when empty and holding 900 units of the fuel as specified on the prefab), and so KSP will subtract the current resources price from a unscaled part and get the wrong results. Similar things happens when using Fuel Switches, as it changes the Resources a part can hold and, so, the total cost of the part -without the IPartCostModifier, the Fuel Switch can't counter-act the "default" cost calculation when the new fuel have a different cost: reusing that hypothetical part, if I change the Resources to something costing 2F by unit, we will have a Prefab Cost of 1.000F, but a "new" runtime cost of 1.900F (1.000 - 900 + 1800 == OriginalCost - OldResCost + NewResCost). But on recovery (on KSP 1.11) you will have a -800F (OriginalCost - NewResCost) refund. What you describe fits on this description, so IMHO there's a pretty high change of it being this problem. Or at least, part of the problem (we can have two problems in cascade...) The best way to double-check this hypothesis is to build two test beds with the same (minimal) set of Add'Ons needed to reproduce the craft that it's suffering from this problem: one test bed using KSP 1.10.1, and another one using 1.11.2. If you can reproduce the problem on both KSPs, then you are right. If the thing works on KSP 1.10.1 and not on KSP 1.11.2, then I'm probably right. Additionally, it may be a use case Recall is missing. Please build the simplest craft file you manage to build with this problem and publish it with the KSP.log and Module Manager Patch Log on Recall Thread and I will give it a look. In a way or another, I can help on the diagnosing. Cheers! -- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- -- As reported on the Recall thread, @Krzeszny's assessment of the situation was accurate. I ended up getting fooled by some similarities of a previous problem I had solved ("A scalded cat is afraid of cold water.") and just got in the way. For the sake of curiosity, this problem is present at least since July 2017, the apparent date of the latest release of the previous maintainer.
  3. No. You need to install TweakScale Companion for Near Future to have TweakScale support for them!
  4. These ones as KSP bugs, and there's nothing a Parts Add'On can do about. KSP is ignoring a thingy called IPartCostModifier, that are used by PartModules to communicate KSP how they are changing the base cost of a part. You need a dedicated PartModule to fix this one. Since the problem is exactly the same for everyone, KSP-Recall can be used to "fix" this problem. I think I tackled down the most used use cases at least, and even some others not exactly common.
  5. On a Pure Stock environment, yes. I never managed to overwrite the Stock Plumes, it appears to be hard-coded somehow on the ModuleEngine. With WaterfallFX (as long you have the patches to support it), by installing TweakScale Companion for Visuals everything that was patched for TweakScale *and also* for WaterfallFX will have the Plumes correctly scaled. See this post for more information: On the bright side, once I manage to find time to really study the WaterfallFX source code (I was focused on Scaling last time), perhaps I can find the insight I need to scale the Stock Plumes?
  6. The problem is relying on Walled Gardens Every time a Walled Garden was created (by the game developers or by third parties), we had a shift on the balance of power - being "popular" gives you influence about decisions that, invariably, leads to a lockdown on the distribution chain. With unavoidable dispersion of the Scene, the first thing one do as have enough power is to use it to get rid of the competition, that so leads to bit rotting on the Scene, that so kills the Community. Unless you have a firm grip on a very profitable niche (as X-Plane did on aircraft pilot certification), I don't see how this going to work on the long run. Granted, if you don't expect it to work on the long run and are willing to maximize the revenue on the short run, it will not matter anyway... The problem is not having a baseline. The problem is using a position of power to force your hand on bad standards and practices - what's , frankly, it was what happened here in the past few years. Ad hoc consensus is achieved by allowing people finding their way on the mess and then letting users to pick the ones that work best. Technical leadership from the developers also help, moreover when they are open minded to recognize when some crazy dude came from nowhere have a better idea. KSP1's history is littered of examples of all of that. 'Authority' is not a tool to solve your problems, it's a way to coordinate the process of solving your problems. You still need the skills, the working force and the will to have the problems tackled down, and without them 'Authority' makes things even worse (another lesson to be learnt from the past).
