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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Unless someone are willing to buy Unity for peanuts, and invested a few billions USD to infiltrate the Company and dehydrate it to buy it cheap. I'm getting repetitive, but it's really hard to believe they did this by accident. Riccitiello surely knows better, he have experience with this crap since his times on E.A. I'm not telling you are wrong, it's perfectly possible you are right. But these guys didn't reached where they are now by doing incredibly stupid mistakes by accident, as it would need to happen to you be right. On the other hand, foreign players usually miss details about local legislation - there's one thing that may support your thesis, and it is an Anticompetitive Lawsuit. Microsoft got hugely screwed on a similar lawsuit in the past during the Browser Wars - and what they did is way less harsh than what Unity is doing. People outside USA and Europe usually don't have to think too much about anti-thrust laws, and end up not worrying about it while doing some stunts on these countries (brazilians usually get fined a lot on USA exactly because of this - lots of small things that we just let pass through in Brazil are harshly punished on USA and not all of us pay due attention to these details on the day to day affairs - until that fine fine is delivered by mail ) And there's one additional detail that may had passed through while they plotted the stunt - Unity Technologies are drawing light into a nasty practice of the Tech Industry for decades: changes on licensing terms that are effective retroactively. Google, Apple, Microsoft, et all, all of them pull this stunt now and then, but with Unity3D literally scorching the earth with it, some legislations are probably being cooked right now about - and this is going to cost them some money to work around. Some movement (besides still lacking, but it's exactly what I would expect from a Federation of Companies that also rely on the practice) are already happening on Europe: The EGDF calls for EU regulation. “Unity’s install fees are a sign of looming game engine market failure” . https://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/82432/egdf-lashes-out-at-unity-calls-for-eu-regulation/#:~:text=In a statement released by,develop their own game engines. Essentially, they are calling for a 6 month warning in advance for such licensing changes - instead of yelling about retroactive changes that are really the problem here. In a way or another, chances are that Unity Technologies will be no more before they try to collect that runtime fees of them. When Microsoft got sued, they barely survived not being split in two, and they already were an economic behemoth. I don't believe U.T. is capitalised enough to survive an Anti Trust investigation where they are clearly guilty to the bones. TL;DR: I still think that the Unity3D trashing is by design, they intentionally screwed up this part of the Unity Technologies business to allow it to be cheaply took over by a 3rd party (that I don't have the slightest clue about who may be, but I have some suspects on my mind). However, they didn't minded the legal implications and the risk of a huge Anti Trust investigation - that at worst will hugely impact the other part of the business they care. The whole Unity Technologies are running on the blade now, and this is the part I think they didn't expected to happen.
  2. This whole ordeal looks like a plot to orchestrate an hostile takeover, like it was done before when Microsoft used Stephen Elop to dehydrate Nokia stocks enough to allow Microsoft to buy it for peanuts. Is started exactly like that: the board got infiltrated, then they elected a new CEO that, so, did some pretty interesting movements that ended up plummeting Nokia stock value. Some time after Microsoft bought the thing. Apparently, they didn't found the need to replace the CEO. I would believe the Apple theory if Unity didn't had merged to IronSource - Apple business model is completely incompatible to Iron Source's, they are exactly in the opposite of the market spectrum, and so the IronSource guys will not be beneficed by being bought by Apple, as Apple will just get rid of them to preserve their business model. I believe that Apple would want to buy Unity (the cheapest as possible) though.
  3. For anyone still hopping things about Unity are not going to get that bad, some more insights: On July, 2022, Unity Technologies announces a merge with Iron Source ironSource Ltd. is a software company that focuses on developing technologies for app monetization and distribution, with its core products focused on the app economy. The merge was concluded in November. On June, 2022 (one month before the merge announce!), the github repository for the Changes in Unity ToS was silently removed! Old ToS still available on Web (look for "Prior Terms") WebArchive. git repository mirror On github On Software Heritage April 3rd this year (slightly before the release of 2022 LTS in June), the clausule were is was guaranteed the right to keep using the older ToS as long you don't update your stack to the newer covered by the new ToS was removed from the current ToS, and a new one explicitly granting them rights to retroactively change licensing terms was added. New ToS, effective April 2023 for Unity 2022. WebArchive Interesting part: On September 2023, they announce a per install fee for the Runtime. I'm quoting the reddit article, as I just could not say it better: This is a plan being carefully executed for more than an Year already. I said before and I will say it again: these guys are not stupid, they know what they are doing. It's up to us to fence ourselves and defend our interests, because they will not stop pursuing theirs.
