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Everything posted by Nicky21

  1. The Spacedock site and CKan still reports OPT reconfig 1.2.3 as beeing built for 1.4.4 , not 1.4.5
  2. Slower. I want to take a few years to build a space station in orbit, not a few days. And that runs into some problems, as if you set the productivity below 0.5 or something (can't recall that now) it essentially becomes 0.
  3. If qickload/quicksave doesn't fix the issue then check if you have snap activated on both ports and if you did make sure the angle is the same on both ports or they will repel each other.
  4. Can you please include in the next update a variable that can tweak the global construction speed of your mod ? Pretty please ?
  5. Hi First of all this is an awesome planet pack. Since i started to play it i could never go back to stock Kerbin. I do have one peeve with it. All the planets in the pack (except Telumo ) are below 1 g and therefore quite easy to land on. Can we get a planet or two that have 1g maybe a bit higher ? Or at least some instructions where to change what to do this safely ?
  6. Kinda' all of them. You can build some truly awesome ships with these parts . https://imgur.com/xb2RhD5
  7. Is there a trick to getting these parts to work with tweakscale ?
  8. Is there a way to make this mod compatible with the KSTS mod ? Every time i use KSTS to bring fresh crewmen from kerbin their USI habitation and supplies timers don't get properly reset and more than once my kerbals died. Sometimes kerbals are transported from the surface of Kerbin to a ship in orbit with 2 habitation days left or none at all (they go straight to toursts). Needles to say that the ship in orbit had much more habitation than 2 days. Undocking and flying away to 150m+ and then redocking seems to reset the values but that's the hastle i wanted to avoid by installing KSTS.
  9. Tweakscaling OPT wings does not update the center of lift. Is there a trick to display the center of lift properly ?
  10. More and more mods are starting to use B9 part switch. This is not compatible with welding, unfortunately. Is there any progress to make the Welding mod compatible with b9 ?
  11. Is thre any progress on maing this compatible with the welding mod ?
  12. I had teh same issues ass you. While the launchpad from PBS is easily corrected ( the module called ExLaunchpad shoudl be callled ELLaunchpad ) so in teh cfg file the resoult should be like this: MODULE { name = ELLaunchpad SpawnTransform = LaunchTransform } The second issue i ran into, when tearing down builds or cancelling builds is more grave. Sometimes it crashes my game, sometimes the planets dissapear, and sometimes the number of materialkits i have in my building ship turns into NaN rather than a number. Also when trying to builld from teh PBS launchpad my craft shakes and suddenly explodes very very violently. I have no idea why.
  13. On one of my ships the tca doesn't trigger the engines properly when i take off (like a rocket). I have tried almost everything short of redesigning it from scratch. Here is what happens: The engines are all set to trust and maneuver except 2 big engines in the first stage set to manual trust. When i take off and turn on TCA (absolutely no modules installed - just the basic tca ) only the manual engines stay at full trust, the rest of the auxiliary engines stop firing except to make maneuvers (and obviously the ship starts to degrade its path). They act like i set them to maneuver, but they are set to trust and maneuver. Setting them to trust only also doesn't work. This goes on until i reach orbit. As soon as the system is out of Gael's suborbital trajectory, TCA starts working properly, as in it now balances the trust so that the center of trust is behind COM. Landing on the moons works fine, tca balances trusters (set to trust and maneuver) great. landing back on Gael also works great. The only time tca doesn't work is when i take off initially. What could cause this behavior ? Could some VTOL autopilot start in the background with out any indication ? This is very odd behavior as i have designed vessels very similar to this one and TCA works as intended when taking off. https://imgur.com/JzjXIwk https://imgur.com/EoD3WOM https://imgur.com/9swSEJY
  14. I don't know the difference. There was a button "Land" and as soon as i entered an suborbital trajectory i hit that and it was pretty unstoppable. Thanks for the color config, i'll try it right away!
  15. Is there a way to change the color of the buttons used in this mod ? I can't really distinguish between green and yellow.
  16. This is an excellent mod, thank you for taking your time to build it ! I have, however, 2 problems with it. The first is more of an UI thing. I accidentally started the landing program and I had no visible abort button for it. i turned off the TCA assuming that would kill the program but as soon as i turned it back on again it continued to land. I still don't know how, once the land program started it never stops. The second is much more important. Your mod devalues the Pilot's experience. Now i have worked on having several level 2 pilots and one level 4 for days now in my career game. However, after i install the components on my ship, it doesn't really matter who flies it, does it ? I would suggest that some components and programs should be available only to high level pilots or something or some of the low level but really smart pilots. Anyway, again, excellent mod ! now my spaceships really feel like spaceships, not tin cans controlled by a swiss clock !!!!
  17. Did anybody report any serious fps drops when landing near anomalies ? (using the Galileo Planets Pack)
  18. amd apu 6790 k, 16 gb ram, gtx 1060 3gb. If you want screenshots or logs or whatever, please let me know. The game is fully playable, so i'm not requesting support or anything it's just an issue i wanted to make you aware of. The fps are excelent in every aspect of the game except when landed (or under 5-10 kilometers) on the moons. There is a visible increase in fps when my ship reaches a certain altitude. The frames are also fine when landed at Gael on water or on land. Latter add: Landing on Iota near the monolith is an absolute lag fest. like 4 fps or something..... Now that i think about it, landing near the neil armstrong monument on Ceti was laggier as well.
  19. I'm getting FPS drops when landing on Iota and Ceti, but weirdly enough not when I land at Gael (water, lands, clouds, whatever). 1.4.3, eve, scatterer, textures set to half resolution.
  20. I have 2 questions, if you please: 1) what is the cpu hit for this mod ? 2 does this affect negatively bases built on the ground ? Liek will I come back a month later and find my base somwhere else or blown up?
  21. I think i found a bug or something. The life support window, when running warp for a long time keeps consuming my supplies, ignoring the fact that i have agroponics and fertilizer on that station. The same is true for energy cells, it consumes the existing stock then the kerbals go tourist, ignoring the fact that i have solar panel on that station. As soon as i switch to that station, i find that the agroponics has been working and the solars have been working as intended, the stores are in fact full, and my kerbals go promptly back to work. This bug has been consistent with 1.3.1 and the latest 1.4.3 . Do you need screenshots or logs or something ?
  22. Is thee any definitive way to make this mod weld-friendly ? the fps is killing me ! I mean welding parts work, but sometimes textures are missing from the welds...
  23. I just noticed that if i use voluminous wings to act as fuel tanks i get very little fuel in that wing. liek 10 units of oxidizer in a 1 ton wing. Is there a fix for this ?
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