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Everything posted by Nicky21

  1. Another bug i've found is that now i some ship parts that should be classified as debris but it's classified as ship. Tehre's no probe core on it or other control point so i can manualy change it.
  2., from ckan. Galileo Planet pack. This is what my VAB looks now after the latest update :))))))))))) https://imgur.com/a/jkRcvfK ... and this is how my sapce center looks like https://imgur.com/a/Ie8cbtr
  3. 1) A year ago, whe i was on 1.4.2 I also noticed more crashed when i start using opt parts. I'm on 1.6.1 now, new save game, i'll report if i start getting frequent crashed once i unlock the opt parts again. 2) Small bug report: the opt stail research lab unlocks one tech earlier than it should. Space Exploration vs Adv. Exploration.
  4. The mod works fine in 1.6.1, no crashes. bug 1: every relay I design is now classified as probe unless I specifically set it otherwise. bug 2: I have relay in orbit. I click on the "persistent pod name" function, change it from probe to relay. when i click on the button again, it's bac to being a probe. no matter how many times i try to change it or even change it into station, it reverts to beeing a probe. bug 3: (most likely related) is this: I design a 2 stage relay, I click on the rename vessel to mark it as a relay (cuz its probe at teh begining). I used the "rename vessel" function, not the "persistent pod name". Once I ditch the stage, the thing is back to beeing a probe. I'll keep reporting weird stuff as I progress.
  5. A question: teh Rook's Glory Launchpad doesn not have an antenna. You can't realy launch probes form there before placing a relay. Is this intentional or an oversight ?
  6. Hi My gael planet is over the top bright on the sunny side. Like eyes hurting bright. I use Scatterer and EVE. What is the setting i need to turn down the brightness ? https://imgur.com/a/rBSlniE
  7. I managed to fix my 2 stuck docking ports with this tool. Thank you for this !!!
  8. Much interest in this. There are still problems with stock naming of vessels. For instance i have a cruiser that splits into a lander. After i redock teh lander with the orbiting part teh vessel gets reclassified as station. This is without naming the probles in the VAB. If i name things in the VAB then that name will overwrite anything that docks to said ship. For instance i have a station that i specificaly named in teh VAB as "Fuel Station" (right click on a probe core and set its name) I have a cruiser in orbit that i didn't named. I renamed it in orbt as "CRS AChilles". After i dock it with the station it loses teh name and it becomes "Fuel Station ship". This is most agravating....
  9. I noticed a kopernicus.version text file in teh mod. it contains the 1.6.0 version number. I wonder if that can be cahnged manualy to force kopernicus to work on 1.6.1 ? I very much doubt the update realy broke the mod... Later edit: Aparently not.
  10. I installed Interstellar for my fisrt time. I went into the sandbox mode and tried out different engines in teh VAB. I noticed, however that some engines don't generate Delta V at all (kerba engeeneer readout). For some other engines there is a button to switch propellant but no propellant es ever selected. AND for some other engines there is no available storage of theri required fuel. Is tehre anythign i'm missing? Some other mods? maybe i botched my install, but i highly doubt that as all i did was clcik download in ckan...
  11. A shame, though, as there tube extenders are the only way to make a decent station that can dock almost anything on it. By using docking ports you have to make sure that all the ports are in the correct positions on all your ship classes.
  12. I just tested things. I changed captureRange fron 0.06 to 0.6 and then to 2. still no grapple. I think this is somethign Nertea has to fix himself.
  13. Material Kits are an USI mod thing. You need that one as well.
  14. I looked at the cfg file myself. I' pretty sure the attachment node is somewhere inside the collider mesh, so the ship hits the mesh before it hits the attachment node. However i have no idea what to change where to move the node a bit outwards.
  15. I would be so down for that !!!! also a question: What do i need to do to get higher paying contracts to another body ? Duna for instance?
  16. You sure? Cuz' I clawed things at 0.6 m/s like 3 days ago. I will test it again, though, maybe i'll get lucky.
  17. I used the small one for docking before, i know it works. It just doesn't have the connection strength to keep my big ships from krakening out. I'll try again with a flat surface to see if that does it. EDIT: I have tried slamming into the b-ex-2 with the flat surface of the service bay several times. That is as flat as it gets in ksp. It simply doesn't connect .
  18. Is there some trick to docking with the B-EX-2 Extensible? I've tried to dock to that thing for 30 mind now, at different speeds. I tried to get it to attach to a mk2 fuselage, or to an opt stail tanker. Nothing. I've tried differnet speeds an angles. KSP 1.4.5 https://imgur.com/a/4CqcJyj
  19. Another question i have: what do i need to do to make sure the production of various workshops scales appropriately with tweakscale ?
  20. There is a incompatibility with Kerbal Joint Reinforcements. Which sucks cuz onyl with KJR i can deploy big ships without them going poof. When you deploy the orbital kit construction and have KJR installed, the kit gets deployed inside the ship that is docked to, resulting into a big explosion because of the overlap. Without KJR, the kit deploys normally without problems. However, when you launch the new ship without KJR ( and mind you this was a pretty big ship ) the new ship suffers an initial shock when its created and thus explodes. ,In the best case scenario (i did 10 tries) it broke up the solar panels/comunotrons. With KJR installed, the initial deploying shock is much attenuated and the ships survives intact on launch. The solution so far is to instal KJR only when deploying big ships and uninstaing it when you depoy the kit. Also, with big ships, the ships launches a bit inside of your construction starbase which results into an instant boom. the solution so far is pretty simple; i changed the launch spawn variable from SpawnOffset = 0, -1, 0 to SpawnOffset = 0, 0, 0 and it fixed the issue. I mean it looks weird the ships spawning far away but weird is better than boom. Later edit: Regarding ships going poof when they're launched, i found a second solution: If the root part of the ship is a sturdy one (for instance i used the orbital workshop as root) the ship barely suffers any shock when launched and can be launched safely. However if you use a smaller part ( i used the MKS circular storage tanks in the ship that went poof 10 times ) the shock that is sent throughout the ship works like a domino effect and is much bigger. I hope this helps somewhat.
  21. I have a beef with B9 parts switch too. It's even more annoying since more and more mods started to use this.
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