  4. There're these guys on Proton demonstrating that it may be hard as hell, but still doable. The alternative is to completely replace Squad - or just forget the whole thing and go play Starfield or No Man's Sky or some freaking PacMan game on some emulator**. There're bootleg copies of KSP¹ source on the wild anyway - I'm pretty sure someone will be able to do something about by Squad's back and make some bucks from it (as it's already happening by the way). — — POST EDIT — — **I found this Spaceship EVO recently, really interesting. But still made on Unity, damnit. — — POST POST EDIT — — Things developed in an interesting (and, for me, completely unexpected) way. There're currently two main theories around here about what's happening: There's an ongoing hostile takeover attempt on Unity Tech, and the current drama are internal adversaries dehydrating the company to make it dirty cheap to be bought by an, at this time, unknown actor. The plot above is nonsense, the Unity's BoD really, really are a bunch of morons and let themselves be dragged down by a few spoiled brats. Would you like to know more? As things are, the option 1 was the less worst of the outcomes, because it implies that once whoever would be plotting this hostile takeover grabs the Company, they would want to recover the business and, so, would make things sane again - or near it. The option 2 is terrible, because by inference it means that both the BoD as the CEO are being completely inept to handle a crisis provoked by their own ineptitude (this phrase is the rejected child of an oxymoron mated with an pleonasm) and, so, things are really going to go South and people relying on the Unity3D are in deep crap - not only due the risk of being over-taxed by that install-fee-craziness, but because further stupidnesses of the BoD may ultimately lead to the dismantling of the whole business. Like the incredibly stupid attempt to sugarcoat the pill by proposing waiving the install-fees to anyone ditching whatever the ad-system they are using to Unity's, what's essentially violating the antitrust law! Microsoft, besides already being an economical behemoth at that time, barely escaped from being split in two for far, far less. I don't think Unity Technologies has the resources to win such a legal battle, what can end up with huge punitive damages that may lead Unity Technologies to bankruptcy - with no one willing to buy the bankruptcy estate due the fines. Granted, this is the worst case scenario - but it may be not too far from what's going to happen… TL;DR: again, Open Source appears to be the only safe bet on this whole ordeal. I doubt Unity3D would go OSI, what makes opening KSP¹'s source a more viable option. Granted, if Unity3D goes OSI, the pressure for KSP¹ doing the same will lesser (but not vanish at all).
  5. These situations is where opening the source import the most. We need to get rid of the Unity Runtime. We will not be able to do such without Open Source. It's **way** more feasible to code an abstraction layer and port KSP to other engine (probably Godot) than to write a complete Unity3D replacement. There's no cheap solutions anymore. Now people will need to decide if they will pay the racketeers for the rest of their lives, or if they will pay to get rid of them only once. But they are going to pay, no matter what. As Unity Technologies strengthen the squeezing, and strengthen the squeezing they will (see Oracle et all), Game Publishes and Developers will be forced to do the same with their users or they will go bankrupt. And so the same people that would be willing to help you to replace them will be left with the only option to replace you.
  6. Yes, you are. 99% of the users don't even know that devices you are willing to install on your rig even exist. Linux is about a tricky equilibrium between necessity and availability. We have good (nowadays) GPU drives because a lot of people pressed for gaming on Linux, but there's no many people like you pressing to have seamless support for oscilloscopes . No one has any obligation to write such drivers. So usually your case are tackled down by people that had bought these devices and coded the support themselves, by people that had funded such development or by people that had peskyied the manufacturers to do so - or all the alternatives altogether, there're cases in which users and manufacturers collaborated on writing the support. There's no free lunch - Linux is Free as in Speech, not as in Beer. AH, XKCD. You know what's more interesting? This problem usually is worst on software licensed on MIT or similarly permissive licenses - because everybody can use them on their proprietary product without caring to give back anything back to the Open Source community that maintain these code. As Linus Torvalds said once: "I give you some source code, you give me some source code and we are even". MIT licenses doesn't promotes the "give back" part of the deal, and so most Companies don't care to do it.
