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  1. I believe Exploration Plus works with most or all planet packs, because the planets are not hard-coded. Contract Configurator works with whatever celestial bodies you have.
  2. @cxg2827 Thanks for taking the time to make your great videos. They've been an inspiration.
  3. Thank you @severedsolo for all the cool mods you’ve made! I got inspired to learn c# and made a customized version of Bureaucracy for myself a few months ago!
  4. Spreadsheets. Another reason to get a 21:9 monitor, lol.
  5. So, "Local Time" is the time on the local celestial body, and "KSC Time" is the time at the KSC. What is "Kerbin Related Time"?
  6. I believe [LM] is the maximum level of the launch site. [TC] is the total cost of the vessel, and [RC] is the number of rush clicks (useful, for example, if you want rush cost to go up with the number of rushes you do). I'm not sure about [Adm], [AC], [MC], etc., but I found this. Not quite sure what it's doing. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/blob/master/Kerbal_Construction_Time/KCT_UpgradingBuilding.cs#L166
  7. I've actually never used OPM, but I looked at it on GitHub and it has a Custom Barn Kit config (OPM_CommNet.cfg) that modifies the tracking station to have a 4th upgrade level with 2E12 range. I think you could actually call this a bug on Kerbalism's end. It needs to have another method to calculate this damping exponent for people with small Astronomical Units but large DSN requirements, such as with OPM. For OPM, I'd just keep using that override. Here is the source code for this specific feature, if you're curious. I stuck all the numbers and math in a spreadsheet to see how it worked. https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/blob/master/src/Kerbalism/Sim.cs#L841
  8. I took a look at the source code, out of curiosity. What the code does is try to make data rates fall off in a similar manner, regardless of the size of your solar system (the stock system is really small compared to our real life system). It does this using the max DSN range in your game and the "Astronomical Unit (AU)" of your system (the distance from your homebody to its sun). @Empiro You are playing with the stock system, and changed the default max DSN range, correct? That log entry shows your max DSN range is 2E12, which is 8x larger than the max DSN range of the stock tracking station (250E9). A damping exponent of 365 is correct given the stock system and a max DSN range of 2E12. If you plug in 250E9 (stock max range) and use the stock system (and thus stock AU), the damping exponent is 6. Of course, if you want a large DSN range and small system, that's what the override in Settings.cfg is for.
  9. Interesting! I'm gonna have to have a look at that on my game as well.
  10. Data rates do fall off quickly with small changes in signal strength, but that is rather extreme. What are your settings under the comms section in Settings.cfg? Are you using the default Kerbalism-Config?
  11. I'm gonna try to make a mission planning spreadsheet myself, because it'll be a good learning opportunity, but can you share any protips from making and using your sheet? Also, looking forward to Lindor V, if it's in the works!
  12. Here are the recompiled DLLs that include @JonnyOThan's memory leak fix. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rzc4joYIsMUcd56uDx3c1C2QCO9T3d0I?usp=share_link I think they're working, but obviously no warranty. I haven't had any crashes since I started using these.
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