  7. It's something on your rig. I'm sorry, but you really need to go to that Uninstall Fest in order to diagnose this problem. I built a Test Bed using KSP 1.11.2, the latest KSP Recall and the Latest TweakScale. No problem detected on KIS or KSPR. Then I launched the same vessel again, gone to EVA and dropped the Electric ScrewDriver on the ground, then I recovered the vessel. Again, the Refunding is right. The ScrewDriver was not refunded. KSP-Recall is working fine with KIS. So we are back to something borking on your installment. You will have to carryon that Uninstall Fest until the problem vanishes, otherwise I can't further help!
  8. Humm... Perhaps I missed an use case after all... I don't remember doing this test with KIS, i recollect only testing ModuleInventoryPart... I will try it by night and come back to you...
  9. Mine is 10G. Believe me, I know how you feel. Unfortunately, it's the best way to diagnose the problem. Since most of the time the triggering module is used by the craft, I nailed down the most probable suspects in an attempt to save you some time. Start removing that Add'Ons I mentioned first (one by one, otherwise you will have to do it again by reinstalling them to find the trigger). There're good chances you will find the trigger this way. Launching the craft is fine, KSP is calling IPartCostModifier on every part as it should on Editor and on Launch, The bug is on recovering the craft. The developer that changed that code (probably in order to cope with the ModulePartInventory , so you would recover funds from parts stored inside parts - and there's a bug on this code too) forgot something, and so a lot of funds that you should have being refunded, it's not. KSP-Recall::Refund does not messes with Editor and Launch (it only run to save values to remember how much the part was costing on launch, and that's all!). Refund tricks KSP into counting the missing funds on Recovery only, I think we have two lines crossing here. One, it's the KSP bug that KSP-Recall::Refunding is working around. Other, it's something borking heavily on your rig, and this somehow is sabotaging some Add'Ons (KSP-Recall between them). The KSP bug is tackled down by RSPR. If even by installing KSPR (as you did) you are not being refunded correctly, we have one of the following problems: 1) I messed up or forgot something - it's always a possibility, as I work using a thingy called "Clean Room Design", a way to "reverse engineering" something without breaking forum rules (that explicitly forbids decompiling here). 2) Something else is borking in a way that it's preventing KSP-Recall from doing its job. Right now, we have a KSP.log littered with Exceptions on some critical parts of KSP that heavily suggests you are suffering from a "type 2" problem, and that list of Add'Ons I wrote above is the best guess about who can be the trigger of the problem. But... It's exactly what I'm saying: it's my current best guess.... The only real way to dignose the problem is by removing Add'Ons one by one until the problem vanishes. The last add'on removed is the trigger for the problem - and once we know the trigger, we have to closely look on it to see exactly what's going wrong...
  10. It was a stupid question, but it had to be done - now and then someone complain about something he/she forgot to install. Well, these links worked. On an initial analysis, there's something wrong involving WB modules: [EXC 23:45:33.848] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object WOLF.WOLF_CrewTransferScenario.OnAwake () (at <7eb3c6e6467043e49992a5c417f5d542>:0) ScenarioModule.Awake () (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) ScenarioRunner:AddModule(String) ScenarioRunner:AddModule(ConfigNode) ProtoScenarioModule:Load(ScenarioRunner) ScenarioRunner:LoadModules(List`1) ScenarioRunner:SetProtoModules(List`1) Game:Load() <Start>d__4:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) WOLF is also borking sometimes during startup, and this can abort some initialisation that could bite you later. Additionally, your KSP.log is littered with errors like this one: [ERR 23:51:27.782] KSP_PartVolume: PartInfo.Start, Part: WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Mule/WBI_Cone at WildBlueIndustries.WBIResourceSwitcher.GetModuleMass (System.Single defaultMass, ModifierStagingSituation sit at Part.GetModuleMass (System.Single defaultMass, ModifierStagingSituation sit) [0x00046] in <06f13185617646e5bc at ModuleCargoPart.GetInfo () [0x00098] in <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0 at KSP_PartVolume.PartVolume.Start () [0x00552] in <89d5800f7d6c4fce99a2b0104c856cea>:0 What's a surprise, as I have PartInfo installed and this doesn't happens here. So I think that perhaps something on WildBlueIndustries are borking (or being borked by someone else). In a way or another, Refunding (the thingy on KSP Recall that does the magic) appears to be working fine, no exceptions were issued mentioning it. and