  7. Nope. Squad will be taxed everytime Unit detects you installed the game again, with or without downloading it. Unity has telemetry embedded, and remember they merged with IronSource last year, gaining access to a whole set of tools. Things are that bad. You will need to keep your game installations completely isolated from the Internet by firewalls, but I suspect that the merge with IronSource will allow them to cross reference data by other means - like other programs installed using InstallCore being able to search your system for copies of Unity Runtime and reporting. Do you know all that tracking mechanisms used to spy on users? They are going to be used against Developers and Publishers too. They had a whole year of planning before announcing the stunt - the tools they need should be already deployed by our backs. I said before and I will say again: these guys are not stupid. Things are really that bad. ---- POST EDIT --- @ColdJ, I think you will (NOT) like to read this: Sorry.
  8. Yes, or at least it worked last time I tried. As long the depot is not removed from the system, it's available for downloading by using the Steam Client's console or an 3rd party tool like https://github.com/SteamRE/DepotDownloader I recomend doing it anyway. As well any other Unirt game you had bought there. Or in GoG.
  9. You are not going to be directly affected. Squad will. Suppose you buy a Windows notebook and a Steam Dexk too for Christmas, and you have installed KSP on them too. Now Squad will be taxed by 2 installs if you do it after January 2024. Now imagine the you decided to upgrade the Deck's SSD and reinstall everything from scratch. Squad will probably be taxed by another install (probably because theoretically only new installs are taxed, but Unity openly says they don't track individuals, they will infer the count by aggregation). Now your Linux machine's HDD dies and you replace it with an SDD and reinstall the World. Guess what? A new Install for sure, because the previous install wasn't counted because it happened before 2024 but this one will count for.sure. Squad will pay a fee every time an SDD or HDD with KSP installed is replaced.
  10. "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger" (tygah,. tygah, tygah) There're alternatives, but it's nothing that one vendor can accomplish alone.
  11. To anyone still wondering why Open Source is needed, google about the ongoing Unity drama about the Unity Runtime. I had warned months ago that we were on the verge of an Inflection Point here. It's not time to start to move?
  12. Problem on Linux is that people trying to make money from it still believes on the "one size fits all" model used by Windows. It doesn't works - Linux would not exist at first place if it did. Steam Deck is an excellent example on how someone needs to tailor the thing to a finality to make Linux useable for the average end-user. What you really need is someone tailoring Debian to be used by people like you. Anyway. On a blind guess, I think that your programs need to have the setuid configured to root. https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-do-i-set-up-setuid-setgid-and-sticky-bits-on-linux/#:~:text=This is primarily used to,in Linux is 'sudo'. It's really a bad idea from the security point of view, but still… It may help on your problem.
  13. Weird, the problem is happening on a DLL called GroundConstruction, and you must have it in your GameData, because it's being logged as expected: [LOG 20:45:47.982] Load(Assembly): GroundConstruction/Plugins/GC.UI [LOG 20:45:47.982] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at J:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\GroundConstruction\Plugins\GC.UI.dll [LOG 20:45:47.983] Load(Assembly): GroundConstruction/Plugins/GroundConstruction [LOG 20:45:47.983] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at J:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\GroundConstruction\Plugins\GroundConstruction.dll [LOG 20:45:47.985] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'GroundConstruction' V2.6.0 Do you use CKAN? In a way or another, please send me a new KSP.dll . Don't bother to reproduce the problem, just reach the Main Menu, then quit KSP, then send me the new KSP.log.
  14. Kindly dedicated to Unity3D users around the Word. The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again.
  15. No. He's going to buy everything they can using stooges, and when things get better (and it will this time eventually, see below), he will be able to excerpt yet more power over the board. There're people smarter than you scattered over the World, some of them earning money from you. It's better to keep this in mind, it may save your business eventually. And this is precisely the reason Unity Tech is able to do whatever they please, besides not exactly how they want. Unity has a lock-in on their market, and they has decided it will be more profitable to exercise their muscles on people like you than trying to increasing their market share by luring people from other engines. I think they will accomplish whatever they really want exactly because of that - it's perfectly possible that this drama is a plot to accomplish something we are not seeing - as perhaps enabling a hostile take over, like Stephen Elop did on Nokia before Microsoft grabbed it. In a way or another, what remains to be answered is: what you are going to do to not be fooled again? Uh.. Whoops. — — POST EDIT — — Found very interesting information here: {SNIP} Given the sensibility of the subject, I will copy&paste the post here in the case that one gets removed by some reason. Ladies and Gentlemen… I think we are witnessing a hostile takeover. — — POST POST EDIT — — The Unity's ToS repository was deleted. Thanks Kraken there're mirrors made recently : https://github.com/thaliaarchi/unity-termsofservice I strongly suggest to anyone developing on Unity to mirror and clone **everything** on https://github.com/Unity-Technologies as soon as possible, because the dices are starting to roll.
  16. I disagree. It makes sense perfectly, these guys are not stupid. Someone made some calculations about the Unity's prospects for the future and realised they will not get the money they want by going that path - perhaps due competition, perhaps due the cost of fixing the long list of technical debits, perhaps because the new processors being launched are screwing them due some unhappy design decisions made in the past and fixing it is going to be hugely expensive - or perhaps by any other reason beyound me. Or all of them together. So if they are not going to make enough money by increasing their user base, the obvious solution is to squeeze the installed user base the most they can while the ship is afloat. It's a "sound business decision" : if your asset is going to be scrapped on the end of the current fiscal year, you don't need to waste money on preventive maintenance, and can use it on activities that will reduce its life span (as long it's not destroyed before the end of the fiscal year). As a matter of fact, you must do it as this is the best way to maximising the incoming the asset is able to provide. Unreal Engine is not only a completely different engine, but also has no bindings to C#. Restarting from scratch to use Unreal will demand not only a completely restart on development, but also a complete new team to start with - what would include the decision makers. I find it unlikely it will happen - mainly because this crapstorm is not going to affect them that much: TTI is big enough to be able to cut a nice deal with Unity Technologies to minimize the fees. And since, as I said above, they are not stupid, they obviously know it. If they know it and tried the stunt the same way it's because they know they are not going to get enough money on new sales - what implies they are betting there are going to be way less sales for Unity Games than they want. If your marketshare is stagnating and you want more money, your only option is to squeeze the marketshare you already have. And, in time, the money for Research & Development should be already on their budget. If this money is not there anymore, it's because someone took it. Who? Why? When? That's the problem: misalignment of expectations between Unity's stakeholders. Unity's high brass are there for the money. They realised that trying to stay competitive will incur in costs that will undermine their expectations for profit. So they think Unity3D is going to loose market and, again, the only way to keep the profit at the levels they want is to milk the installed base instead. This is hardly a novelty - Oracle, SAP et all do exactly the same: most of their income is not by doing new sales (how many people buy a new SAP license nowadays?), but by the recurring fees they get from the current costumers (or new products they force them to buy by deprecating older ones and offering replacements). All of this had happened before. All of this will happen again. Exactly. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And, frankly, this is hardly the first time Unity screws their customers over. Such a decision, IMHO, should have been considered for at least 12 months, 24 from a technical point of view.
  17. It really depends of the nature of the mods. PartSet only mods, you can shove as much as you wish as long you have memory for them. There're still a few loose ends on KSP where a badly configured Part Config can cause some damage, but these are the exceptions. Mods that adds features to the game, when well written, are also usually safe - as long no one screws with them. If something breaks TweakScale and prevents it from work, it's obviously that all you scaled parts will be screwed too. Mods that changes features on the game, on the other hand, are the hairy ones. These need to have a high degree of testings and validations that are not usual to be done by enthusiasts. Interestingly enough, most of them around here ends up working pretty well. We have a minority of add'ons playing havoc nowadays, and all of them - and I want to say it again, all of them with known issues that are being refused to be fixed. 95% of the support I do is about known bugs that are recurrent in the wild because they are simply not fixed.