the expected messages about it being loaded and instantiated are there: [LOG 23:25:08.513] Load(Assembly): 999_KSP-Recall/Plugins/Refunding [LOG 23:25:08.513] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at E:\games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\999_KSP-Recall\Plugins\Refunding.dll Refunding v0.2.0.0 [LOG 23:33:09.505] Config(RESOURCE_DEFINITION) 999_KSP-Recall/Resources/Resources/RefundingForKSP111x [LOG 23:33:10.482] Resource RefundingForKSP111x added to database Refunding 8011ca680ffb8b2555bc48c04843493e02515df59eb51897f11c563ab1769d5d [LOG 23:33:11.157] Resource RefundingForKSP111x added to database [LOG 23:45:13.909] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceCentreHelper' from assembly 'Refunding' [LOG 23:46:37.212] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'EditorHelper' from assembly 'Refunding' [LOG 23:48:26.221] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightHelper' from assembly 'Refunding' [LOG 23:49:50.977] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceCentreHelper' from assembly 'Refunding' My best guess is that one of that exceptions it's littering your KSP.log is aborting some internal KSP processing, and so KSP-Recall is not being called as it should. Keep in mind that this is not affecting only Recall, as any other add'on could be being also a victim of this problem (perhaps WBI itself, and so it would be just another screaming victim). Your best line of action at this point is to backup the whole installation, and on the copy selectively remove add'ons until the problem vanishes. This happening, the last removed add'on is the trigger for the problem, and so you need to ask its maintainer for help. In an attempt to help you, follows every Module your sample craft is using: KIS.electricScrewdriver LifeSupportModule MechJebCore ModuleCargoPart ModuleColorChanger ModuleCommand ModuleConductionMultiplier ModuleDataTransmitter ModuleInventoryPart ModuleKISInventory ModuleKISItemAttachTool ModuleKISItemEvaPropellant ModuleLiftingSurface ModulePartVariants ModuleReactionWheel ModuleScienceContainer ModuleScienceExperiment ModuleTestSubject ModuleTripLogger Refunding SCANRPMStorage TweakScale USI_ModuleRecycleablePart WBIPartScrapper In strikethrough, the Modules I know and I had already tested while developing Refunding. In normal, modules that I have already used on Refunding while diagnosing problems and found they were not the problem at that time - but I didn't thoroughly tested them myself. They should be working, but I can't guarantee. In bold Modules that I didn't tested KSP-R yet. This doesn't means they are at faulty, it only means that I didn't tested them - so they are good candidates for starters on the Uninstall Fest: TAC Life Support SCANSat USITools (and, so, everything USI related) Wild Blue's PathFinder and Buffalo. Remove them one by one and test the craft again. Removing all of them at once would make difficult later to detect exactly who was the one borking on you. Keep in mind that you will not find the culprit, but the trigger. It's possible that something else is inducing the detected module to misbehave, and so it would be the screaming victim and not the culprit - but pinpoint the trigger is the first step nevertheless. Once you detect the trigger, its maintainer is the one that can help you.
  11. I'm very reticent on relying on Walled Gardens to provide community support for modding. Amateurs will not cope with it. Professionals will charge for it. Walled Gardens are expensive. I would prefer a DLC centric model instead for providing new content. If you are going to rely on professionals for doing the work, DLCs are a proven and safer option IMHO. You keep the money and the creative control in-house.
  12. These links are not working for me. Sorry. On another wild guess, if you are not installing KSPR but are using TweakScale, this is the behaviour Stock currently have - it plain ignores the Extra Cost TweakScale is providing by scaling on Recovering, besides still using it to charge you while launching. If you are not installing KSPR, but is using some other add'on that also relies on IPartCostModifier (as fuel switches, damage or reliability add'ons, etc), this is also a Stock misbehaviour - as TweakScale is not the only one relying on IPartCostModifier. In both cases, installing KSPR should be fixing the problem for you. If you had installed KSPR and are still getting this problem, now I'm worried because you had found a new use case that KSPR should be handling and it's (or it's borking on the task), and on this hypothesis, I really need that craft file and KSP.log in order to inspect them to check what is going on. Do you have a Github account? If yes, please add a comment with these two files on this issue: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/19 - Github allows you to upload the files on the comment itself (zip them first), and so we will not to cope with some dropmefiles.com idiosyncrasy.