  18. Found the problem! Or, at least, what looks like being the problem: [EXC 20:51:35.274] MissingMethodException: AT_Utils.UIBundle AT_Utils.UIBundle.Create(string) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceMono (System.Boolean nonPublic) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow (System.Boolean publicOnly, System.Boolean skipCheckThis, System.Boolean fillCache, System.Threading.StackCrawlMark& stackMark) (at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor (System.Boolean publicOnly, System.Boolean skipCheckThis, System.Boolean fillCache, System.Threading.StackCrawlMark& stackMar System.Activator.CreateInstance[T] () (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) AT_Utils.PluginGlobals`1[T].init_instance () (at <dfa2fbe96124462794ebeceb1d666cb2>:0) AT_Utils.PluginGlobals`1[T].Load () (at <dfa2fbe96124462794ebeceb1d666cb2>:0) AT_Utils.PluginGlobals`1[T].get_Instance () (at <dfa2fbe96124462794ebeceb1d666cb2>:0) GroundConstruction.JobBase.get_GLB () (at <153e62ae099745349276ac22b21d61e0>:0) GroundConstruction.VesselKit+<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<count_kit_resources>b__1 (PartResource res) (at <153e62ae099745349276ac22b21d61e0>:0) AT_Utils.CollectionsExtensions.ForEach[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] E, System.Action`1[T] action) (at <dfa2fbe96124462794ebeceb1d666cb2>:0) GroundConstruction.VesselKit+<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<count_kit_resources>b__0 (Part p) (at <153e62ae099745349276ac22b21d61e0>:0) System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) GroundConstruction.VesselKit.count_kit_resources (IShipconstruct ship, System.Boolean assembled) (at <153e62ae099745349276ac22b21d61e0>:0) GroundConstruction.VesselKit..ctor (PartModule host, ShipConstruct ship, System.Boolean assembled, System.Boolean simulate) (at <153e62ae099745349276ac22b21d61e0>:0) GroundConstruction.GCEditorGUI.Update () (at <153e62ae099745349276ac22b21d61e0>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) You have a serious versioning conflit between GroundContruction and AT_Utils. This is generating tons and tons of Exceptions, INSIDE THE EDITOR's UPDATE, and this may explain these weird misbehaviours on it - things inside Editor happens under a somewhat fragile equilibrium between add'ons. and if something royally screws up the timings (and logging into KSP.log every Update is a hell of a timing screwer) , things start to happen out of order and this may explain this misbehaviour. Uninstall Ground Construction and see if the problem goes away - I suggest to do it on a full backup, because removing (or deactivating) add'ons and loading savegames will completely screw up any crafts that would be using them (it's the reason people gets screwed when TweakScale is killed). If yes (and I think it will), advise here and we will try to find a fix for it - I want to have confirmation before poking on other authors' code… "If you wish to catch a rabbit you put a ferret into the hole, and if the rabbit is there he runs." — Hercule Kerman.
  19. Do you trust them? They will be the one counting the installs, they will be the ones deciding when if they are wrong about it. Ah, yes, they will be the ones that will lose money if they find they counted something too much. Essentially: "We are going to decide, using our own methodologies, how much to you own us every month. If you find we made a mistake, submit a form to our compliance team, those salaries are paid by the fees we are charging you, so we can analyse your case". (and I had to control myself to do not purposely misspell "analyse" here).
  20. @Tokamak, you are not the first case I read about - someone on reddit got it recently: I initially misdiagnosed the problem to be something preventing TweakScale from being loaded, but somehow the problem just vanished from that user's machine without any action from them. What's kinda rule out TweakScale, this thing when misbehaves, do it consistently. Now you are telling us that this is happening on Stock 1.5 tanks - and on them alone. Since you are still getting the problem, can you please send me both a botched craft file as well the KSP.log with a test session where the problem happened? Please quit the game into Main Menu (or close KSP) before copying the KSP.log to prevent it from being truncated. Cheers!
  21. These CEO guys, they are not stupid. They know it. It's the reason I'm convinced Unity is going to cash whatever they can and ditch the engine, perhaps selling it to someone else. They are quitting the milk business and entering the steak one - using the old cash cow as Startup. And so they will just pay the racketeers, and will need to make the money somehow to keep afloat. It's the reason I think that the developers that will linger will be the ones that will screw their users the same, because I don't see a way of survive this ordeal otherwise. What's essentially a self realizing prophecy: since I think Unity developers will be forced to screw me over somehow, I will avoid games made on Unity to avoid getting screwed, what makes the developer's life harder by decreasing their incoming, forcing them to increasing their revenue by exploiting the current user base instead of increasing it, screwing users that so will avoid Unity games. Rinse, repeat.