  13. I will need the craft file and the KSP.log at least, otherwise I can't help! Costs calculated by Editor are out of scope from KSPR, I think you need to make that question on the KSP Support Forum. (but on a wild guess, I think the difference is due the parachute and the EVA jetpack - they are discrete parts parts now)
  14. Frankly, at least until KSP 1.11, the relationship can be resumed to publishing half-baked, poorly tested KSP releases, and the mod-authors scrambling to detect problems and work around them. What KSP 1.12 will bring to us is still to be seen. But, usually, most simple add'ons "survive" unscratched, as it's not usual for KSP to change too many things that could severely break too much add'ons (KSP 1.11 was an exception, 1.8.0 and 1.4.0 were another ones). I could not agree more. This is not going to happen. One size does not fits all, and there're no enough money available for the Dev Team to allow them to satisfy every single current and new user. Every single successful game I'm aware of was heavily modded in a way or another, and the harder the game is to be modded, more chances it has to be forgotten as time goes by. What may be not that good as you think. Most of the most successful add'ons I'm aware were made by non-professionals. Keep something in mind: professional developers are expensive (at least, the good ones). We do what we can using our free time, but once a too high standard is demanded, you will need us to use working time for it - and so, we will charge for it. I suggest you to have a look on the Flight Sim scene (FSX, X-Plane, etc), where the add'ons are charged - and some of them are twice the price of the base game. Or perhaps DCS, where the game is free but evey add'on has a hefty price tag on it. Another one that worths to be mentioned is Microprose's Falcon 4.0, that was extensively modded over time - it was even almost rewritten for modern computers in the 2000's. All that code (released under the MIT, as I was informed) is now on BMS, that is closed sourced and so all that code is essentially locked now (I just can't find that repositories with that code anymore, the surviving one is utterly incomplete). Without the amateurs, people are going to need deep pockets in order to play a modded game - what's, frankly, kinda of a settle back: if you are going to rely on selling copies of the game to make a living, you will want people to pay money to you, not to third parties. And, since we are talking popularity, KSP has at this moment at least 3 times the concurrent players now than FSX: Steam Edition (not exactly bad, as FS2020 is on the wild), while X-Plane has less than half. Comparing to X-Plane appears to be more sensible, as X-Plane is also a 10 years old franchise. Do your math. KSP1 would be already sunk without the modder community. What will happen to KSP2 it's something we will need to wait and see, however... Of course!! Anything. The fun is on the path, not on the destination! Frankly, I think this will backfire horribly. The P/R damage can be substantial. I think this is the way to go. Way more inclusive, way more "welcoming". And it will save the community from starting up a new era repeating some of the mistakes of the past. On an ideal world, the Community should provide such tools. The current mess is due a lack of consensus about how things should be done, a somewhat lack of rigor from the present tools on serving the few things there're a consensus about how it should be done and, most of all, the existent utter barrier on allowing a third player on this field, what would provide the needed incentive to improve the current status quo. Not to mention buying a fight with the Steam competition. You don't want to rely solely on Steam to provide features to your game, there're GoG et all around, and you need to have them around in order to induce Steam to behave nicely with you. Never put all your eggs on the same basket. Most of us have only two, we need to properly care for them. Without side-loading, KSP1 would be seriously injured by now - perhaps dead. Not everybody likes CKAN, not everybody likes Curseforge. I would had quit this already if I was to be forced into using one of them.