  22. And how they will tell a new installation of mine from a reinstall due a Windows crash followed by a total reinstall (see Vãos on YouTube this week). How they will tell a pirate install from a legitimate one? How they will tell honest installs from unethical competition reinstalling the game ad nauseaum on some sort of install farm to drive them out of business? How they intend to do that without breaking the GDPR on EU, or LGPD in Brazil? Who will be liable to the inevitable fines, Unity or the Game Developer?
  23. Worst case scenario - both KSPs will be DRM'd next release (to be launched before 2024), and previous releases without DRM will be withdrawn from the Stores as a way to cut losses, preventing people to make multiple installs - what tax them further without any incoming to counter-part it. As a colateral effect, kiss mods bye-bye. Murum aries attigit. There's no way to put the genie back to the bottle. It's clear that they want to increase the incoming my exploiting the installed base, not by increasing it. This fails to stick, they will try something else later. They are going to milk the cash cow to the death, and then sell steaks. It's not a matter of "if", but "when". They are not changing the contracts. They are changing the licensing terms of the Runtime. This is perfectly legal on USA (Game Publishers do it all the time, not to mention Microsoft). It's shady at best, but not illegal. And if someone wins a legal battle about the older Runtimes, suddenly a zero day vulnerability will be detected on it and anti-virus will start to block the old runtimes as well Stores will be forbidden to distribute it, and then Unity Tech will "kindly" provide a patch with the new runtime (for "free") with the new licensing terms for the game developers that are not willing to refund the games. Microsoft will just pass the cost to their costumers. MS will not risk challenging something they need to keep Windows users under their will. 1) Because is 20 cents per installation, not sell. And a sell can have many installs over the lifespan of the product. 2) Tell that to the Cult of the Lamb developer. How? I had already bought the thing, the sell is done. But it will still be generating costs to the developer every time I install it again (I have a machine with a install for every last KSP versions - 1.0.5, 1.1.3, you got it. How they will pass this cost to me? They weren't. They laid off 600 of their workforce last may. There's no research anymore, and I doubt it will be any further development - I'm betting that whoever is left, will be only closing issues from now on. Not to mention the elephant on the room: how in hell they plan to track these installs? Someone remember IronSource? It's obvious by this time that they were planning this movement for more than a year already, way before merging with IronSource. This is the reason I think that Unity3D's cash cow will be sold as steaks - they don't find the milk profitable anymore.
  24. I'm going to side with Squad, it's their pockets being picked. Assuming this krapness sticks (apparently they are backpaddling on this - hopefully), first we need to know what happens if "bootleg" copies of KSP are detected by Unity. Are Squad liable to pay for pirated copies installed? If no, so damn Unity - KSP¹ at least is extremely friendly for modding and we have authorisation to tinker with the API as long we don't touch private entities. I paid Squad, and so my legal obligations is to them. They had authorised us to have multiple installations as long we run only one at once, and we have the right to use firewalls. Linux and Mac users have already user configurable firewalls, a simple external Mono executable can be made to download a list of IPs to be blocked from somewhere and automatically configure the machine. Some of us already do it, anyway. Windows, on the other hand, will be a problem (as usual). We will have an issue if somehow Squad would be fined by these actions. We, users, may not have signed any contract with Unity, but Squad did - and, as we can see, Game Publishers and Developers are now suffering the same abuses some of them inflicted on us, end users: licensing terms can be turned against them as easily as it can be done with us. Problem is that this will prompt Squad to remove all previous releases from the Stores and publish a 1.12.6 with DRM as a measure to cut losses, what will shut down modding on KSP¹ for good unless creative (and probably illegal) measures are taken by us. It's absolutely hilarious that I just took notice of this: Well, if RockStar can do it, perhaps Squad can do it too? Releasing "cracked" copies of their own products, with all possible telemetry turned off? P.S: Yeah, I know Unity Tech said that only new installations counting from 2024 will be taxed - but they didn't said that only new games will be affected, so you can bet your mouse KSP¹ would be affected too. In a way or another, we have 4 months to "crack" this nut. (pun really intended) Sorry… — — POST EDIT — — Just found this one: https://www.gamesradar.com/viral-developer-says-their-free-survival-game-and-squid-game-parodies-would-have-cost-them-dollar56-million-under-new-unity-rules/
  25. And then committing into "piracy" on a thingy I had bought legally? If I going to commit a crime, why bothering starting legal at first place?
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