  15. No, it's a bug on KSP 1.11.x . KSP 1.11.x is not calling a thing called IPartCostModifier where add'ons would tell KSP about how they are changing the cost of the part. This affects TweakScale (between everybody else), as it uses that interface to communicate KSP how scaling affected the cost of the part. Additionally, there's another bug related to certain parts stored on parts with ModuleInventoryPart. Recall handles this use case too. KSPR does not saves your money. It "steals back" the money KSP is "stealing" from you on recovering. Since I don't have access to the KSP Source Code, I can't fix the problem myself - so I had to hack my way into this mess. And since this is a hack, I need to have a way to allow auditing the refunding (an user would not have easily noticed the ModuleInventoryPart bug without it), so the need to specify on the Recovering GUI the amount KSPR is recovering for you. Keep in mind that KSPR is not over refunding you. Missing parts and used resources (as Fuel) is not refunded back, being that the reason you are recovering less than than Editor is telling the craft is costing. As a rule of thumb, launch your craft after getting rid of all her resources, then immediately recover it. This is a situation where the refunding must be equal to the cost on Editor. If it differs, send me the craft, your KSP.log and (when available) the CKAN export list and I will tackle the problem down.
  16. For the "stock" parts, you need: Waterfall Stock Waterfall Effects Others add'ons will need further packages, see Waterfall's OP for moar info. TweakScale Companion for Visuals (currently Alpha) See OP
  17. Yep! But, just to make it clear, TweakScale is just scaling what is being made by WaterfallFX, ok? WaterfallFX was already applying the heat distortion to Junos. I'm just scaling it once you scale the Juno!
  18. Mig-17 undressed for maintenance. Essentially, a Jet Engine with a cockpit strapped ahead of it and some wings attached God knows how. Souce: https://www.reddit.com/r/DefensionemWB/comments/ezbj8x/naked_mig17/ -- -- -- That nine thingies radially attached on the forehead are combustion chambers. At that time, they didn't managed to have only one big combustion chamber (what would be more efficient), so they attached 9 combustion chambers on the engine to do the job! Source : http://www.midlandairmuseum.co.uk/jet.php -- -- -- And more information, specific to the Mig-17 engine, can be found here: https://cnnews.wordpress.com/2007/09/03/turbo-jet-engine-of-mig-15/
  19. What issue? That one in which the plume scaling is reset? It's purely cosmetic, and the published alpha version has this kinda tackled down. But I didn't had the time to check why the Revert to Launch is resetting it. If by any chance, you are talking about bad patching (that pesky Warnings on booting KSP), then it will only be solved when you send me the KSP.log and Module Manager Patch logs for inspecting. These are not TweakScale problems, they are someone else screwing up and I need these logs to check what's happening in order to have a fix or workaround for them.
  20. Virtually unnoticeable on my MacPotato 6.1 (i7 3615QM 2.3 to 3.3GHz) and Intel HD 4000 GPU. It is said that WaterfallFX is lighter than the stock ParticleFX, but on my Mac I couldn't notice any difference - MacOS is terrible for gaming, it starts compressing memory pretty fast and then your performance plummet anyway.
  21. You need to install TweakScale Companion for Visuals, currently in Alpha . Please report any problems on that thread! Cheers!
  22. I managed to steal a bit of time from RL to make an animation! These crafts have scaled up Junos: People willing to help me test TweakScale support for WaterfallFX are more than welcome to try it! (some bugs are expected, please report) And now?
  23. Bad patching. Reach me on TweakScale thread, publishing the full KSP.log and MM Patch log, and we will diagnose and fix the problem. TL;DR : bad patching can change the scale of living crafts in a way that would render them unusable, and once you load and save the save game, the damage is permanent. It's not something that happens all the time, but it does. And you just figure out it happened some time after it happened (we don't check every living craft of a game every time we load it). In a way or another, it's fixable.
  24. You must see it "live". It's way more impressive when animated - I'm going to setup my recording gadgets as soon as I can, this will worth it! I need to tell you, I was a bit skeptic about the "real need" of WaterfallFX. It was nice since the beginning, without the slightest doubt, but so was SmokeScreen too (and since my main gaming is still 1.7.3, I had very few personal reasons to work on WaterfallFX - I'm not going to move to >= 1.8 in the near future, but a fellow Kerbonaut made a request and so, I decided to work on it as he requested) . However, when I finally managed to make this work on TweakScale and saw the air breathing engine's exhausts while working on this... Dude.... What a sight, just plain beautiful.
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